"All the time he's boxing, he's thinking.
All the time he was thinking, I was hitting him."
― Jack Dempsey
All the time he was thinking, I was hitting him."
― Jack Dempsey
Alienware, Relic Entertainment, SEGA, and COH2.ORG present...
Sunday Night Fights Season 5
Episode 8: Contender Bout #4
BartonPL vs. Jesulin
December 29th, 2013, at 8pm GMT
2013 is nearing its end and with the final SNF broadcast of the year, there are only five fighters remaining. Since November, AndyisRIPPIN, victor of the First Quali Tourney and Contender Bout #1 has been waiting - arms crossed, gaze steady, demeanor cool, and hair flawless - for a challenger to emerge from the rock-'em-sock-'em pandemonium that has unfolded over the subsequent weeks. The greenest and spleenless have all been KOed, leaving only the leanest and meanest standing: Poland's BartonPL and Spain's Jesulin!
Both of Barton and Jesulin have played in every Quali Tourney this season and have faced one another multiple times already. It has been a long and hard road for these players, and each has had his mettle tested by some of COH2's toughest and most cunning combatants. Last week, BartonPL defeated Paradox and his old rival, HelpingHans, to clinch a spot in the Contender Bout. Jesulin upset the number three seed, VindicareX, in a dramatic three-game series on Kholodny Ferma before 2-0ing Cruzz and taking the next step towards eternal SNF glory. On Sunday, December 29th these two will clash before the bright lights and screaming fans in Yoink Memorial Stadium. Fists will fly! Endurance will be tested! One man will crumble to the canvas and one will raise his arms in triumph!

Fightcard by Spezzy * Click for fullsize
BartonPL has been talking big game since the very beginning of Sunday Night Fights Season 5. Can he make good on his promises before the final bell rings? You had better believe it, fight fans! This Polish pitbull is the punching-est, most pugnacious, pugilistic powerhouse of a player we know at SNF!
The Swashbuckling Spaniard is #1 in the European COH2 ESL league and has a staggering 92.4% win-rate as Germans in 1v1 automatch. Jesulin knows it takes action and not just words to be the boss and he intends to prove it by stuffing BartonPL's word-hole full of bare-knuckled righteousness!

***** Bracket Poster by AmiPolizeiFunk, Miro-, and OnkelSam (click for fullsize 3840x2160) *****
Regular SNF host, AmiPolizeiFunk, is off to the desolate wastes of the American southwest for his annual peyote-fueled spirit quest, but fear not! While he wanders the deserts naked, deranged, and howling at the moon, the SNF broadcast booth will be manned by the redoubtable IpKaiFung and the inimitable Siberian! Join them this Sunday, December 29th, at 8pm GMT on the Sunday Night Fights Twitch.tv channel.
Prizes for Twitch.tv Viewers and Facebook Followers
The holiday spirits are coursing through the veins of all the worker bees and helper monkeys of the SNF Tower and by "holiday spirits" we mean, of course, GeneralHell's own high-test glühwein and ComputerHeat's authentic Western North Carolina moonshine! True to the spirit of the season, the monkeys have added a copy of Total War: Rome II to their giant giveaway-goodies sack, already a-brim with COH2 commanders and vehicle skins. Those monkeys have been on a quite a bender, so make sure to get to The Sunday Night Fights Twitch.tv channel and click that come-hither "Follow" button to get your name in the monkeys' raffle hopper before they all get laid low by delerium tremens! Want more ways to get in on the giveaways? Go the COH2.ORG Facebook page and "Like" us to boost your chances to win!