Isn't that a fine collection of madmen? Gets your juices flowing, doesn't it? We can't wait to see them kill each other, especially with VonIvan. That guy really likes to see his men die.
Top Seed
That would be DevM. Back in the day, he was somewhat of an unknown until a certain interview came. Since then he has been hard at work. First in Company of Heroes 1, then in 2, and nowdays in League of Legends. A superb player. We have high hopes for him. So high in fact, that should he fail to enter the finals, we will come knocking on his door. With a bucket and a bag of cement. And a boat!
As for how the seeds were selected, allow Matt "A_E" Dunn to explain it you. We appolgies for his tiredness. We ran out of performance enchanthing non-sleep drugs a little while before that video.
Also. In the forums, Siphon X. has been gnawing at stats. If that is your food, head on over.
The Streams For the Weekend
The main stream will be looked after by Matt "A_E" and Danny "Stormless". Meanwhile, the secondary stream will be run by Romeo and then Imperial Dane (Better known as the StuG Father. All praise the StuGs!).
- Stream A:
- Stream B:

Gentlemen, ladies, in this corner, the real man: Noggano. Opposite of him, soon to be an army recruit: Jove. These two Russian heavy weights will go at it on this Sunday, at 12:00 PM GMT, for a best of three. The winner takes home 100 pounds provided by Relic Entertainment.
Both players could not make it for the Championship. Noggano has his end exams while Jove is, as we said, off to the army. We had hoped to see them play for the grand prize, but it won't happen. We are sadden by this.
Best of luck to you both, on the exams and in the army.