Different Countries
Many teams signed up from all over the world. Some countries like Germany and America have a lot of teams wanting to defend their country in the NationsCup. Some like Greence, Indonesia and Sweden have only 1 team. But this doesn't mean Germany or America is stronger. What is sure, is that we will have a lot of interesting games!
Let's give a warm welcome to all the countries that signed up!
Click here to show the individual players per team (Excel File)
National Tournaments
All nations and respective teams are known, individuals are put together to play for their country and everyone is curious about the brackets of the National Tournaments. National Tournaments? Yes. As most of you know, only one team will be able to represent their country in the actual NationsCup! That's why all teams from the same country will have to battle eachother first in the National Tournaments. So all the German teams will have to battle eachother and the winner will represent Germany in the NationsCup 2014.
Enough talking, here are the brackets of the first NationsCup 2014!
National Tournament - Portugal
National Tournament - Estonia
National Tournament - Spain
National Tournament - Finland
National Tournament - Canada
National Tournament - Brazil
National Tournament - Poland
National Tournament - England
National Tournament - Sweden
National Tournament - Italy
National Tournament - France
National Tournament - Rusland
National Tournament - Germany
National Tournament - The Netherlands
National Tournament - America
Can't find your country? Well, than you are going straight to the NationsCup and you don't have to play a National Tournament because you were the only team that signed up for you country!
Winter is coming, and some regions are currently snowed under. In some regions of Belgium like on Vaux Farmlands, it's still snowing. We can see the snow falling and the sky getting darker... On other regions like Crossing and the Woods and Rails and Metal, the snow has stopped falling, but the snow carpet stays.

The maps didn't change a thing, they just look winter. No ice, no thick snow, just a white cover.
This to stress the winter-ish atmosphere of the Cup. Semoisky Winter is Semoisky Summer, with a white looking cover.
!! Kreatiir will send all info about how to get these maps.
These maps will only be used in the NationsCup, not in the National Tournament.
Players will be notified against who they need to play in the following week.
The National Tournament will start the 14th of November.
- Round 1: 14/11 - 19/11
- Round 2: 20/11 - 23/11
- Round 3: 23/11 - 26/11
- Round 4: 27/11 - 30/11
NationsCup itself (Nation vs Nation) will start on the 5th of December.
No Racism
Let's keep this Tournament clean. No matter where you're from, put your differences aside and join the battle against other Nations. We're all united in one thing, and that is the following;
We love to play this game and we want to enjoy it to the fullest.
Also, just like in other tournaments, no racism, sexism or other hateful comments will be allowed. This will be followed by an immediate ban on the NationsCup and future tournaments hosted by Rewind Events.
Streaming & OBS
The NationsCup 2014 streaming will start the 5th of december with the drawing. At that day, we will find out which countries will play against eachother. By that time, all the National Tournaments will be played and we will have 24 teams representing their country. Write the date down fellas, it's going to be a hell of ride!
All matches will be streamed on the Rewind Events Twitch Channel and will be hosted by Kreatiir, Somenbjorn and surprise acts of well known community members.
Follow us on Twitter to never miss a cast and to stay updated about everything of the NationsCup 2014
Let the Games begin!