This map is all about who control the middle, but!
If the west player control the middle, he can go for cutoff,or capture fuel,so two options.
If the south player control the middle, he can manage to capture the enemy fuel at only one point, and he will never be able to cutoff the enemy.
If two player on same level play against each other, 70 % that the south will lose.
No mention, the west player has straight route to his fuel, while the south player had to go more, i feel.
If the west player dont control the middle, he still can defend the fuel because it has only one choke point, and cant be go around there, while if the south player lose the middle, he will be cutoffed and remain on his isle and dont be able to defend his fuel.

If the opponent managed to take the fuel, the retrat paths favour to west player again.

so you can see he will avoid the battle, while the south player will retreat in front of his base or in the middle where the battle is.