Welcome to the comprehensive Unit Guide for Company Of Heroes 2: The British Forces.
This guide differs from past Unit Guides and the relic unit guide, by going into more detail on the units and abilities that are available to this faction. We hope this will prove to be a useful reference.
STATS FROM COH2.ORG is for more advanced and experienced users, however, If you have any questions about what the stats mean, feel free to ask in the comments or to ask in the forums!
Welcome to the comprehensive Unit Guide for Company Of Heroes 2: The British Forces.
This guide differs from past Unit Guides and the relic unit guide, by going into more detail on the units and abilities that are available to this faction. We hope this will prove to be a useful reference.
STATS FROM COH2.ORG is for more advanced and experienced users, however, If you have any questions about what the stats mean, feel free to ask in the comments or to ask in the forums!

British Forces are restricted to this tier for a time as the next tier has a fuel cost that cannot be met right away.
![]() | "Allows your Infantry Sections to throw "mills bombs," which are fairly decent grenades. Use these to clear enemies out of buildings."
! Allows your Infantry Sections to clear garrisons. More importantly this allows you to defend yourself from advancing hostile forces. |
!No special statistics. A mix between the Shock Trooper RGD grenade,and the guardsmen/riflemen grenades. |
![]() | "Allows your infantry (infantry Sections, Royal Engineers, Airlanding Officers, and Commandos), to pick up PIATs and Bren guns from weapon racks. The Bren is a powerful light-machinegun best used at long range PIATs are a rather short-ranged, but decent anti-tank weapon."
! Typically, the Bren will be the upgrade you focus on. PIATs are good, but only as support anti-tank source. You are typically better off investing in true anti-tank sources and then investing in PIATs to support them. Commandos and Airlanding Officers get special versions of Brens which allow them to fire on the move, and have better damage when stationary compared to the Brens that regular infantry have. Dropped Brens of any kind automatically default to the Infantry Section version of the Bren. |
!The Bren has similar stats to the Grenadier LMG 42. The PIAT deals 120 damage with a penetration and has 110/120/130 Penetration. It also deals deflection damage, so fear not, even if your PIAT doesn't penetrate, it will still deal damage. |
![]() | "Allows your Infantry Sections and Royal Engineer squads to increase their squad sizes by 1."
! Allows your Infantry Sections and Royal Engineers to gain a bit of survivability damage output, and repair speed. This is a vital upgrade for anyone wanting to use their Infantry more aggressively. |
Base Howitzers
![]() | "Unlock 1 howitzer with each progressive tech-up. 2 total. Good at denying an area to the enemy. Good long range support. Must be called in with the commander abilities Concentrated Fire or Perimeter Overwatch, or by Infantry Sections,the 55. cal Sniper at VET 1,or the Forward Assembly."
! Use this ability before a retreat or after a flank to discourage enemies from staying in a position. |
!The Airburst shells and normal shells both deal 160 damage. The airburst shells have a bigger AOE, making them stronger against OKW HQ trucks however. |
Infantry Section
![]() | "Your basic infantry. Requires cover to be used to their maximum effectiveness. Can be upgraded with Bren guns, PIATs, grenades, and an extra squadmember to boost their fighting capabilities vs. infantry and armor. Effective at long range against infantry."
Pyrotechnics Supplies:
![]() | "Allows your Infantry Section to use the 'coordinated fire' special ability."
!Increases sight radius by 15%. |
Medical Supplies:
![]() | "Allows your Infantry Section to distribute medical supplies."
Coordinated Fire:
![]() | "Allows your Infantry Section to throw down a smoke flare, which alerts your base howitzers to begin a barrage of the target area."
Distribute Medical Supplies:
![]() | "Allows your Infantry Sections to heal themselves and any other nearby squads out of combat."
Throw 36M. Mills Bomb:
![]() | "Your average anti-infantry grenade. Useful against enemies that are clumped up in cover or in buildings."
Throw Gammon Bomb:
![]() | "Very powerful explosive weapon. Has a 4-second fuse, but has a very large AOE and the chance to stun tanks. Requires Hammer Tactics."
!Heavy Gammon Bomb does 200 Damage |
Throw HEAT Grenade:
![]() | "Basic anti-tank grenade. Causes engine damage if enemy vehicle is knocked below 75% HP. Only available on Tank Hunter Infantry Sections."
!Do not break cover and close the distance to increase damage. Stay in cover and at a distance.. |
!Cover Bonus: -10% received accuracy. When not in cover, your Tommies will fire slower(+40% reload time and +20% weapon cool-down time.) |
Vickers HMG
![]() | "Very good suppression and damage platform. Veterancy buffs their range whilst in buildings. Effective against massed infantry and light armor, when properly positioned."
!Use it like an MG42. It can reliably slow down enemy offenses, but requires supporting troops to get the job done fully. Use in buildings or trenches to get the edge over enemy MG's in duels with its range bonus. |
! Vickers vs MG42: Vickers DAMAGE:4 SUPPRESSION:0.00785 RATE OF FIRE:16 BURST DURATION:2.75 COOLDOWN:3 Accuracy(Far/Mid/Near):0.24/0.51/0.78 MG42 DAMAGE:4 SUPPRESSION:0.012 RATE OF FIRE:16 BURST DURATION:1.75 COOLDOWN:3 ACCURACY(Far/Mid/Near):0.35/0.45/0.70 |
Universal Carrier
![]() | "Can carry 1 squad around the battlefield. Can be upgraded with a WASP flamethrower or a Vickers K macinegun to increase firepower at the cost of storage capacity. Can engage all infantry, fires effectively while moving."
WASP Flamethrower Variant:
![]() | "Replaces the hull bren-gun with a powerful WASP flamethrower. This weapon is effective against enemies in cover and in buildings. Vehicle can no longer transport troops, because Duffy can't resist lighting a ciggy. Requires Platoon Command Post"
Vickers-K Mounted Variant:
![]() | "Adds a gunner-operated Vickers-K light machine gun to the Universal Carrier. This weapon increases the damage of the Universal Carrier, and brings a support ability into play. Vehicle can no longer transport troops."
Crew Repair:
![]() | "The crew will stop the vehicle and begin repair it using telekinesis for a nominal cost. Very useful when no Royal Engineers are available. At vet 3,this can be used on the move."
Suppressing Fire:
![]() | "The Vickers-K machinegun will spray hot lead over a target area. This barrage of bullets will quickly suppress and pin enemies for a nominal cost. Requires Vickers-K Variant upgrade."
Emergency War Speed:
![]() | "The vehicle will move faster than its rated speed. Can only be used once before needing to be reactivated by Royal Engineers through repairs. Requires Hammer and a love of drift races."
!Use for anti garrison purposes when upgraded with a flame-thrower. The Vickers upgrade's suppressive burst ability will almost instantly pin enemies in the open, as well as quickly suppress enemies in yellow cover. Use this ability to support your Vickers HMGs that are in danger of being overrun. |
!200 Hitpoints,allowing it to take a hit from most AT sources and allows you to react and reposition if fully repaired. It has 50% increased damage against snipers. |
Platoon Command Post

"The Platoon Command Post orders in light vehicles,engineers,and unlocks the first base howitzer for use. Orders in Royal Engineers,the 55. Cal Sniper,unlocks upgrades for the universal carrier,and allows construction of AEC/BOFORS emplacements."
![]() | 180 | ![]() | 30 | ![]() | 0 |
Mortar Emplacement
![]() | "Very effective support position that excels at breaking enemy defensive positions. Be wary though, as it is quite weak to concentrated artillery fire. Constructed in the field by Royal Engineers. Effective against infantry and field weapons. Weak against artillery. "
![]() | "The 3-inch mortar crew will saturate an area with HE rounds."
Creeping Smoke Barrage:
![]() | "The 3-inch mortar crew will fire smoke shells in a line. Requires vet 1."
![]() | "New advancements in British Engineering find that holding onto your helmet significantly decreases the risk of untimely death from fire, artillery, tanks, machine guns, grenades..."
!Put a squad inside to increase its rate of fire, and to gain some good cover. |
!Garrison Bonus: Reload time reduced By 50%. It has 700 hitpoints. |
Forward Assembly
![]() | "Useful to support your frontline by acting as a forward retreat point that also reinforces and provides weapon racks. Constructed in the field by Royal Engineers. Can reinforce when in supplied territory,and comes with weapon racks."
Unlock Forward Retreat Point:
![]() | "Allows the forward assembly to act as a forward retreat point."
Coordinated Fire:
![]() | "Allows your Forward Assembly to call in artillery support from your base howitzers."
!Emplacements will not require a garrison in order to use their Garrison ability when nearby a forward assembly. |
!600 Hitpoints and 0 armor with no brace ability,makes it very fragile to all sources of damage,even small arms. |
![]() | "A powerful anti-aircraft emplacement that can be turned against ground targets. Very powerful against aircraft, infantry, and light vehicles. Requires 'requisition bofors' upgrade. Constructed in the field by Royal Engineers. Effective against infantry and light vehicles. Weak against artillery"
Suppressive Barrage:
![]() | "The Bofors Crew will fire a few volleys at a distant target area to suppress enemies. Requires garrison bonus."
![]() | "New advancements in British Engineering find that holding onto your helmet significantly decreases the risk of untimely death from fire, artillery, tanks, machine guns, grenades..."
!Put Infantry inside to unlock its Artillery fire ability,or put it next to a Forward Assembly. This ability has longer range than all axis mortars. |
!It has 45 range on direct fire,which means all anti tank guns can safely hit it without going into its death lazer range. However,its Death Rain ability has longer range than all mortars,and only the Ostheer Mortar Halftrack and OKW Infantry support gun barrage can outrange it. It has 1,000 hitpoints without brace. |
AEC MK.III Armored Car
![]() | "A fairly maneuverable armored car that focuses on the role of vehicle hunting. Has a very potent vet1 ability and penetration, making it a must have when fighting enemy medium armor. Requires 'requisition AEC armored car' upgrade. Effective against light and medium vehicles."
Smoke Screen:
![]() | "The AEC will fire off a defensive smoke pot. This smoke screen will block enemy vision, allowing the AEC to escape."
Target Tread:
![]() | "The AEC will fire 2 rounds at an enemy vehicle's treads. The first shot slows the enemy and the second will immobilize them for a time. Requires vet 1. *day 2,301 and its still bugged*"
Emergency War Speed:
![]() | "The vehicle will move faster than its rated speed. Can only be used once before needing to be reactivated by Royal Engineers through repairs. Requires Hammer Tactics and a love of drift races."
!It can kill infantry, vehicles, and spot for your support weapons with its extended sight. |
!Deals 120 damage on a penetrating hit, 80/100/120 Penetration, 40 range, and 50 sight range allowing it to self-spot. |
![]() | "Can snipe infantry and vehicles. Fairly low rate of fire, but very good abilities to help snare vehicles. Effective against infantry, support weapons, and vehicles at long range. No penalties when moving through rough terrain."
Critical Shot:
![]() | "Allows your Sniper to fire a single .55 armor piercing bullet at a critical area on a vehicle. This shot can do anything from stunning the tank temporarily to damaging the engine. Required VET 1."
Coordinated Fire:
![]() | "Allows your Sniper to throw down a smoke flare, which alerts your base howitzers to begin a barrage of the target area. This ability has longer throwing range than the infantry section version."
!Beware of a counter sniping Ostheer sniper,and indirect potshots from the LEIG. Remember to jump from cover to cover to keep your camouflage. Ensure that you have him well-microed. |
!82 hitpoints allowing him to survive a direct hit from most explosive sources,just like the ostheer sniper. His VET 1 StunShot Ability has 1,000 penetration,which means no vehicle can avoid being critted by this ability. It stuns assault guns,turret locks turreted vehicles,and gives light vehicles engine damage. |
6 Pounder At Gun
![]() | "Kills tanks Effective against vehicles."
Rapid Maneuvers:
![]() | "Allows your AT Gun crew to quickly move their weapon for the next 20 seconds. Requires vet 1."
!Use The vet 1 ability to swivel the gun around on a dime, or chase down a wounded tank. It's an Anti tank gun with sprint. |
! 190/200/210 penetration and a narrower firing arc. Check the Veterancy Guide for the stats of this ability. |
Royal Engineers
![]() | "Very effective repair unit and frontline constructor. Effective with weapon upgrades. Has the ability to construct emplacements, build barbed wire, and lay modified M6 mines. Effective against infantry at close range."
Hazard Removal Package:
![]() | "Replaces one of the Royal Engineer's sten smgs with a minesweeper. This minesweeper will be able to detect mines near the engineer squad. Royal Engineer Salvage Teams come with this upgrade."
Heavy Engineer Upgrade:
![]() | "Gives target Royal Engineer squad greater armor, repair speed, and a Vickers-K light machingun, which causes them to move at a much slower speed. Requires Anvil."
Destroy Cover:
![]() | "Destroy target piece of cover, barbed wire, or hedge with a small explosive charge."
![]() | "Gain resources over time from a wrecked vehicle. Only available to Royal Engineer Salvage Teams."
!They(Heavy Engineers) repair as fast as sturmpioneers with a sweeper,and their Explosive ability can clear obstacles/blow down walls. This includes even the annoying bushes that prevent certain buildings from being used to their full potential (looking at you munnition house on Kholodny Ferma). Salvage engineers salvage a certain amount of resources ranging from Manpower, Munitions, and Fuel from wrecks depending on the health of the wreck and the type of wreck. |
!With the Heavy engineer upgrade from Anvil specialization ,they gain 2 armor on top of veterancy received accuracy bonuses,which makes them one of the hardiest squads in the game. However,their movement speed is also halved when they engage in combat. The Vickers LMG they receive is the same as the BREN LMG. This LMG doesnt take up a weapon slot,either,so you can add two more weapons for even more firepower. VET 1 COVER bonus :-30% cooldown,+50% reload speed |
Company Command Post

"The Company Command Post orders in heavier armor,hammer/anvil tactics,and unlocks the second howitzer Orders in the Comet,Cromwell,Centaur AA tank,Firefly,and Churchill heavy tank."
![]() | 280 | ![]() | 115 | ![]() | 0 |
17lber Emplacement
![]() | "Very powerful emplacement. Think of it as an immobile Jagdtiger with much better arc. Constructed in the field by Royal Engineers. Effective against all armored targets. Weak against artillery. "
Fire Flare:
![]() | "The 17-lber crew gain the ability to fire a single flare over the target area. This flare will reveal all objects in the fog of war. Requires garrison bonus."
![]() | "New advancements in British Engineering find that holding onto your helmet significantly decreases the risk of untimely death from fire, artillery, tanks, machine guns, grenades..."
!Put a squad inside to increase its rate of fire and rotation rate, as well as to unlock an ability to fire flares. |
!300/340/380 Penetration, with a whopping 320 damage. Garrison Bonus:-30% reload time,doubled rotation rate. |
Centaur AA
![]() | "A fairly slow, but very well armed mobile weapon system that destroys enemy infantry and lightly armored vehicles with ease. Its vet 1 ability allows it to punish blobs and static units. Effective against infantry and aircraft."
20mm Strafing Fire:
![]() | "The Centaur will fire in a preset line for several seconds, absolutely obliterating infantry in the target area. Requires vet 1."
Emergency War Speed:
![]() | "The tank will move faster than its rated speed. Can only be used once before needing to be reactivated by Royal Engineers through repairs. Requires Hammer Tactics and a love of drift races."
! Very slow, so be conservative with it. Compensates with a very high amount of accuracy vs. infantry. One of these with an AT gun or two backing it up makes for a very formidable midgame force. |
!Only has .1 more acceleration than a King Tiger,Combined with weak easily penetrated armor(160) and 640 hitpoints(4 Shot kill from all anti tank guns) |
![]() | "A true "flanker," this tank has a great combination of speed and firepower, allowing it to be a very effective frontline tank. Effective against all targets."
Tank Commander:
![]() | "The tank's commander will be coaxed out of his armored shell. He will then be able to give the tank increased vision(+10) and accuracy(+10%) with his dank binoculars."
Fire Smoke Shell:
![]() | "The Cromwell will fire a single smoke shell at the target area. Has a fast recharge time. Requires vet 1."
Emergency War Speed:
![]() | "The tank will move faster than its rated speed. Can only be used once before needing to be reactivated by Royal Engineers through repairs. Requires Hammer Tactics and a love of drift races."
! A great flanking tank. Use its speed to flank larger vehicles and to crush infantry. |
!The cromwell shares max speed and maneuverability traits with the American M10 Wolverine Tank destroyer. |
![]() | "Tulip Upgrade is 50 munitions, firing the tulip costs 100 munitions a pop,so aim well. Main gun has a long reload time,so use with support. Effective against vehicles."
60-lb. Tulip Rockets:
![]() | "Not to be confused with the 60-lb tank commander, the 60'lb Tulip Rockets give the firefly access to an unprecedented alpha strike."
Tank Commander:
![]() | "The tank's commander will be coaxed out of his armored shell. He will then be able to give the tank increased vision(+10) and accuracy(+10%) with his dank binoculars.."
Tulip Rocket Strike
![]() | "The firefly will fire a pair of Tulip Rockets in sequence. These Rockets deal heavy damage to any target that they hit. Reloads automatically after firing. Requires 60-lb Tulip Rocket upgrade."
Emergency War Speed:
![]() | "The tank will move faster than its rated speed. Can only be used once before needing to be reactivated by Royal Engineers through repairs. Requires Hammer Tactics and a love of drift races."
!Low rate of fire, but has a very high alpha strike with tulip rockets. Use a command vehicle to circumvent this. Use this tank as a "sniper." It can load huge amounts of damage in a short while with its Tulip Rockets but falls off with its main gun when compared to other dedicated tank destroyers. |
!Tulip Rockets deal 240 Damage each,have 280/300/320 penetration, with 33% damage on a non penetration. The main 17 pounder cannon deals 200 Damage(The same as a VET 0 jackson) with 210/240/260 Penetration with a 10 second reload at vet0. At vet 3,it deals 280 damage with the 17 pounder main gun. |
Specialization: Hammer Tactics
![]() | "This is the path you want to take to make your army more offensive and mobile..."
Vehicle Tracking
![]() | This ability allows your tanks to passively track targets that they have hit. This means that you will see all hit enemy vehicles in the fog of war for a short duration |
! Allows you to keep track of enemy vehicles, so you can continue hitting them with your long range AT or plan a flank to chase it down. |
Gammon Bombs
![]() | This ability allows your Infantry Sections to throw Gammon Bombs. These bombs have a large AOE, but also a large timer (about 4 seconds). Cause vehicles hit by the bomb's AOE to be stunned for a short duration. |
! Satchel charges with less damage against buildings, but more use against vehicles. |
Emergency War Speed
![]() | This ability allows your Royal Engineers to enable the "Emergency War Speed" ability on tanks that they repair for 5 seconds. This ability is basically combat blitz, but can only be used once before it has to be reactivated. |
! Use it like you would use blitz. Chase low health tanks, speed up a flank, or just retreat from danger. |
!+35% to maximum speed, -25% received accuracy |
![]() | "A bigger, better, faster and stronger Cromwell. Very good handeling and firepower, and comes with nice utility abilities to aid it in its task. Effective against infantry and vehicles."
Tank Commander:
![]() | "The tank's commander will be coaxed out of his armored shell. He will then be able to give the tank increased vision(+10) and accuracy(+10%) with his dank binoculars.."
Fire Smoke Shell:
![]() | "The Comet will fire a single smoke shell at the target area. Has a fast recharge time."
M89 White Phosphorus Shell:
![]() | "The Comet will fire a single white-phosphorus at the target area. Has a fast recharge time. Damages infanty over time and disables the main guns of vehicles. Replaces 'Fire Smoke Shell' ability. Requires vet1."
Crew Self-Defense:
![]() | "The Comet crew will throw a single Mills Bomb at the target area."
Emergency War Speed:
![]() | "The tank will move faster than its rated speed. Can only be used once before needing to be reactivated by Royal Engineers through repairs."
! Has very high speed, good penetration, good anti-vehicle, good anti-infantry, and good range. Use this tank to hardcounter enemy medium tanks (excluding the Panther). Its acceleration becomes godlike at higher veterancy levels. |
!160 Damage, 170/190/210 Penetration,6 second reload. Like the Cromwell,it has similar performance maneuverability wise to an M10 Wolverine when fully accelerated,making it one of the fastest tanks in the game on top of all its firepower. |
Specialization: Anvil Tactics
![]() | "This is the path you want to take to make your army more defensive and tanky..."
Heavy Engineer
![]() | This ability allows your Royal Engineers to upgrade to "heavy engineers." They gain a very large armor bonus, a vickers k machinegun, and much better repair speeds, at the expense of movement speed when in combat. |
! Gives engineers 2 armor, which is more than shock troops have (1.5). This ability is great for an emplacement heavy build to support your teammates. Your Royal Engineers won't be moving anywhere fast, but they will be able to maintain a large amount of structures and vehicles thanks to their repair speed. Engineers with 2 lmgs before being upgraded will still get an lmg, giving them 3 lmgs. |
!The Vickers LMG they receive with their upgrade has similar stats to the Grenadier LMG 42 and Bren Light machine gun. |
Airburst Shells
![]() | This ability allows your base 25lber emplacments to fire a mixed volley of HE and Airburst shells. Airburst shells have a much higher AOE, but less penetration. They also have a chance to stun vehicles. |
! Upgrades your 25lber barrages. If you go Anvil, be sure to emphasize use of your artillery! |
Advanced Warning
![]() | This ability allows your territory points to have increased vision radius. Don't ask how, its a secret. |
! Use this ability to plan your defense ahead of time |
![]() | "The games true "brawler" tank, this unit can soak a tremendous amount of firepower before having to retreat. Effective against all targets."
Infantry Support Smoke:
![]() | "The Churchill will reduce its speed a spew a smoke screen from its rear. This screen can be used offensively to move up your infantry and vehicles, or defensively to retreat your Churchill. Smoke is actually steam from the built-in tea brewery."
Crew Self-Defense:
![]() | "The Churchill crew will throw a single Mills Bomb at the target area."
Emergency War Speed:
![]() | "You wish, Bitch."
! Can take a pounding thanks to its large HP pool. Also has a fairly powerful main gun, compared to that of other mediums. Use it as a meatshield for your true damage dealers, such as the Firefly. |
!1,400 hitpoints. Nuff Said. 105/120/135 Penetration with 160 damage on main gun. |
These are those special units that will help you get very specific edges in the game. For the sake of this guide, we are focusing on the heavier and more game-changing units that the British forces have access to.
Crocodile Churchill
![]() | "The games true "brawler" tank,complete with a flamethrower. This unit can soak a tremendous amount of firepower before having to retreat. Effective against all targets."
Emergency War Speed:
![]() | "The tank will move faster than its rated speed. Can only be used once before needing to be reactivated by Royal Engineers through repairs. Requires Hammer Tactics and a love of drift races."
!Use it to burn down Pak walls,or OKW concentrations. Can take a pounding thanks to its large HP pool. Also has a fairly powerful main gun, compared to that of other mediums. Use it as a meatshield for your true damage dealers, such as the Firefly. |
!1,400 hitpoints. Nuff Said. 105/120/135 Penetration on the main gun with half the damage of a normal Churchill at 80 damage on penetration. |
![]() | "Sneaky bastards. Effective against infantry,and light vehicles. Sprints out of camoflauge."
Throw Gammon Bomb
![]() | "Throws a cooked Gammon Bomb."
Plant Demolition Charge
![]() | "Plants a player detonated Demo Charge."
Throw Light Smoke Grenade
![]() | "Throws a light smoke grenade that acts as yellow cover,not real smoke. Unlocked at Vet 1."
! Can cloak in cover for some nasty ambushes or sneak flanks. |
!High damage at range out of their passive sprinting ambush. The commando Gammon Bomb "satchel" has a ~>1 sec timer and 120 damage unlike the 3 second timer 200 damage Infantry section gammon bomb,but this still makes it MUCH more effective vs non static targets thanks to its short timer. It can also be thrown from camo for even nastier ambushes. |
Landing Officer
![]() | "the LEADER of those Sneaky bastards. Effective against infantry,and light vehicles at close range."
Throw Gammon Bomb
![]() | "Throws a cooked Gammon Bomb."
Kick Everyone's Ass(Heroic Charge)
![]() | "Charge. All infantry units including the infantry apart of the command squad gain buffs to their combat effectiveness."
Recon Sweep
![]() | "A cheap recon sweep unlocked at vet 1"
!They cannot cloak like commandos,but they have an even more OP oorah like ability instead. |
!ALL Squads (even teammates squads)under influence of the Charge ability receive -75% received accuracy,move twice as fast,have -20% cooldown,and have +40% accuracy,for 10 seconds. |
![]() | "SHORT? Range artillery piece. Effective against whatever it hits."
![]() | "The Sexton's 25lb Howitzer will saturate an area with HE rounds."
Emergency War Speed:
![]() | "The tank will move faster than its rated speed. Can only be used once before needing to be reactivated by Royal Engineers through repairs. Requires Hammer Tactics and a love of drift races, though I don't know why you would need to have one of these in your racetrack."
!Get closer to have a higher accuracy barrage, but make sure you note the below note. The sexton combined fire ability from the Valentine does not remove or reduce the cooldown for the barrage on a sexton that just fired, unlike the Ostheer Artillery Field officer. Keep that in mind. |
!A very fair 160 damage compared to the Priests 200,in addition to having half the AOE of the Priests 105mm. The Sexton has the lowest range of any "heavy" artillery vehicle or piece in the game. |
![]() | "Its watching you... Effective as a recon unit."
![]() | "The crew will stop to wank, while the commander observes the battlefield.(The Vehicle is immobile while using this ability) All units in its detection arc are revealed on the minimap and on-screen."
Fire Smoke
![]() | "A direct copy of the USF Sherman smoke ability, can be fired on the move."
Concentration Barrage
![]() | "All sextons not currently on cooldown will fire at the location."
Emergency War Speed(HAMMER):
![]() | "The tank will move faster than its rated speed. Can only be used once before needing to be reactivated by Royal Engineers through repairs. Requires Hammer Tactics and a love of drift races."
!Uses the IR halftrack style detection ability. It has a respectable gun,but try not to use it in combat,but more as an observation unit. |
!80/100/120 penetration on main gun,80 damage on penetration. This vehicle can "crush" infantry, but is not recommended due to its fragility. |
Churchill AVRE
![]() | "The games true "brawler" tank,complete with a massive mortar. This unit can soak a tremendous amount of firepower before having to retreat. Effective against all targets."
Fire Petard Mortar:
![]() | "The AVRE will launch its heavy Petard Mortar at the target position."
Emergency War Speed:
![]() | "The tank will move faster than its rated speed. Can only be used once before needing to be reactivated by Royal Engineers through repairs. Requires Hammer Tactics and a love of drift races."
!Use it to blow up Pak walls,or OKW concentrations. Can take a pounding thanks to its large HP pool. Use it as a meatshield for your true damage dealers, such as the Firefly. |
!1,400 hitpoints. Nuff Said. 440 Damage on the PETARD Mortar. |
3-Inch Multiple Rocket Launcher "Land Mattress"
![]() | "The Land Mattress was based on the 3-inch-diameter (76 mm) tube of the RP-3 or "60lb" rocket used as an air-to-ground weapon with naval 5-inch shells as warheads, and consisted of a 16- or 30-tube launching system mounted on a towed carriage. The Land Mattress is light enough to be moved by its crew and can be used against all targets. Effective against massed infantry and static targets.."
Fire Barrage
![]() | "Fires A deadly volley of 3 inch rockets at the target area."
White Phosphorus Barrage
![]() | "White Phosphorus Barrage. Burns infantry slowly to death. Fires less total payload than a normal barrage.
!Like all weapon teams it is vulnerable to flanking and small arms. Beware of building spawn units as they can quickly clear your land mattress. |
!Has slightly better Area of Effect than the Panzerwerfer. |
Infiltration Commandos
![]() | "Extra-pro doritos MLG sneaky bastards. Why? Because they spawn out of houses instead of deploying by glider. Effective against infantry, and light vehicles if they get close enough. Sprints out of camoflauge. Smaller in size than an normal commando squad, and cannot place demo charges."
Throw Gammon Bomb
![]() | "Throws a cooked Gammon Bomb."
Throw Light Smoke Grenade
![]() | "Throws a light smoke grenade that acts as yellow cover,not real smoke. Unlocked at Vet 1."
! Can cloak in cover for some nasty ambushes or sneak flanks. If you have no buildings to deploy from, they will deploy from your base sector. |
!High damage out of their passive sprinting ambush. |
This guide, like the other unit guides, will be updated every patch. We hope this answered many of your questions or gave you new knowledge about The British Forces. Please leave questions, comments, and concerns below. Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. Now keep calm and carry on, together, to victory!