
russian armor

AA Playthrough

26 Nov 2014, 09:34 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

This is a bit of a dead forum right now, so I will take the opportunity to do a mission by mission play-through of AA.

As noted here:


We will be trying most of the tricks to try and post a high score; and if nothing else we can also discuss strategy


Company Choices:

I have not yet played without Support, and I dread the time when I do, because they surprisingly they have turned out to be my favourite with some powerful abilities and my go-to choice for defensive battles

Rangers will be the next pick

As I played with Airborne I will take the Mech Company this time around; these guys are growing on me as there are certain vehicle based missions where getting tanks for mere MP will be useful.


First Mission:

DOG at Eisenborn

I have a pretty vanilla strat for this:

Get more RELs and place them in the positions, upgrade them all with MG. Tech LT and MAJ, get some AT-Guns and a Sherman for the additional objective

I have tried a couple of playthroughs tweaking that, building tank traps and sending the MG to liberate the route for Easy with the rifles in the hope to avoid losses

Initial attempts with the tank traps went badly wrong as the AI pathfinding sent their vehicles down the trail to Easy which is not what I want

Instead this time I have wired and trapped off left and right and left the middle open with a chicane of tank traps

However I have










Second line of fighting positions behind the first

With Easy coming in I cycle my RELs between healing and the first line of positions and let the enemy stall and delay against easy and the first positions.

Both MGs now behind but supporting the first line

Optional Mission: Intelligence, so I shall send the LT and Rifles off on that and follow with the Sherman when it arrives

Abandoned Sturmtiger, BWHAHAHAHAHAHHA


Final tally:

Vet +24
Strength -4
RQ 30

All objectives taken

Never needed to call for Artillery to break up an attack so should be max medals

Previous Scores:

So that is my cheapest victory so far; I don't think I lost a unit at any point, only figures
27 Nov 2014, 11:49 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Mission 2:

Baker at Bastogne

Enemy at Strength 2


This should not present too many difficulties, however speed is important

I send everything to the first point and take it for no loss

Decrew the M8 to take it and push on with the Shermans and Cav

Move M8 up to cap second point and let Cav take point against the AT at point 3, pak down, drop cav back clear it with the Shermans

Call in halftrack with Cav

Try to rush the final point, unfortunately they do get to crew one pak and take out a Sherman - which is bad


Linked up with about a minute to spare, need more AT so send RELs up to take a PAK

Friendly squad needs support to left, I clear out the Pgren squads on the retreat route with the Cav and head there

1st attack is a 222 and some Sturms that gets whacked

Squads relived without loss, strength back up to 94 which counters the Sherman loss.

I will not go looking for more trouble as I know there is nothing else much on this map and call in the 2 Stuarts ASAP

On way back Luchs attacking, use time on target then finish it with Sherman

Final attack is Luchs + Puma, which gets the M8 and the Pak before I can shut them down


Lost way too much there

Vet +14
Strength -10
RQ +30

Gold Medal

Previous Efforts:

18/-14 Baker
13/-7 Fox
40/-7 Baker
24/-4 Fox
27 Nov 2014, 12:56 PM
avatar of Winterfeld

Posts: 249

Love it, great idea. I myself love the Mechanized Company. The Halftrack provides you with some great infantry, which you can reinforce at the front! Makes it possible to do missions really fast!
Also, to add some love maybe to this Playthrough, can you add some pictures? :) I think that would make your descriptions clearer ;)
27 Nov 2014, 16:59 PM
avatar of van Voort
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

I can try, need to check where to host them
2 Dec 2014, 00:32 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

So, Rangers at Marche

The enemy start at level 2, but there is a scripted event that knocks them down to 1 on approach


Standard ticker, but bonus for decapping enemy VP

I will usually for these get a second REL to cap, then go for zooks and LT, get some MGs to lock down points

Let's see what happens


I forget that I start with plenty of fuel here, might be worth going Cpt for the Zooks but I think not. I might not have munitions to buy them otherwise depending how Munitions to MP goes when I hit 2CP

Which I thought was a useless ability, but it fits well, especially on the missions with limited MP

My starting RELs have gone to cover in the middle but are being mortar and shot at, so I soft retreat them to top fuel but do manage to cap it

Rangers will clear the mortar

Vgrens capping top fuel get dealt with by Rangers, I will leave RELs to cap

Second REL squad capping bottom and heading for right VP

Rangers wipe a sturm and hit the mortor

I leave one to cap the munitions and hit the middle with the 2nd

However Sturms turn up and it gets wiped when I retreat it

3rd Rangers arrive in mid and I deal with the Volks, RELs will cap

I know there are Sturms up top as I just had to retreat the first REL from there

Now I have all the fuel and about to hit 2CP, when I do I will go Zooks + Cpt, see if I can get a Stuart and end this fast

Ambulance will not be bad either:

4th Ranger

Apparently the AI thinks recrewing mortars with Sturms is a good idea

Why did I go LT, cancel and get CPT

Maybe both later I shall see, I have all the fuel

2nd MP blitz:

4th Ranger and pick up zooks

Hold for Stuart

Both RELS now capping the top

CPT arrives can immediately order two Stuarts

Split Rangers into those with Zooks and those without

Got the alert that they are heading towards the left VP

Now keep Rangers in the middle to kill stuff, with the zooks a bit back, RELs can cap, but I will drop back one to heal

1st Puma, move zooks up

3rd Stuart ordered

Puma down

Drop 1st Ranger squads back to heal and zook, repair Stuarts

Win 250 VP to 0


Steamcloud is not available, so will put the rest of the screenshots later


Vet +7
Strength -4

30 RP

Gold Medal

Previous Efforts:

30 / -26 Tank Grab Bronze Able

30 / -44 Armoured Assault Defeat Able

10 / +10 Armoured Assault Gold Able

9 /-26 Watchtower Gold Fox

20 / -10 Railsplitters Silver Able

2 Dec 2014, 01:25 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Situation for Campaign proper:

Dog are at 100%, the others at 90 and 91

Random Missions:

Bulligen 3 Preservation

Limited MP mission, this is made for Rangers so will be done when they get over there

Vielsam 1 Watchtower

Run around the map and beat the enemy to Supply drops, again a Rangers mission

Wiltz 2 Railsplitters

Destroy command trucks, will be facing Falls

Bastogne Outskirts 3
Armoured Assault
0VP + Kill Vehicles = Baker

Ciele 1
Tank Grab
Recrew vehicles and kill stuff with Vehicles = Baker

Lierneux 3
Total Domination v AGrens and Snipers

Fixed Missions:

St Vith 2

Ouren 3

I usually go these first with DOG to split everything up, but lets see

Stavelot 2

I have issues with this, it starts hard then becomes a VET farm
I don't want it to get to 4 because then there are FLAK HTs

Eschsdrof 3

Going up the right side easy, trying to attack the mid needs overwhelming force

Houffalize 2

Capture artillery and kill stuff
Probably Rangers

Can leave this though

Stourmont 1

This often trips me up because I overextend on offense, though the defence is easy
However there is no time pressure here so I can cheese it by just building up at the start

Espeler 3

I can take as long over this as I like, so I can leave it to get to 5 with no problem

2 Dec 2014, 06:14 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Well I shall send DOG to St Vith, but first let's follow Romeo's advice and walk everyone around to trigger stuff

Walk, walk, walk

Buklldozers in Lierneux

Thinks about it

Rangers v AGrens + Snipers

I will try it


Ok, only one REL squad this time, send them to bottom, when I get Rangers to top

This is Total Domination so VP only goes down when all 3 points are held, medals based on my remaining VP

As long as I hold at least 1VP my score will not go down, so my aims are:

Hold at least One VP all through the map

Try not to lose anyone

If I do really well I can try and farm vet later


Get VP first, connect up later

RELs have bottom, but I am losing it to Sturms

Will try to connect up top and work down





Drop back 1st SQ and heal


Now got all 3 VP

Kubel spam is unwelcome


RELS to bottom, get muntions

Manpower blitz:





First Flaktrack of the day, fortunately I have some zooks now

MAJ up, get ready for Shermans

Sherman out, half track down

Maj can back cap with Rels

Luchs up top, better part of valour

Sherman up there, Vet 2, Puma lets pull back

Come back with second Sherman and lots of zooks

Free Luchs, dead Puma


I think no squad lost


Vet +19
Strength -8
Gold Medal

30 RQ

Bulldozer Shermans


47/-26 Silver Hardpoint DOG

10/ -21 Defeat Railsplitters FOX

22/-11 Silver Railsplitters ABLE

8/-14 Gold Armoured Assault FOX

33/-36 Bronze Armoured Assault FOX

Germans flee to Stavalot, Vielle and Vielsam

Stoumont is for some reason unappealing

I have to think on my next move, I need to get Stavelot before it gets to level 4
3 Dec 2014, 19:40 PM
avatar of Fanatic
Patrion 14

Posts: 480 | Subs: 1

No idea how you manage to lose just 4 strength @Eisenborn. oO Impressive. The Sturmtigers and Obersoldaten nades killed about 3 squads. Also my additional objective was to kill PIV and i had no chance to do this. My Sherman was too late and he had no chance vs the PIV.. .
3 Dec 2014, 20:49 PM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Thank you,

If I took pics for that I could show you, but basically:

Upgrade all the fighting positions ASAP and put RELs in all of them

Cover any gaps with the HMG

Try to wire off and channel their advance (maybe some tank traps too but be careful with them)

Go for the Easy advance cut off with enough force to kill the enemy quickly, but still try and fight only one enemy squad at a time

Get 3 or so 57mm ATG but don't send them forward until you have to and keep them on Vehicles Only (It appears they will shoot through and destroy your fighting positions so you don't want them firing unless unnecessarily)

Get a second line of fighting positions up just in front of the trenches and know when to fall back to it

Heal your RELS and repair your fighting positions whenever possible

After Easy arrive your first positions will probably be becoming damaged and untenable, so you can drop back to the second line of positions; at that point you are basically going to be contributing suppression, rifle grenades and AT - Easy will be taking the casualties.

DOGs artillery is cheap and good, save the munitions and use if against the tanks when they come

Note that the AI never retreats when suppressed and pinned here, they will stay and die and it's just a matter of time. So fighting positions are an excellent way to fight without costing any company strength

And perhaps most important:

There is no save here; you do have a Pause button, use it

Depending on what the side mission is, it should be doable with the One Sherman you can get + Rifles; only exception to that is, as you found out the damaged tank. That might be a time when it is worth buying zooks (the only time I would on this mission) and/or trying some combination of:

Zooks + Sherman + Artillery + Major Artillery
5 Dec 2014, 06:37 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Well I didn't manage to load any more screenshots before I had to reset steam so they are lost

Let's push on:

It appears that my next move will be to try to get Stavelot before it gets too strong

In the interim I shall walk around

Rangers ran over a mine -10 Strength


Now, I will try to go aggressively down the middle and setup, hopefully running my greyhound past to get the first truck

As long as I can get on the route the trucks will take to get out I can take my sweet time

I have Assault Enginers, M2, M8 and REL


Pick up zooks straight away

Take out first Fusiliers with canister, pull back and let the HMG suppress the others

First truck leaves, heading from left fuel dump to right top


German Officer is also top right


Chase the first truck down, but need to pull back and repair



Luchs, fuck

Bazooka it to death and retreat infantry

Gib another PF squad with Cannister, 2nd truck gets away


Kill that infantry gun

Heal and reinforce, pick up those MG42s that are lying around

Send M8 to kill that Ober squad



Now 2/3 on Trucks



Consider recrewing the Inf Gun but will want all pop cap for Shermans

Send rifles to get 4th Truck, discover it has flak with it

Zook it, kill 4th truck 3/4

Gib another Fusilier squad

5th truck with Luchs, 57 takes it out but I cannot get the truck


Resolve to kill the officer and clear top right to get a good field of fire with the 57

Officer Killed

+10% Experience



Now any escorts can get killed by artillery

Truck + Luchs

Now 4/6

Send M8 to explore the top as I have never been there before, with Shermans here I can farm vet and take my time now

Truck + Luchs = Boom


Nothing left up top

Truck + Vet 2 Luchs = Boom

Germans are redeploying so I am apparently supposed to go take that point now

Don't think that has happened to me before


Run into Truck + Luchs which is awkward


Garden, Puma, do not want to lose this M8 with 66 kills

Got it



Infantry Gun on the fuel is annoying

Truck + Luchs 7/9

Lets get some Major Artillery on that Infantry Gun and see what is over there



Unescorted Truck 8/10

Recrew that Puma with Rels

Luchs + Trucl 9/11

Damnit, lost Sherman attacking the fuel


Luchs + Truck 10/12

Luchs gets past as my vehicles are repairing

I go hunt it down with the Puma + Sherman

Truck 11/13

Hmm, they are counterattacking

Truck + Luchs 12/14


Get major up for recon + Artillery to get the Infantry Gun

Truck + Luchs 13/15

Move up closer to get Major in permanent recon range

Truck + Luchs 14/16

Somewhat slowed down by all the wreckage

I could cap the depot, but I don't want to as I have Vet to farm


Now I just sit here and kill Luchs, Trucks, Falls and Fusilisers til I hit Vet 3

Go to try to clear to south of fuel, but they react and kill my 57mm


Free Luchs

REL (for fighting positions)

Several minutes of killing stuff later

Luchs for some reason (probably wreckage) doesn't want to enter the map

Infantry and trucks still come, send a force to take the right

Nice and slow

Ah, Luchs are spawning again

Only potential problem on the right fuel is the Puma



For some reason straight to VET 3 very quickly.

Ok, lets' cap

Now I have to hold it for 2 minutes

This is an impressive amount of debris


VET + 276

Strength -15

RQ 30

Gold Medal
5 Dec 2014, 06:44 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Germans flee to Stourmont 2 (Gives them Vet), Vielsam 3 (Light Air Support), St Vith 3 (Limits Allied Starting defences)

Previous Efforts:

22/-14 Bronze DOG

44/-22 Gold FOX

17/-20 Bronze FOX (Versus level 4)

143/-15 Silver DOG
6 Dec 2014, 05:58 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

My upload time sucks right now, so I cannot get pictures on

DOG are at 300/80

So they need no more Vet, just some heal

I will try to avoid using them except for a truly hard mission or to spare the others as at Vet 3 they can get no better

Then again, saving overall strength is more important than overall vet

FOX are at 26/73

So they need heal and Vet

Baker are at 14/100

So I will be using them next

Houffalize I want to leave

Bastonge is at 3 so the only other adjacent one, so there I go

Walk around Dog in Stavelot:

Cover Specialisation available in St Cith

No interested

Baker to Armour Assault in Bastogne Outskirts it is

Enemy is at level 3, so will have MHTs and Light Mech Support

As I want to kill Vehicles this should all be good

I get extra armour every 6 minutes (however it will not be good)

And there is a PAK 43 somewhere
6 Dec 2014, 06:13 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Send M20 through mid, RELs along bottom



Rifle to top


I don't actually care about linking fuel up very much, so skip over it


The PAK is in the middle, and they have that a flak truck

Leave that, maybe artillery later



Report of enemy vehicles


Two flak trucks is bad news


IF flak is at the bottom maybe I can get that PAK

PAK, Puma and Kubel

And I just got another M20

Yay me


And a gardening Luchs


I'm going to pull out

I might be able to win this but it will be expensive

I can come back knowing where the PAK is and make sure I run for the VP first with RELs rather than connecting up

I didn't do that this time and it will cost me


6 Dec 2014, 07:50 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Try this again


Rels to mid and get that PAK

Move up the 57 and cap along the way, then use to support 88

M20 to top star


Rifle to Mid

Prioritse Zooks

Vet 2 Kubel and Puma in range of the 88


They do not get drawn in



Back cap with the RELs

57 to mid

M20 to repair and bottom star

Two pumas mid

Get both Pumas but lose rifle

Now have Volsks v AT guns on mid

Return M20

Will call in Cav Rifles to there when I can

Cav Rifles

Panzers inbound


RELS back to bottom star

M20 to try and cut them

One MHT down but I lose the 57

Call second Cav Rifle

Free M20


Free Shrek


Second MHT down

Recrew that 57


8/-7 GOLD

Previous Efforts:

35/-16 Silver Railsplitters BAKER

19/-11 Gold Total Domination ABLE

12/-9 Gold Preservation FOX

6/-1 Preservation FOX

Enemy flees to Hoffalize, Cielle and 1 is killed
6 Dec 2014, 08:46 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Next best move seems Tank Grab to Cielle

Bunch of abandoned stuff to recrew for 50 fuel and only vehicle kills count

Tailor made Baker mission

Enemy has MHTs and Light Mech support

On the way there:

Recon Plane event

Find the Pilot but he dies +5 Experience

Medals here based on how quick I win

I will do REL spam to cover the map and get fuel, and these will be my source of crews for the abandoned vehicles

Start with two RELs, build 1 more:



Rifles will be to harass them when they recrew and protect me when I do

M8 will be very useful as I need vehicle kills and canister will be good for that


Driven off by Sturms so I will let rifles deal with them

Capping top and right cut off

Free Sherman

Gardening kubel, fortunately there is a closer M8

Canister on Fusiliers gets 3 15VP

They retreat, lets get that Kubel

RELS capping right


Driven them off so I can get the other M8

They are trying to get the Sherman, let's get over there

Cannister on Sturms = 20 VP

222 is unwelcome, hopefully I can hold it off til the Sherman is up

Sherman is up and undammged

Kill 222 -5VP


Cav Rifles

Head for the other M8

Kill two Sturms -10

Chase them to their base and regret it

Pull back and repair

Get that second M8, got Sturms, Volks, Raketen and Puma

Get out of there before I lose anything but get the M8


Puma is not really in a position I can get on it

M8s to cap right

Sherman to cover

New plan:

Use the halftrack to move RELS around with

Not much abandoned now, so tech up


Tell a lie, something down the bottom

It's a luchs


Ok, see if I can ignore that and kill infantry with the Luchs and M8s

Score is 240 to 130 so I need 26 kills

Puma is down

Ok, pull back and repair

M8 is killed by PAK but crew ok, retreat them



Tiger Ace is in middle

Send Luchs around right

Kills an MG team

They are trying to get the M8 back but is too close to their base and I know there is a PAK there

Luchs gets raketen but needs to repair


Rifles + Sherman to left

M8, Halftrack, Rels + Luchs right


Do a recon pass

They have a IV J too

Try a Time on Target on the Ace

Ok, that is all a bit confusing bit there goes an MHT

Just lost Halftrak to a raketen after getting away from the Ace

Luchs is down too

Now need 5 more kills

Dual stuart call in

When I am ready do a recon and get those 5 kills

I have a Stuart and the Tiger Ace visting my base

Ignore them

Lose one Stuart to a Raketen but Gib it with M8 for the final 3 kills

170 to 0

+15/-22 Silver

Not surprising, might have got Gold is not for the Tiger Ace

Previous Efforts:

18/-18 Silver Watchtower ABLE

6/-5 Gold Hardpoint ABLE

10/-26 Silver Tank Grab BAKER

17/-12 Gold Railsplitters ABLE

1 German to Houffalize

2 die
12 Dec 2014, 11:19 AM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Was able to add in a few pictures, but my upload still sucks


Dog 300/90

Baker 45/59

Fox 83/100

It is overdue for me to take St Vith and Ouren and start splitting the Germans up

I don't really care how powerful Houffalise and Espler get because those are classic "take your time missions"

I get a random event that gives me 20 experience, on a Company that is maxed out

Oh well

Houffalise is nominally against the clock, but what you may stand to gain from farming vet and not losing units is better than what you may get from a Gold medal

Everything else I do not really want to get stronger

I shall let the others heal and take Baker to St Vith and then probably Ouren straight after

This is usually fairly easy, however this time it is at strength 3 with limited starting defences

12 Dec 2014, 12:02 PM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Limited starting defences means fewer MGs lying around than normal

But I am Vet 3 so I start with a Sherman

Usual plan:

Get some RELS and get fighting positions up in the Church, back up with a PAK

MGs to hold the other points, recrew all the loose stuff and use the ambulance to reinforce


Church position is ready, remember to leave the Sherman for the pop cap

First offensive, 1 casualty in the crossroads

Get 2 positions up at railyard, drop back and get zooks

Sherman to church, but don't need it


Move MG from Rail to crossroads

Railyard and crossroads, this time with Armour

Sherman to Cross for 221, Pak to Rail for Puma, support with Rifles

Ambulance to heal at Church


Who comes in a VET 3...

Battle at the railyard can take as long as I want, they are sort of out of reliable HMG range, but not doing much to me so are sporadically supressed

Repair Positions at railyard, and wire that flank

Next will be some fighting positions at the crossroads

Railyard, luchs + Puma

Sherman and rifles to there


Enemy has radio jammers which is I got Zooks, left one down

Sherman healed, lets go get the right one

Now I have a flanking probe, Sherman to go back

Don't much care about the pack howi though

2nd Jammer down, quickest way to get inf back is to retreat

Howi is dead, but still cannot get a 2nd Sherman


Puma and Flak Crossroads > Sherman + Rifles but no at there no, drop AT Overwatch on it

Luchs and 222 Rail > PAK

Lost fighting position crossroads, build another

Church and crossroads

Sherman + Rifles + AT Overwatch to crossroads (Stug + Luchs)

Leave Church (Luchs)


Vet 0

Strength -3

Requisitions: 30

3 Germans flee:

Espeler, n 5

Bullingen, n4

One dies
12 Dec 2014, 12:07 PM
avatar of van Voort
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Previous Efforts:

9/-15 Bronze 4 ABLE

28/-5 Gold 2 DOG

31/-4 Gold 2 DOG

31/-4 Gold 2 DOG

12 Dec 2014, 15:57 PM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Dog onto Ouren then

I have never actually managed to take the North bridge here, either been two busy trying to hold or chasing after secondary objectives

Let's see this time


Rifle Demoliation at Houffalize, they get satchel charges

Tempting, but we will see after this


Again, Vet 3 so I get Sherman and Pack howi in addition to the Engineers, RELs and MG

Normally my plan is to take the left quick, then use the engineers on the MG at the South bridge and be very careful with the Obers there

Then cross over and consolidate


I see no reason to take casualties clearing the first point so I shall send the Sherman



Pick up Zooks as we come in

Defending MG was at Vet, which is unpleasant

That's cleared out, now kill the rest with the Sherman but mind the PAK


They are obliging by coming to me


The middle tank trap needs taking out or it will block when I get the cache up there



Drive past the PAK and take it out




Which will be all the way over the left, I will leave that

Set up tank traps, then fighting positions and I will recrew the pak when I get the MP and Ambulance

Meanwhile start shelling the next point up so I can clear it later

I know there is a repair truck there with PAKs and MGs


3 Fighting positions is enough for now


Truck is down, destroy the PAK then empty out and get 3rd Sherman

Better remember to repair this South bridge...

Do recon up to the North Bridge and see what is there

Call AT Overwatch on any armour

Not that I can but there is a PAK

Not any more there isn't

Hmm, North bridge was easy, maybe I will get the tank

2 minutes till counterattack

What I will do is go in, drop AT OVerwatch on it then pull back

That did it

Allies now securing North Bridge


3rd Sherman now here

Attack coming in, which is just infantry which will get killed by Fighting Positions

Send the HMG back off map to free up cap



Assault Engineers to repair North Bridge

Rifles to retake Fuel




Let's drop artillery on that flak truck

2nd attack coming in

4th Sherman here

Tiger was not what I expected at the north butI should have done

I am behind it and have AT Overwatch

Lost a Sherman

N 2 North and 1 South

2 more Shermans arrive

Lost fighing position but holding out South

North bridge is repaired to retreat Engineers

Repair everything




12 Dec 2014, 16:03 PM
avatar of van Voort
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Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2


0/-7 GOLD 3 DOG

2 Germans flee, 1 to Espeler, 1 to St Vith and dies

Previous efforts

30/-23 Defeat 5 BAKER

64/-15 Defeat 5 BAKER

62/-10 Bronze 5 BAKER

You can see why I failed my first playthrough...

92/-17 Silver 3 DOG

86/-12 Silver 4 DOG

4/-7 Defeat 3 DOG

When I discovered that the counterattack timing bears no relationship to if you have taken the South bridge or not

70/-19 Silver 4 DOG
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