I made roads and other land routes quite narrow on design, because that kind of "bottleneck" design supports more defensive gameplay. I did that because i believe defensive gameplay is really fun but very few multiplayer maps support it, those that do are my favorites.
Pripyat spring is good example, its bottleneck gameplay, and to some degree rostov (mainly the urban area) is too. I wanted to make map with similar gameplay to those maps where defending is very easy while attacking is very difficult..
I love the concept where defending side has time to dig in deep, player is designing complete defensive system himself including MGs,mortars,AT-guns, minefields, bunkers, barbwires, dug in tanks, tank traps, artillery support, long range guns like Pak43 or ISU-152 etc.. while the attacking side is designing and pre-planning how and with what units he launches the attack with. The good defensive positions and the gap (ice) between those positions kinda makes players build and design in quiet, untill one side chooses to launch all out massive attack that clashes on the massive defense design of opposing player.. and the result is most epic battles i have seen in this game

So its not just non-stop zerging all the time, this gameplay gives players sometimes opportunities/time to design and plan, and then watch how his plan works in action. So far only few maps support this very well, and i tried to make one more map to support this... while at the same time the map supports the stantard non-stop action too, only if/when certain part of the area calms down for a while, you can start designing and building the defensive system.. but you dont have to.
I tried to make the ice be broken at start but after i stamped my entire map to fix one bug, my map started crashing on load if i had added broken ice.. maybe because i stamped the ice too.. it got fixed when i fully healed all my ice to 100% health and resaved/repacked the map, but whenever i tried to re-apply it, it crashed.
Yes the atmosphere settings are one thing which is never going to be done, i know it from experience