
russian armor

June 21st Patch Analysis



Increase Strategic Diversity

In order to add to CoH2’s current strategic diversity, the changes outlined below are designed to Increase the depth within factions by improving unit viability, creating diverse options for build orders and bringing factions in line with one another. This will create more diverse and viable strategies for players at a variety of different skill levels.
Match Gameplay Expectations to Outcomes (Quality of Life)

There currently are a variety of gameplay outcomes that do match player expectations which is creating a degree of frustration within the player base. A number of the changes outlined below attempt to address this by matching these outcomes to acceptable expectations such as through the removal of “bad” RNG and balancing specific units/abilities' cost vs reward that are currently out of tune.


Heavy armored Tanks

Developer Comments: We felt the risk associated with flanking a Heavy Armored Vehicle was much too great because of the high rear armor. To help balance this risk vs reward we are reducing rear armor on all heavy armor across the board.

  • Soviet IS-2 rear armor reduced from 205 to 140
  • Wehrmacht Tiger & Tiger Ace rear armored reduced from 180 to 140
  • Wehrmacht Elefant rear armor reduced from 150 to 110
  • OKW Jagdtiger rear armor reduced from 150 to 110
  • OKW King Tiger rear armor reduced from 225 to 150
  • British Comet Tank rear armor reduced from 180 to 130

!This makes the tanks much more vulnerable to flanking. People will have to be more careful and support their heavies better. This makes mine placement even more important.Kryptic

!Finally, flanking is rewarding. As a player that loves medium tank play, this is a long overdue, but absolutely great change.CookiezNcreem

Mines (General-Purpose and Tellers)

Developer Comments: We often saw mines wipe full health squads when planted in front of building entry points or cripple enemy vehicles. We also tried in the Balance Preview trying to reduce the damage of mines to deal with this issue but it made mines feel very underwhelming. We wanted the keep the satisfaction of some casualties without the squad wipes, thus we have ensured mines kill some models in a squad but not wipe the entire squad out completely. We are also removing all engine destroy and Tread Breaking Criticals from all mines. These changes will bring the reward of an enemy unit hitting a mine in line with the cost of placing it.

  • Soviet Field Craft Mines damage increased to 80
  • Soviet Field Craft Mines can do damage to a maximum of 1 member in a squad
  • All other general purpose mines do damage to a maximum of 2 member in a squad.
  • Deals suppression on squads hit by mines. (General-Purpose)
  • Engine destroy and Tread Break Criticals removed from all mines.

!A 10-30 muni mine at the entrance of a door wiping my entire call-in squad meant the difference between winning and losing. It often had my blood boiling as well. Glad they changed the mine mechanics, even though it means less model kills. The suppression is going to make the mines worthwhile for proper defensive play.Kryptic

!The biggest indirect buff to Ostheer in the patch. No more full squad wipe potential of the general purpose mines makes a huge difference to Ostheer's four man squad's longevity. You lose the game when you lose your squads. This will make spreading out your forces without a sweeper much less punishing.Tobis

Random Engine Damage

Developer Comments: We feel engine damage should always be caused by explicit actions and not randomly through a critical table. We are removing random engine criticals from occurring above 5% health. Engine damage now only occur above 5% health from mines, and from specific abilities that always cause engine damage.

Removed all random engine damage criticals from vehicles above 5% health

!More annoying RNG removed from the game is always a step in the right direction.HelpingHans


Developer Comments: We felt it was too easy to charge into suppressive fire and simply throw a grenade to knock out a HMG team. This was not an intended counter and thus suppression will now reduce the range of grenade abilities.

All grenade abilities that are not snares have their range reduced by 33% when the unit is suppressed.

!This supports tactical usage of a map. Instead of just running straight into a MG and throwing a grenade on it, you will actually have to move around or find another way of engaging. Infantry running straight into a MG should be punished and not be able to come out on top of that engagement.Kryptic

!This change hits USF the hardest. No more trollolol-ing into MG42s frontally and clearing them. Combine this with the new non doctrinal MG34, and USF will find itself in a much less dominating position with nade tech researched, forcing purchase of a mortar to properly counter the huge influx of heavy machine guns. This also is a huge nerf to Grenadiers frontally face-rolling Allied MG's, and getting flame grenades in on Vickers HMG's. All around, a very good change for gameplay as a whole. CookiezNcreem

Anti-Tank Guns (AT guns, Piats, Bazookas, and Panzerschrecks)

Developer Comments: To alleviate the effects of some frustrating RNG from anti-tank weapons firing on infantry squads, we have decided to reduce the damage these weapons deal to infantry to prevent snipes on full health models.

Damage set to deal only 25% against infantry.

!At last, we finally get target tables for shotguns, I mean, infantry anti tank weapons.CookiezNcreem


Developer Comments: We felt Snipers, even when caught out of position, felt too durable. We also wanted to standardize all sniper rifles to use the maximum amount of time for aim-time and cooldown. These weapons will no longer fire faster the closer the squad approaches them.

Target size from 1 to 1.15.

Cooldown, and all aim-time always uses the max amount of time and has been standardized for all distances meaning snipers do not fire more quickly the closer the target is.

!The Ostheer sniper is still living like he's in the matrix, but he should be much easier to hit now. He will still be extremely difficult to kill with higher veterancy though.CookiezNcreem

!This will prevent lone snipers from winning a 1v1 against low DPS squads rushing them, such as Combat Engineers.Tobis

Deflection Stun Criticals

Developer Comments: Some heavy armored vehicles had an extremely rare critical that could stun enemy vehicles on deflection. We feel this is frustrating RNG and should be removed from the game.

Deflection criticals from Heavy Armor removed

Core Infantry/Small Team Weapon Spawn Points

Developer Comments: We felt by allowing smaller team weapons and core infantry to spawn from corresponding base buildings, it could slightly speed up initial engagements, and allow for more meaningful base placements for Soviets, Wehrmacht, and OKW factions.

All Core Infantry Squads and Core Small Weapon Teams now spawn from its corresponding building rather than from Off-Map.

!Players will no longer be able to change the spawn location of their infantry once the building has been constructed. This will have more noticeable effects on wide maps or in team games where you might want to spawn units near the other side of the base sector.Tobis

This is a huge slap in the face for 2v2+ players. Now, we will be unable to change spawn points for infantry at any point of the game to coordinate better with your team. In Rails and Metal, it was popular to double the closer fuel in the beginning using the map entry points. Now you cannot and the same goes for all the other maps. To slightly quicken the pace of early game in a 1v1 setting, 2v2+ players just got one of their big strategical/tactical choices confiscated. Pigsoup

Last man dead

Developer Comments: Team weapon gunners will have the lowest priority to get targeted. Players can still attack the gunner first if they manually target that entity but automatically they will always target the gunner last. We are hoping this will help with the death loops where weapon teams constantly try to man their team weapons as they retreat.

Team weapon gunners target priority lowered.

!The grenade range nerf combined with this change make HMG play much more attractive. Expect A LOT of machine gun play now.CookiezNcreem

Intel Bulletins

Developer Comments: We wanted to make a few adjustments to some Intel Bulletins

Hetzer 57 now has a 50% faster weapon reload and applies to the Flammpanzer 38

!If this Hetzer reload bulletin is not a typo, it might actually make the vehicle worth using.Tobis

Other new Bulletins:

!These bulletins... What ever happened to bulletins only having a slight change on gameplay?Momo4sho



Developer Comments: We felt the T-34/76 was under performing and needed some improvements to help deal with infantry.

  • Hull Machine gun burst duration changed from 2/1 to 2/2.
  • Hull Machine gun accuracy increased from 0.3/0.35/0.4 to 0.4/0.45/0.5
  • Hull Machine gun cooldown reduced from 5/5 to 3/2
  • Coaxial Machine gun burst duration changed from 3/2 to 3/3.
  • Coaxial Machine gun accuracy increased from 0.28/0.33/0.38 to 0.43/0.48/0.53
  • Coaxial Machine gun cooldown reduced from 5/5 to 3/2
  • Main gun reload from 6.2/6.8 to 6.1.

!The T-34/76 was bad at damaging infantry and it does not have a pintle gunner upgrade like most other tanks to overcome this issue. These changes should make it a viable option rather than just using T-70 spam all the time.Tightrope


Developer Comments: We saw that the Soviets had to rely on Doctrines or would have a difficult time dealing with heavy armored vehicles. We wanted slightly improve the SU-85 to be stronger against heavy armored vehicles while being slightly weaker against flanking vehicles.

  • Accuracy from 0.05/0.0375/0.25 to 0.055/0.045/0.04
  • Penetration from 200/190/180 to 240/230/220
  • Reload increased from 3.8/4.2 to 5.4.
  • Target size reduced from 22 to 18
  • Rotation rate from 20 to 22
  • Cost increases from 340 manpower and 120 fuel to 350 manpower and 130 fuel.
  • Veterancy two -30% reload modifier replaced with +30% weapon penetration modifier.

!Did somebody say Stug spam?

This is one of the most notable nerf-buffs of the patch. The SU-85 will be more reliable vs heavy armour. This is a much-needed buff to Soviet late game. At the same time, the SU-85 is giving up its characteristic machine-gun-like rate-of fire. This will make SU-85 significantly less effective versus low-armour targets, especially the Stug.Mr Smith


Developer Comments: Modified to put it in line with other vehicles and slight boost to its penetration to help it better engage heavier armor.

  • Scatter offset adjusted to match other vehicles.
  • Penetration increased from 250/220/190 to 250/230/210

!IS-2 finally gets its turn in the power-creep limelight (started off by the Tiger / King-Tiger buffs some months ago).

The scatter offset fix is huuuuuge. Remember the drunken IS-2 gunner that kept missing every single shot against infantry squad? He's joined AA, and now he's sober; let the wipes begin! Also, don't worry about the rear-armour nerf. Very few things in OST/OKW arsenal had penetration low enough actually to consistently bounce off your rear armour to begin with (well, except for Pumas/P4's).MrSmith

Trip-Wire Flare Mine

Developer Comments: Adjusted the mine to prevent one-hit kills at full health. Mainly done to prevent squad wipes of units leaving buildings. Plant time was lowered and the mine now deals damage to compensate.

  • Damage from 0 to 20.
  • Is now a Small Explosive Weapon type
  • No longer guarantees a casualty
  • Plant time from 9.5 to 7.5

Soviet Sniper

Developer Comments: The Soviet Sniper had the lowest health amongst all the Snipers. Because we are increasing the unit size of all Snipers, we have made adjustment to the health the Soviet Sniper to compensate.

Health increased from 48 to 64

!Received accuracy is going up by 15%, but this 33% increase in health should be helpful against both explosives and small arms. Another buff to Soviet tier 1.Tightrope

RPG 43 AT Grenade

Developer Comments: This ability's current wind up time made it feel unresponsive, thus we have reduced its wind up time alleviate this issue.

Wind up reduced from 0.25 to 0.125

!This change is weird to me. The Soviet AT grenade has one of the best response times compared to all the other snares. Riflemen and Panzerfusilier's and their "responsive" snares are crying in a corner with this change.CookiezNcreem

Penal Battalion

Developer Comments: Due to the lack of anti-tank in the Special Rifle Command, we are giving Penal Battalions a more focused roll as a dedicated anti-infantry unit.

  • SVT accuracy to .7/.65/.45
  • SVT damage from 8 to 10.
  • Cooldowns and aim-times adjusted.
  • Squad cost increased to 300 manpower from 270 manpower.
  • Reinforce time from 4.5 to 5.4. Build time from 27 to 32 seconds.

"Tripwire Flare" changed to "To The Last Man!" This ability is a passive that increases the power of the squad as they lose members. Modifiers are +4% accuracy, -2% weapon cooldown and -3% received accuracy per member lost.

!Possibly the most wide reaching change to the Soviet faction. Buffed Penal Battalions will serve as a form of stock elite infantry for the Soviets. This will open up far more doctrines for use, because you are not shoe-horned into choosing commanders with call-in elite troops.

Commanders such as Soviet Industry, Urban Defense, Armored Assault, and Lend Lease will look more attractive now that they can rely on some infantry stronger than conscripts. Tier 1 play will also be much more rewarding to the player with stronger anti-infantry units to compensate for the lack of anti-tank units.Tobis


57mm ATG

Developer Comments: In order to bring the 57mm AT Gun in line with other AT Guns from other factions in the same Tier, we have increased the base penetration to improve performance when not using AP rounds. Take Aim shifted to a timed ability to reflect its power. Accuracy changed to match other anti-tank guns.

  • Penetration from 140/125/115 to 150/140/130
  • Take Aim! now a timed ability. 20 seconds, 60 second recharge.
  • Accuracy changed from 0.05/0.0425/0.03 to 0.055/0.05/0.04

!A large buff to the penetration and accuracy, but a huge nerf to the take aim ability. The AT gun will be much better, especially at long range, but the Take Aim! ability will need to be used only when needed, making it much less of a no-brainer.Tobis


Developer Comments: Increased penetration to make it a more viable soft counter to light vehicles as well as more distinct from other HMGs due to its later timing. We also wanted to give the lieutenant tier a deterrent against light vehicles without needing to invest in bazookas. Bonus penetration against specific vehicles to ensure the .50cal can harm these vehicles, but not burst down other light vehicles immediately.

M2HB .50cal HMG penetration from 3/2/1 to 7/6/5.
New Ability: Armored Piercing Rounds - Timed ability that loads AP rounds for 25% increased damage and +10 penetration.

!While not the most powerful AT by any means this change does allow the .50cal and the Lieutenant tier some defense against light vehicle rushes. Especially, when in buildings. This is particularly useful against 222s which are an issue for the LT tech.Miragefla

M36 Jackson

Developer Comments: Increased LOS to allow the M36 to better kite, locate and hunt enemy armor without boosting its firepower any further.

  • LOS from 35 to 40
  • Tank acceleration increased from 2.5 to 3
  • Veterancy 2 sight radius bonus changed from 30% to add 5

!Sight-range reshuffling (from Vet2 to Vet0) on the Jackson will not really alter the dynamics of the Jackson vs the tanks that it is supposed to counter. On one hand, it is a good thing that the Jackson is not a self-spotting beast. On the other hand, USF lacks decent spotting options in their stock to support their Paper-tank fleet in the late-game.

At least the added sight range will help the Jackson not run into Schreck infantry; if they are still around after the patch.Mr Smith

M8 Motor Carriage

Developer Comments: We felt the M8 HMC was under-performing and needed a slight stat boost to improve survivability and effectiveness. The AOE drop-off for the mid-far range was lessened to improve the M8's damage output against troop targets when its shells do not land direct hits. The damage drop-off was incredibly harsh given that the mid-range of the shells are set to 2 meters.

  • AOE mid modifer from 0.15 to 0.25
  • AOE far modifier from 0.05 to 0.10
  • Build-time from 80 seconds to 50 seconds.
  • Health from 320 to 400.

!The US changes to the Scott has now given the US a far more potent non-doctrinal late-game than they currently have. The Scott changes basically fix it to the version we had before the ninja-nerf, and now they no longer get one-shotted by heavy AT or take a month to build.

This means that they can now support US infantry by smoking enemy positions while moving, provide supporting fire against blobs, and generally help US scale late-game against potent German late-game infantry and support teams. Most importantly, with the Scott, losing a rifle squad or 2 is no longer a death sentence. Scotts can support low vet rifle squads so that they can get close enough to use their utility abilities to clean up the enemy.comm_ash


Developer Comments: We have significantly boosted the artillery ability in power and lowered cost to give USF some form of non-doctrinal artillery to help break concentrations of enemy units and structures. Recharge time increased to compensate and match other artillery units.

  • Artillery delay reduced from 7 seconds to 5.5
  • Shells increased from 3 to 6.
  • Time delay between shells set to 2 for maximum and minimum.
  • Veterancy 2 Artillery delay reduced from 7 seconds to 5
  • Veterancy 2 Shells increased from 5 to 9 Veterancy 2 time delay between shells set to 1.75 for maximum and minimum.
  • Artillery cost reduced to 60 munitions from 120 munitions.
  • Recharge time from 60 seconds to 90.
  • Range reduced from 85 to 60.

!The buffs to the Scott and major artillery should help fill USF's non-doctrinal artillery role, which was previously severely lacking.

In addition, the Major Artillery + Other Offmap strikes such as the 155mm will be very strong at destroying OKW forward bases.Tightrope

!Buffing Major artillery and lowering the cost to 60 munition will allow the Major to have a different utility than just being a forward retreat point.

Now, there is finally a worthy opportunity cost for using Major as a free FRP (one down.. two to go). Alongside the artillery call-in is the fake artillery flare which might not be too useful on its own but coupled with the buffed real arty, it will give players a great incentive to use the Major as a great supporting unit on the front. Pigsoup


Developer Comments: The Captain squad gave USF a very easy access to light Anti-Tank and made the Captain the most valuable officer in the game. We removed the Bazookas on the Captain squad to allow for light vehicle play to be more effective.

On Me! no longer provides suppression resistance to prevent negation of MGs or suppression based platforms, but will break suppression making it ideal for getting units out of suppression or beaking pin status.

Captain no longer comes with free Bazookas. Captain now has a squad upgrade to purchase 1 bazooka
On Me! No longer provides suppression immunity for its duration, but will still break suppression. No longer affects Team Weapons.

!This will make Axis light vehicles more useful and maybe we will even see the Lieutenant tier making a comeback from the dead again!Kryptic

M1 81mm Mortar

Developer Comments: We wanted to give USF more means to counter garrisons without grenades and a mobile smoke platform as well as diversify their opening.

Added M1 81mm Mortar to USF Starting Building

!( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CookiezNcreem

Sherman Bulldozer

Developer Comments: We are adding a hold fire toggle button so the Sherman Bulldozer doesn’t fire at units when not intended.

Added Hold Fire


251 Flame Half-Track

Developer Comments: We made some slight adjustments to the Flamethrower aim times to allow for the vehicle to be better at kiting, reduced the cost to make it more affordable and in line with its performance. We have also reduced the garrison damage to avoid the vehicle instantly wiping garrisoned squads.

  • Upgrade cost reduced from 120 to 90
  • Ready aim time from 1.5 to 1
  • Flamethrower damage versus garrison from 1.25 to 1.
  • Veterancy 3 cooldown bonuses now benefits the Flamethrowers.

!The changes for the Flame Half-Track seem to be balanced. Burning the hell out of anything that was garrisoned within a very short time frame was a tad too strong in my opinion.

By reducing its cost by 30 munitions, lowering its ready aim time and granting it the benefits of its veterancy level 3 bonuses, the Flame Half-Track will be more attractive and will be seen more often beside the 222. Furthermore, Ostheer will rely less on Pioneer Flamers who can instead be upgraded with Mine Sweepers to spot dangerous explosives.Theodosios

Support Armor Korp

Developer Comments: We felt the Support Armour Korp was slightly too expensive in comparison to other faction Tier 3 and needed a slight reduction in terms of cost to make the tier more affordable.

Price from 260 manpower and 75 fuel to 240 manpower and 60 fuel.

!Tech cost reductions are a very welcome change. Before this almost all players used commanders with call in vehicles as teching to Tier 4 was too expensive.Tightrope


Developer Comments: Due to its clunky movement, the Brummbar would often get blocked against world objects. We decided to give this vehicle Heavy Crush to improve pathfinding and make it more maneuverable. Reload time standardized to make it more consistent and AOE has been adjusted to improve consistency as the damage quickly drops off by 2 meters. To adjust for these changes. Resource costs have been updated to bring it in line with its current performance.

  • Cost decreased from 470 manpower and 160 fuel to 420 manpower and 150 fuel
  • Reload standardized from 7.5/9 seconds to 8.25.
  • AOE mid modifer from 0.15 to 0.3
  • Medium crush changed to Heavy Crush.
  • Veterancy requirements from 2740/5480/10960 to 2040/4080/8160
  • Added hold fire

!While T4 might not be the most used tier, even with the changes due to its cost, the Brummbar itself will be devastating when properly supported without breaking the bank.

Capable of easily clearing squads and team weapons with the new changes, the Brummbar will also have a much easier time pathing, thanks to the heavy crush. Furthermore, with the reduction in experience, Brummbars will be potent line-breakers with their bunker-busting barrage and getting their armour/ROF boosts as they level up.

Heavy Panzer Korp

Developer Comments: We felt the Heavy Panzer Korp was slightly too expensive given the price of the high cost units it currently houses.

Cost reduced from 260 manpower and 75 fuel to 200 manpower and 50 fuel.

!This price reduction turns Ostheer's Tier IV into a more desirable option to go for and further promotes Ostheer players to utilize more stock units which is always a nice change to see. In the best case scenario we will see less call-in based games not only in team games but also in 1vs1s.Theodosios

Panzer IV Command Tank

Developer Comments: The Panzer IV Command Tank was much too durable because it benefitted from its own aura. To make it more vulnerable, the tank will no longer receive a defense buff from its aura.

No longer receives benefits from its own aura.

!Since the PIV Command Tank will no longer benefit from its own aura, thus it will be easier to bring down, or at least deter it from the direct front-lines. As a supporting unit, the Command PIV is supposed to stay a bit behind the front-line rather than spearheading your assault, as it has been used for most of the time until now. This change is quite appreciated.Theodosios


Developer Comments: Even though the Wehrmacht can build a trench, this is not as flexible as other forms of heavy cover such as sandbags. To increase the faction's heavy cover options, Pioneers have now been given the ability to build sandbags.

Can now construct sandbags.

!Ostheer infantry should be able to fight on much more even terms with UKF infantry especially with the addition of sandbags.CookiezNcreem

Bundled Grenade (Panzer Grenadiers, Obersoldaten, and Fallschrimjager)

Developer Comments: We felt that Bundled Grenades have been under-performing and not meeting their original design intentions. To bump up their performance we have made the following changes.

  • AOE increased from 4 to 5
  • AOE distance adjusted from 3/2/1 to 3.75/2.5/1.25
  • Damage increased to 120

!While the Panzer Grenadier bundle grenade was over-cost for a long time, I definitely do not agree with the direction of the buff. If PGrens really required an AI buff, it would have been better to apply the buff directly on their STGs. That way the AI buff would become contained on non-schrecked PGrens. MrSmith

!I would have much preferred a cost reduction to the bundle grenade rather than a massive buff to its damage. I believe this change makes it stronger than the commando light gammon bomb. The only saving grace is that it takes slightly longer to throw, making it easier to dodge.Tightrope


Battlegroup Headquarters

Developer Comments: This change was driven from a popular idea that was expressed by the community. Battlegroup HQ no longer comes with Medics but must upgrade to get them. Due to OKW now having full resource income and to bring this ability in line with other factions, this upgrade costs a small amount of fuel.

  • Medics must now be purchased as an upgrade. Cost 100 manpower and 15 Fuel.
  • Medics heal rate increased from 5 to 8

Mechanized Headquarters

Developer Comments: This change was driven from a popular idea that was expressed by the community. Mechanized HQ no longer comes with Repair Pioneers but must upgrade to get them. Due to OKW now having full resource income and to bring this ability in line with other factions, this upgrade costs a small amount of fuel.

Repair Pioneers must now be purchased as an upgrade. Cost 100 manpower and 15 Fuel.

!Looks interesting. A small sacrifice of 100 manpower and 15 Fuel has to be made to upgrade. Still worth doing In my opinion.Kryptic


Developer Comments: This change was driven from a popular idea that was expressed by the community. In an attempt to break up the Volksgrenadier blobbing we are removing the Panzershrek upgrade. This has been replaced by a package that improves their AI at short-mid range whilst still maintaining some anti-tank to deal with armor that rushes behind ATGs or other units. While the upgrade is not that powerful to start off with, they do gain considerable power as the Volks gain veterancy which has many offensive boosts.

  • Panzershrek Package removed.
  • Added StG 44 Package. Grants the squad two StG 44s that improve short-mid range combat for 60 munitions.
  • Panzerfaust ability added which is unlocked after a truck is built. (Panzerfaust works just like the Grenadier Panzerfaust)

!Interesting change. This will mean OKW will have to rely more on their other AT units to do the work (raketten/mines/tanks). I think this change will also make blobbing less effective, which was a big complaint on the forums).

I am glad they got a panzerfaust, since OKW does not have the best AT guns, snares will be required to make it all work together. Also, I am interested to see how obersoldaten are going to be used. Since volksgrenadiers now gain more of a anti-infantry purpose which is the purpose of obersoldaten as well. Will they be worth the price, or will the volksgrenadiers with the stg44s be sufficient enough?Kryptic

MG34 HMG Team

Developer Comments: This change was driven from a popular idea that was expressed by the community. Community has voiced their opinion that they feel the OKW needs a suppression platform to deal with enemy blobs but also to have additional options other than always blobbing more Volksgrenadiers. To address this we have raised the MG 34s accuracy to improve its damage output against targets at range and reduced its cooldown to improve damage output at engaging multiple targets. MG-34s are now standard in the OKW arsenal.

  • Mid accuracy from 0.41 to 0.5
  • Far accuracy from 0.14 to 0.28
  • Cooldown from 2.5/3 to 1.75/2.5
  • Cost increased from 210MP to 230MP
  • Available in the H.Q but requires a Battle Group H.Q or Mechanized H.Q.

!With this addition, OKW will now have the ability to have some ability to fight massed Allied infantry in the mid-game phase where OKW is either relying on call-ins or waiting to get their Obers. The changes also mean OKW is not reliant on simply throwing more Volks at the issue until they can reach the mid-late game.

Combined with the Volk StGs, OKW can do a very potent timing attack early game, and then lock down the area against opposing infantry, defending the areas that they have seized.

Fortification Doctrine

Developer Comments: Replaces the MG 34 in the Doctrine

Replaced MG34 call in for LeFH 18 Artillery

!The addition of the LEFH to the OKW lineup now gives OKW the ability to counter British emplacements in the late game much more easily. In addition, it gives OKW a new potent option to attacking blobs and retreat points, while not forcing them to spend fuel to do so. With the addition of the MG34 as well to the stock army, OKW now has plenty of options to counter blobs and forward positions.comm_ash

Luftwaffe Ground Forces Doctrine

Developer Comments: Replaces the MG 34 in the Doctrine

Replaced the MG34 call in for Reconnaissance Overflight

!This Reconnaissance Flight will grant OKW a doctrinal ability to have a greater overview over the battlefield for 80 munitions. It seems to be the same doctrinal ability as the Ostheer has at its disposal.

In combination with Fallschirmjäger being capable of spawning from any map integrated building, this ability should be pretty useful. Hostile Snipers, for example, will be easier to spot and kill with Fallschirmjägers jumping out from a proximate building. Other than that, you can descry the location of every adversarial unit which allows you to plan offensives or to intercept hostile attacks.Theodosios


Developer Comments: We felt the damage output from a Goliath against an emplacement was too small. It’s a high investment, high risk unit and we feel it should pay off if it manages to reach its target.

Added a target table 5x damage multiplier against British Emplacements


Developer Comments: We felt the Raketenwerfer was a little too easy to flank with vehicles once revealed. We are increasing the firing arc slightly to help address this issue.

Weapon firing arc increased from 60 to 70

!With the removal of the Schrecks from the Volkgrenadiers, the Raketen has some heavy lifting to do. So a buff was in order. It may require even more improvements.


Developer Comments: With the removal of the Panzershreck package from the Volksgrenadiers we are happy to see how the OKW is currently playing. We do however notice the OKW struggle against armor if they are not ahead in resources. We are giving the Panzershreck package to the Sturmpioneers to help deal with this issue.

Panzershreck upgrade package added

!Sturmpioneers have not received an adjustment to their Veterancy (to offset the insane Vet-gain speed they will now benefit from because of Panzershreks.). Remember the broken stun grenades? Expect to see a lot more of them.Mr Smith


Developer Comments: We felt the 50% chance to abandon a vehicle when at 50% health was too random and frustrating so we are removing this critical

Removing a critical that abandons the Sturmtiger at 50% health when damaged.


Starting Resources

Developer Comments: The British early game can often be very difficult due to the high cost of their Infantry. We increased the starting manpower to match other factions and to somewhat compensate their early game for their high manpower cost per unit.

Starting manpower increased from 290 to 340

Universal Carrier

Developer Comments: We felt the Universal Carrier wasn't a viable option and felt we needed to make some adjustments. We gave it self-repair on stock so it no longer requires an engineer to be repaired, made it more durable through an upgrade purchase, and made significant improvements to the Vickers K.

  • Cost increased from 210MP to 260 MP
  • Vickers K range from 35 to 40
  • Cooldown from 1.5/2.0 to 1.25/1.5
  • Burst duration and rate of fire standardized to 1 at all ranges for Vickers K.
  • Health improved by 40 when upgraded with Vickers K or Flame Projector.
  • Has Self-Repair stock.

!On one hand, the UC price got nerfed. On the other hand, Brit starting manpower got buffed by the same amount. The Vickers range increase, and also the new Vet1 ability (sight range), will actually make it possible to use the UC as a suppression platform, even after the first schrecks start to emerge.

An important note about the Vickers k: It seems to have a mind of its own, and will NOT react to your attack commands (it will choose a random target and stick with it). This is an important thing to remember, as only the Vickers K actually benefits from the "suppressive fire" ability. To avoid this, forcefully turn your UC so that Vickers K is no longer facing the squad it targets, and then keep hammering "Stop" until a target change has occurred. MrSmith

Counter Battery

Developer Comments: We felt the Counter Battery's cost vs reward was not well balanced and required tuning to bring it in line with other similar artillery options. We also want players to make decisive gameplay decisions where using this ability had virtually no risk associated with it.

Is now a timed ability. Lasts 45 seconds and recharge time is 90 seconds.
Costs 30 munitions

Land Mattress

Developer Comments: Based off its effectiveness, we felt this unit could be called in too early. To help bring it in line with other Doctrine artillery we have increased its required CP. The White Phosphorus rounds was precision striking weapon teams too easily due to their low scatter values.

  • Increase CP requirement from 5 to 8
  • AOE damage reduced from 0.2/0.4/1 to 0.1/0.25/1
  • White Phosphorus round angle scatter increased from 5 to 15
  • White Phosphorus round distance scatter max increased from 10 to 15
  • White Phosphorus round distance scatter obj hit min increased from 0 to 10
  • White Phosphorus round scatter offset reduced from 0.8 to 0.1
  • White Phosphorus round min tilt angle reduced from 25 to 15

!Double Brits are still the ultimate cancer 2v2 setup, even with these changes.Momo4sho


Developer Comments: We feel the Sexton is one of the UKF's most underperforming units. Therefore, to improve the Sexton's performance we have increased the unit's AOE damage, increased the number of shells it fires, and made it fire a little faster.

  • AOE distance damage changed from 1/0.15/0.05 to 1/0.25/0.1
  • Wind Down from 4.67 to 3.125
  • Number of shells for barrage increased from 5 to 8

!The Sexton will still perform poorly next to the Priest, and its high pop cap will still leave it in a crappy place. The changes will improve it, but will not raise the commander to a desirable one when other Brit commanders offer so much more. At least now, however, it might be able to kill the occasional infantry model.Imagelessbean


Developer Comments: We felt the reload on the main gun was hurting the unit's performance and the Tulip Rocket ability's role was redundant with the tank's main gun. To compensate for this we have reduced the reload time on the main gun and changed the role of the Tulip Rocket to be a temporary snare.

  • Reload from 10 seconds to 8.
  • Tulip Rockets now deal 120 damage from 240.
  • Tulips now cause a blind critical on penetration and stuns the tank for 2.5 seconds. (Vehicle LOS reduced to 0 for 8 seconds)
  • Tulip Rocket ability cost from 100 to 80.
  • Tulip Recharge time from 120 to 80.

!The changes to the Firefly will make it less prone to alpha strike light and medium tanks. However, the ability to stun and blind vehicles will make this a very nasty combo in team games.

Getting a tank caught out in the open now will result in a hail of anti-tank fire, as every Allied unit will turn to engage the crippled tank. Be especially careful with TD's that cannot move once hit. These units will be very vulnerable to flanking as they wait for the tulip blinds to wear off.Imagelessbean

Infantry Section (Both variants)

Developer Comments: Due to the extremely short range of Artillery flares, a unit often put themselves at high risk when trying to use this ability. To bring its cost vs reward more in tune, we have added a slight increase to the range of this ability so it can be used slightly further away from the intended target. Infantry Sections also accrued Veterancy faster than any other core infantry unit so we have slightly increased the Veterancy requirements for these units.

  • Artillery flare range increased from 20 to 30
  • Veterancy requirements from 480/960/1920 to 560/1120/2240.

Tank Hunter Infantry Section

Developer Comments: The damage from the HEAT Grenade was under performing and we wanted to bring it in line with all other infantry anti-tank abilities.

Heat Grenade damage from 50 to 100.

!This will allow it to snare all vehicles more reliably. More damage does not hurt either.CookiezNcreem


Developer Comments: Due to the short range of Artillery flares, a unit often put themselves at high risk when trying to use this ability. To bring its cost vs reward more in tune, we have added a slight increase to the range of this ability so it can be used slightly further away from the intended target.

Artillery flare range increased from 30 to 35.

Bofor QF 40mm “Suppressive Barrage” ability

Developer Comments: The Suppressive Barrage was meant to be used to pre-emptively lock out a choke point for a short period of time through suppression. We found it was wiping weapon teams much too easily due to its small scatter and high AOE. With the reduction in AOE and higher scatter, players can expect this ability to wipe squads less but do suppression over a large area. White Phosphorus round distance scatter max increased from 10 to 15

  • Suppressive Barrage weapon AOE reduced from 5 to 3
  • Suppressive Barrage weapon Scatter angle increased from 5 to 15
  • Suppressive Barrage weapon suppression reduced from 0.3 to 0.2

!- A singular Bofors will ineffective vs Mortars. A Bofors suppressing a large area (3 times the previous size) will be a godsent to the Mortar Bofors combo. I hope with these changes that it will not insta-pin anymore.Mr Smith

!Brit emplacements will be less menacing in 1v1 because the Bofors no longer fills the role of the mortar pit. However, the Bofors will now suppress a much wider area making it very punishing for infantry stationed around it and trying to form up to assault. In team games this unit may actually function more powerfully now, being able to cut off wider areas of the map when a teammate places a mortar pit to cover it.Imagelessbean


Developer Comments: The Size of the Cromwell was smaller than other Medium Tanks. We are slightly increasing its size value to match other Medium Tanks.

Target size increased from 18 to 22

!No longer is a medium tank the same size as the 222. Huzzah! AT guns and other vehicles should stand a much better chance at hitting it at long range.Tightrope

!With this change, units like the PIV should have a better time engaging/trading with these potent medium tanks. Previously, Cromwells were far too difficult to hit. Especially for other moving tanks, while the Cromwell itself had speed, good moving accuracy, and the tank commander to aid in a mobile battle.Miragefla

Churchill MK. VII Infantry Support Tank

Developer Comments: We felt the Churchill costs too much for its current performance so we are reducing its cost.

Cost reduced from 540 Manpower and 180 Fuel to 490 Manpower and 160 Fuel.

!The Churchill and Firefly combination just got a whole lot better. This should help make Anvil tech more appealing.Tightrope

!Churchill was an expensive 18-popcap unit with no niche (other than feeding veterancy to your enemy). Now it becomes a not-as-expensive 18-popcap unit with no niche (other than to feed slightly-less veterancy to your enemy).

A utility buff rather than a price buff would have helped stir some more synergy into the Anvil sub-doctrine. If you are looking for something to synergise with your (buffed) Fireflies, look no further than long-range sight units (e.g., AEC, Pyrotechnics supplies sections); or even Cromwells upgraded with the tank-commander upgrade. If you run into troubles, your AEC/Cromwells can always pop smoke (and run away). Have fun kiting!Mr Smith


Fixed a bug where the Vet 1 weapon reload modifier on the Royal Engineers was applying to all weapons. It now only applies to the Stens.

!For those that do not know or were not aware, this was introduced during the 'Veterancy Fix' patch.CookiezNcreem

Don’t step on the Grass Intel Bulletin now properly reduces the cost of Teller Mines.

Fixed a bug that made LMG 34 that was picked up have different stats than the LMG 34 that was dropped.

Fixed a data issue where some artillery veterancy was not applying properly to the right weapons.

!This includes The Veterancy 2 bonus for the barrage of the M7B1 Priest, its scatter buff was not actually applying properly. CookiezNcreem

Fixed a bug where the USF and British M3 HT was missing vet 2 and vet 3 bonuses.

!Finally: It was very awkward to have empty spots in the veterancy guide because of this. I assume the new bonuses will be "extra reinforcement range" as that is how they are described in the official files, they just failed to have apply actions. Either way, who the hell gets a vet 2 reinforcement halftrack anyway?CookiezNcreem

!Bug fixes are fine, but very short. A number of critical bugs remain to be addressed (stun grenade retreat canceling, JPIV phase shifting.)Imagelessbean
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