
russian armor

The COH2 Ability Guide

The information in this guide is outdated! Please see the Mark 2 Version for the latest changes.

Much like Veterancy, abilities are a huge part of the Company of Heroes 2 game-play experience. Each ability plays a significant role in how your units are used. Some units crutch heavily on their abilities, some don't. Whether they're your teammates units, your own units, or your enemies units. Abilities and maximizing their effects play a great role in achieving victory in Company of Heroes 2.

While the effects of the abilities are obvious in some cases based off the in-game descriptions,(e.g. Tactical movement, your infantry moves faster. Yippee.) and from general game-play, (Riflemen will fire a smoke grenade, that slows vehicles, wow, duh.)

In many other cases, the effects may not be so clear, or maybe even overlooked, so please note that some of these modifiers may surprise you.

Anyway, if you didn't know how far the Valentine scouts into the fog of war, or what Combined Arms did, or how much of a buff the Oberkommando West's Valiant Assault offered, then this guide is for you.

This guide aims to inform you, refresh you, coax you, educate you, remind you, of every little effect that an ability in Company of Heroes 2 may offer.

However this guide only includes abilities and pickups with some sort of modifier on a unit, or abilities where resource count affects an off-maps performance. So if you're looking for an outright off-map guide(How many shells does Time on Target drop in comparison to 155mm Artillery? or a grenade guide(How fast are riflemen grenades thrown in comparison to paratroopers?), that will come in the future.

FAQ and Notes

Before you dive in, here is an important point of information.

  • USF's Combined Arms, and the British Command Vehicle accuracy bonus, are unique in being the only 'exclusive' modifiers in this guide. In the case of Combined Arms, 'exclusive' means that when Combined Arms is active, only the Combined arms reload, accuracy benefits would apply to the unit, not a combination of the Combined Arms ability and Veterancy bonuses, and NOT the 'better' Veterancy bonuses.

    This does mean that a Veterancy 3 Pershing, along with many other veteran USF units, will fire slower if you use Combined Arms with them.

    For the British Command vehicle, only the +35% accuracy bonus is 'exclusive', so if used with VET-3 Sherman Firefly, or a VET-2 Comet, for example, the Veterancy and accuracy bonuses would not stack with each-other. Only the +35% command vehicle accuracy would apply for these units.

    Otherwise, all of the other auras and abilities in this guide 'stack' with Veterancy and other auras/abilities assuming all conditions are met.


    ?User:Does this aura/ability apply to my team-mates unit?

    Look here on your UI. If you see the ability icon on top left corner of this portrait then the modifiers are applying to that unit. If you don't see it, then they are not applying.

    ?User: How long does this ability last??

    !Check in-game for yourself, this isn't a list of ability durations. Unless I feel it's important to the ability.Cookiez

    ?User: What is received accuracy, accuracy, etc?

    !If you are new and do not understand these bonuses, please ask or search in the forums before you try to digest the content of this guide, as it assumes you understand basic COH2 terminology. Most of the bonuses are self explanatory, either way.Cookiez

    ?User:Some abilities are effected by Veterancy. The artillery officer gets an improved aura at vet 3, why you no mention, cookiez?

    !Check the Veterancy Guide.Cookiez

    Without further ado.......Welcome to the Ability Guide!

The Wehrmacht


Ambush Camouflage
The squad gains the camouflage ability, +50% accuracy for 5 seconds out of camouflage.

Sniper Incendiary Shot
If targeted at infantry, the round will explode on impact, killing the target and inflicting AoE damage in a small radius. This radius is about the size of a Panzergrenadier Bundle Grenade's explosive radius. Any squad-member caught in this radius will take damage and their weapons will be disabled for 4 seconds.
If targeted at light vehicles, if it penetrates, it deals 50 damage to soft-skinned light vehicles such as the Ambulance, M20, WC51, or AEC Armored Car.(NOTE: This is not recommended, except under the most extreme circumstances. Your sniper will be put in extreme danger if you do this.)

Incendiary Rounds
+100% damage, +9 penetration. A reload cycle is instantly initiated when the ability is activated. This reload cycle is 50% faster than the normal reload.

Luftwaffe Supplies
Squads that take these supplies will gain +15% accuracy, -13% received accuracy, and will heal out of combat. These modifiers including the healing will last for 30 seconds. If the squad healing enters combat, then the healing will not occur.

40 Health healed per med-kit. Healing lasts 10 seconds.

Tactical Advance
Squad moves at half speed, +50% accuracy, +50% received accuracy, +150% burst length, lasts 10 seconds. Even on retreat.


Squad can sprint.

Spotting Scopes
222 Scout car: +40% sight radius while stationary (not moving or rotating).
All other vehicles: +100% sight radius while stationary (not moving or rotating).

Infantry Awareness
Reveals all infantry in a radius of 70 on the mini-map.

Hull Down
Vehicle is dug in, becoming immobile, but receiving -25% received damage, +25% range, -20% reload.
The vehicle will stay hulled down until manually canceled.

-25% received accuracy, +35% speed, +60% acceleration.(*-25% received accuracy, +15% speed, +30% acceleration for Tiger and Panther tanks ONLY)

Target Weak-point

+100% penetration, will stun enemy vehicle

+100% penetration, will lock enemy vehicles turret temporarily and disable it's main gun.(STUG G)
Penetrating shells will stun enemy vehicle, disabling its gun and vision for 5 seconds. Will always penetrate. -40 damage.(STUG E)
Penetrating shells will stun enemy vehicle, disabling its gun and vision fpr 5 seconds. Will always penetrate. -60 damage.(Ostheer Puma)

Bunker Busting Barrage
+20 range, +20 minimum range. Targeted area barrage.
Auras and Commander Abilities

Command Panzer IV Tank
Reduces incoming damage taken to friendly units around the command tank by 20%.

Artillery Officer: Inspiration
Infantry: +15% accuracy, 20 meter radius

Vehicles: -13% reload, 20 meter radius

Tactical Movement
All infantry on the map will sprint.

Counterattack Tactics
+200% capture rate.

+25% vehicle speed, vehicles can capture points.

Relief Infantry
For every 4 infantry models lost during this ability, you will gain a full osttruppen squad. You can gain a maximum of 3 osttruppen squads from this ability.
The United States Forces

Volley Fire
+40% received accuracy, -50% accuracy, +1% suppression, squad moves extra slowly

After 5 seconds of being active: +1% additional suppression, +3% additional accuracy

After 10 seconds of being active: (if the squad is still alive) +3% additional suppression, +4% additional accuracy, -87.5% cool-down

Smoke Grenade
Enemy vehicle will have 0 sight, and -50% speed for 8 seconds. This will last even when the vehicle backs out of the smoke.

Tactical Movement
Squad moves at reduced speed, +150% burst length, +50% accuracy, +50% received accuracy. Lasts on retreat.

Forward Observers
+25% sight for Riflemen only when in cover or garrison.

Fire Up
Buff: Squad will sprint for 10 seconds.
De-buff: Squad will move at reduced speed for 8 seconds afterwards.

Suppressive Fire
-75% cool-down, +1% suppression, +200% burst length.

+300% production speed on targeted building.

Armor Piercing Rounds(50 Cal HMG)
+25% damage, +10 penetration.

AP Rounds(M1 57mm)
+50% penetration.

Take Aim!
Sight is increased by 75% in a forward cone only, +10 Range.

75mm Barrage (M8A1, Pack Howitzer)

Pack Howitzer:+100% range, targeted barrage ability
M8A1 Motor Carriage:+20 range, targeted barrage ability

AP Rounds (Jackson)
+40 Damage, +14% accuracy, +~20% penetration.

AP Rounds (M10)
+~40% penetration, +~30% accuracy.

Critical Repair
Crew:+300% received damage, +300% received accuracy. Ability: The crew will quickly fix a single critical and heal 15 hit points.

Radio Net
35 radius aura. -10% reload, +5% sight per Allied vehicle in the aura,These additional vehicles can be any allied unit, but obviously at least one of them must be a VET 1 sherman.

Flanking Speed
-25% received accuracy, +10% max speed, +60% acceleration and deceleration.

Heat Rounds
+100% damage, +250% penetration, +100% range.

HVAP Round
Skill-shot. +~40% penetration, +80 damage, can be fired in succession with normal attack.

Stun Shot
Penetrating shells will stun enemy vehicle, non penetrating shells will block target vehicles vision, and prevent said target vehicle from firing for 5 seconds. -40 damage, -50% reload time on Stuart main-gun when active.

Point Blank Engine Shot
This ability will always penetrate and cause normal engine damage. -40 damage on main gun.

Step On It!
+75% maximum speed, +50% acceleration. Weapon unavailable.

-25% received accuracy,+60% acceleration. Occupants have -50% received accuracy.

+80% speed, Squad will sprint.
Auras and Commander Abilities

On Me
All infantry squads in a 45 meter vicinity of the Captain break any received suppression / pin, and will sprint to the captains position, and gain -20% received accuracy, and +20% accuracy. Effects last about 8 seconds.

Combined Arms
Infantry in proximity to friendly vehicles will gain -20% Reload, +30% Accuracy, and +35% sight.
Vehicles in proximity to friendly infantry will gain +35% sight, -30% Reload, and +5 range.
The Soviet Union

Squad will sprint.

To the Last Man
4% accuracy, -2% weapon cooldown, and -3% received accuracy per member lost.

Button Vehicle
Reduces target vehicle sight to almost 0, reduces speed and rotation rate by 67%, -50% deceleration, disables weapons, +25% reload time.

Hit the Dirt
Suppression immunity. Squad will gain 'light' cover(-50% received accuracy.) Squad will not move.

Rapid Conscription
For every 6 infantry models lost during this ability, you will gain a full conscripts squad. You can only gain 2 conscript squads from this ability.

Vehicle Detection
All infantry, but not team-weapons, can detect vehicles out to 70 range.

Sustained Fire
+100% burst length duration, -50% reload time, -50% weapon cooldown,
forces a reload at the beginning of the ability, cancels (with no refund) if the Maxim moves

DSHK-38 Armor Piercing Rounds
+200% penetration.

Salvage Wrecks
Values are given in Munitions/Fuel
  • Ultra Lights: 10/5
  • Lights: 15/10
  • Mediums: 20/25
  • Advanced Mediums: 35/30
  • Heavies: 50/40
  • Super Heavies: 60/45


T-34 Ramming Manuever
If Successful: 90% chance of engine damage, 8% chance of immobilization, 2% chance of main gun destroyed.

If Failed: 5 second Crew Shock.

ZIS-3 Barrage
SU-76: +30 range, +15 minimum range, targeted barrage ability.
ZIS-3: -80 damage, +20 range, +15 minimum range, targeted barrage ability.

AT Gun Ambush
-80% speed, no first strike or out of camouflage bonus

Recon Mode
+50% sight radius. T70 will capture territory as if it was in capture mode.

Self Repair (T70)
Repairs 100 hit-points, and will work on the move. The T-70 will not fire weapons until this ability is complete. It cannot be cancelled.


+40% sight radius, will reveal enemy vehicles and infantry out to 70 range in the fog of war on the mini-map.

-25% received accuracy, +60% acceleration, occupants have -50% received accuracy.

Piercing Shot
Skillshot. +50% penetration. Keep in mind that this ability uses the ISU-152's HE round weapon profile, not the AP weapon profile, so it can be used against infantry to good effect, assuming you hit as the ability as a tendency to overshoot.

Crew Repair
Crew will stop their vehicle and repair until complete. You cannot cancel this ability. Weapons are unavailable. -50% munitions income rate until the ability completes.

Focus Sight
-50% maximum speed, all sight is focused forward, increasing sight by 40 range.

Set up KV-2
When set up: -50% reload, +30 range, +25 minimum range, KV-2 can no longer 'see' and is immobile.
When setting up or tearing down: +900% received accuracy
Auras and Commander Abilities

Fear Propaganda Artillery
Squads hit will have a:
25% chance of nothing happening
35% chance of being slowed down and receiving +100% received accuracy
30% chance of suppressed/pinned
10% chance of being forced to retreat
This is on a per-shell basis, so the first shell of the barrage may not do anything, while the second may make the squad retreat. This ability works on all infantry types, even Anti Tank guns, but only if they are in tow-mode while they are hit.

Mark Target
+35% damage to target vehicle, spawns an IL-2 recon plane that gives LOS to the marked unit and the marked unit only. The plane can be shot down, denying the LOS, but the increased damage will still apply until the ability duration ends.

Forward HQ Aura

25 meter radius. +0.5 armor, +50% accuracy to infantry, machine guns.
+50% damage to AT guns, artillery, and mortars

For Mother Russia

Standard Infantry: +0.5 armor, +50% accuracy, squads will sprint.

Team Weapons: +0.5 armor, +25% accuracy to AT guns, Mortars, and all artillery.
+50% accuracy to HMG's
The Oberkommando West

Medical Supplies
Squad will heal out of combat for 30 seconds. This is long enough to heal any squad completely from full health as long as they do not engage in combat.

Incendiary Rounds
+100% damage, +9 penetration. A reload cycle is instantly initiated when the ability is activated. This reload cycle is 50% faster than the normal reload.

Sturmofficer Focus Fire
+50% received accuracy to target squad, All nearby squads will prioritize their targeting to the Sturm officer's target.

Blendkorper Grenade

Blendkorper grenades will disable weapons on any vehicle inside in the smoke, but only for as long as the vehicle remains, unlike USF riflemen smoke.

Cautious Movement

Vehicle will camouflage itself and move at -50% speed. Vehicle cannot take projectile based damage when cloaked.

Aimed Shot
Puma fires a single shot with 1,000% accuracy. Will stun Assault Guns, engine damage light vehicles, and turret lock everything else. Can target infantry and team weapons.

Jagdtiger: Supporting Fire
+40 range, +25 minimum range, targeted barrage ability.

Jagdtiger: World Piercing Rounds
+25% reload time, shots will penetrate all world objects.

Panzer Commander
+6 sight, unit can now use off-map artillery ability.

IR Half-track Observation
The half-track searchlight will sweep 60 degrees to the left or right in a cone to the front of the vehicle. This cone extends 120 range forwards.
The half-track is immobile while the ability is active.

Kubelwagon Detection
+20 camouflage detection radius, -50% speed, will reveal units in the mini-map out to 70 range.

+50% sight, -25% speed, hull MG's will deal 2% suppression.
Locks the King-tiger's turret to a frontal 90 degrees arc.

Combat Blitz
+100% accuracy, -50% received accuracy, +40% speed.

Mark Vehicle
+25% damage +15% accuracy to marked target.

HEAT Shells
+30% penetration, +30% damage. Lasts 20 seconds.
Auras and Commander Abilties

Command Panther Aura
+10% speed, +20 sight radius to nearby vehicles.

Forward Receivers
HQ Trucks will detect enemies in the fog of war out to 70 range.

Recoup Losses
For the duration of the ability, for every infantry model lost, 20 manpower is gained. Value of infantry model lost does not matter, you will always receive 20 manpower per model loss. There is no limit to how much manpower that can be gained this way.

Sturmofficer Aura
+10% accuracy, -9% reload time.

Breakthrough Tactics
+200% de-capture speed.

Emergency Repairs
-50% munition income, unit cannot move or fire its main weapon. Heals 140 health, and removes criticals in a 14 second span. Cannot be cancelled.

Envelope the Target! (Valiant Assault)
+25% accuracy, squads will sprint.

Dont let them Envelope us! (For the Fatherland)
-35% received accuracy, +15% speed to infantry in friendly territory.

Scavenge Artillery
For every 100 munitions interval, you fire 5 more shells. The extra shells are more accurate for each interval.
The British Forces
Infantry and Emplacements

Brace Emplacement
Weapons and abilities disabled, -75% received damage, +5 armor.

Air Resupply Operation
-50% reinforce time, squad will sprint in and out of combat.

Supplies: Squads that take these medical supply boxes will gain +15% accuracy, and -13% received accuracy. These modifiers including healing the squad that picked it up, which will last for 30 seconds. If the squad healing enters combat, then the healing will cease.

Improved Fortification
+20% health, +10 armor.

Critical Shot
Stuns Assault guns, turret locks tanks, and causes engine damage to lighter vehicles.

Tank Hunter Infantry Section Detection
Reveals vehicles on the minimap out to 90 range.

Cover Smoke Grenade
-50% received accuracy in smoke.

Salvage Wrecks
Values are given in Munitions/Fuel
  • Ultra Lights: 10/5
  • Lights: 15/10
  • Mediums: 20/25
  • Advanced Mediums: 35/30
  • Heavies: 50/40
  • Super Heavies: 60/45

Vehicles and Team Weapons

UC Vickers K Suppression
+0.015% suppression, +25% burst length, -20% accuracy, +100% scatter.

17 Pounder: World Piercing Rounds
Shots will penetrate all world objects.

Airburst Shells
Airburst shells will blind vehicles for 8 seconds, roughly doubled AOE radius and distance.

Tank Commander
+10 sight, +10% accuracy

Emergency War Speed
-25% received accuracy, +15% speed, +30% acceleration.

Smoke Rounds
Cromwell: 45 range
Comet: 45 range

Like other phosporous rounds these rounds will only reduce HP of a model to a minimum of 1, so infantry will not die from the smoke alone. However, unlike similar abilities it does not disable tank guns, it only blocks line of sight forcing the enemy to use attack ground in order to use their weapon.

Valentine Observation
Valentine will scan a 180 degree cone to the front of the vehicle similar to the OKW IR halftrack, except the revealed area is much larger. This cone extends 120 range forwards.
The Valentine is immobile while the ability is active

Hammer Tracking
Enemy vehicles will stay revealed for 12 seconds after being hit by a british vehicle. This only applies to British vehicles after researching Hammer.

Tulip Rocket Strike
Blind critical on penetration and stuns the tank for 2.5 seconds. (Vehicle LOS reduced to 0 for 8 seconds)

Churchill Covering Smoke
-40% speed. Churchill becomes a bullet magnet for attack ground as it farts out smoke for 10 seconds.

Rapid Maneuvers
+25% rotation, +25% speed, +25% acceleration/deceleration.

Target Tread
First Shot:-60% speed, -70% rotation speed, -70% maximum speed.

Second Shot: Immobilizes for 7 seconds.
Auras and Commander Abilities

Medical Supplies
Squad will heal itself and all units within a radius of 10 for 30 seconds. If all healing recipients stay out of combat, and close enough to the medical squad throughout the ability, this is enough time to heal any amount of health from any amount of units.

Advanced Cover Combat
Out of cover bonus with ability active:-20% reload, normal cooldown.

In cover bonus with ability active: -40% reload, -20% cool-down.

Hold the Line
-20% received accuracy to all squads in a friendly sector. After about 20-30 seconds, the RAF will send a plane to attack each individual enemy unit. For example, if you enemy has 10 units in your front-line sector's territory, then 10 typhoons will come to attack each individual enemy unit. If the enemy units remain and continue to loiter around in your sectors, then more typhoons will continue to make single passes at individual units until the sector is clear, your front-line territory is lost or contested, or the ability duration runs out.

Command Vehicle
-30% Received Accuracy, +35% accuracy, -30% reload, -30% cool-down, -25% commander ability recharge time.
Penalties to commanding vehicle: -50% speed, +100% reload, +100% cool-down, -50% accuracy, +100% received accuracy.

Assault Operation
+25% accuracy, and squads will sprint. Bonus will only affect Tommies. Typhoon aircraft will recon across the adjacent, or front-line sectors to your territory points. The amount of aircraft depends on how many front-line sectors you own.

Raid Operation
+100% de-capture and capture rate. Vehicles can capture points.

Smoke Raid Operation
+100% de-capture rate, squads will be camouflaged if in friendly territory.

Heroic Charge
Affected squads within a 20 meter radius will sprint. -75% received accuracy, -20% cool-down, and +40% accuracy.

Advanced Warning
It's bugged and doesn't work anyway.
Global Abilities

Recon Sweeps and Overflights

Reveals all camouflaged unit types and units in the fog of war. *Currently the Ostheer Recon overflight and Recon pass abilities do not reveal camouflaged units like the other recon flights.*


Reveals units in the fog of war, but not camouflaged units.


Burns units down to 1 hitpoint and disables weapons for vehicles inside of the smoke.
Congratulations. You survived or skipped through this massive wall of text and information. I hope I made you a smarter player in one way or another.

As with the Veterancy guide, there may be bonuses that are bugged, slightly misinterpreted, or don't work properly. However, rest assured that this guide will be constantly be monitored, updated, and amended from patch to patch, from hot-fix to hot-fix, from day to day, if necessary.

I recommend you bookmark this page for easy reference.

If you want to see the pure files for yourself, check out COH2 Modding: Getting started with the official tools.

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