Ladies and gentlemen!
Welcome to WiFi’s Tournament of Gamekeys: The first independently organized Company of Heroes 2 event in which the prize pool is almost entirely composed of community donations. These donations take the forms of game keys collected from the recent steam summer sale and other miscellaneous sources: there's enough for the top 6 to get something! This 1v1 64 man single elimination tourney will feature 2 days of live events (on twitch) with both The Frontline Network and Rogers ‘n Pounder working together.
- Now: Prize donations open
- August 13th: Signups open
August 20th: Signups closeSignups extended to August 23rd, 12:00 GMT
- August 20th: Prize donations close
August 24th: Day 1
- Check-ins start: 15:00 GMT
- Check-ins end: 15:40 GMT
- Brackets released: Between 15:40 and 16:00 GMT
- Tournament start 16:00 GMT
- Match time: 1 hour 40 minutes (or however long it takes)
- 10-20 minute break between matches.
August 25th: Day 2
- Tournament start: 15:00 GMT
- Check-ins start: 15:00 GMT
- Check-ins end: 16:00 GMT
- Match time: 1 hour 40 minutes (or however long it takes)
- 10-20 minute break between matches. (also for us refs to check match)
Prize Pool
(subject to change and alteration)
(*#) is how many of such copy one winner can claim. Donator's name in bold.
LA Noire CE
LA Noire standard
Witcher 1 EE
Witcher 2 EE
Portal 1&2 (pack)
Natural selection 2
Civilization IV
Company of Heroes: OF
Company of Heroes: TOV
Dawn of War II: Retribution (x2)
Thq Humble Bundle pack
Warhamer 40k Dawn of war (x2)
Titan Quest
Rome Totalwar: gold
Medieval Totalwar II: gold
Empire Totalwar:collection
Shogun 2 Totalwar collection
Deadspace 1 (steam:3) (origin x3)
Burnout paradise Ultimate box (steam x3) (origin x2)
Medal of Honor (steam x2) (origin x2)
Deadspace 3 (origin x3)
Mirrors edge (steam x3) (origin x3)
Crysis 2 maximum edtion (steam: x3) (origin x3)
Battlefield 3 (origin x2)
Metro last light (steam)
Splinter cell black list (steam)
Far cry 3 (steam x2)
Space Marine (steam x2)
Mass effect 3 (origin x2)
Hotline Miami (Steam x2)
Crysis 3 (Origin x2)
Official Prize Pool (Google doc)
Prize distribution
(subject to change)
- 1st Place: 8 Games plus first pick
- 2nd Place: 6 Games
- 3rd Place: 5 Games
- 4th Place: 4 Games
- 5th-6th Places: 3 Games
- 7th-8th Places: 2 Games
- 9th-16th Places: 1 Game
Will start the 13th August and last until the
General Rules:
- [b][b]No verbal abuse, this includes, sexism, racism, comments about sexual orientation or threats of violent or sexual attack, excessive chat spam, personal attacks; above all use common sense.
- No stream cheating (viewing opponents stream during a match), this will result in a DQ.
- No use of 3rd party programs (zoom mod, map hack, etc.) that gives you an unfair advantage against your opponent. Guilty parties will be DQ’d and banned from attending further events.
- Collusion will not be tolerated, any guilty parties will be DQ’d and barred from this event and attending further events.
- No bulletins allowed at all (if used your match will be voided and may be
- DQ’d.)
- No Mirror Matches (very simple).
- Referees reserve the right to ask you to change your name at any time for any reason.
Match rules
- Tournament matches will consist of best of three(3) that's it.
- In game one of each Bo3, the highest seeded player gets faction choice. For each game after in the round the players alternate factions until a winner is determined.
- If no winner is determined after round two, faction choice for the final round will be deferred to the player who held the most overall victory points in the previous games combined in that round.
There are two methods of anti-cheat used in my organized events, and you are required to use one of them:
- Method 1 - Use Screenshotter:
Players will be required to use Screenshotter v3 during their matches to take screenshots at random intervals. You can download Screenshotter from here.
- Method 2 - Stream your matches:
If you choose to stream you are required to post a link to your stream in the sign-up thread so referees can check your channel periodically.
The winner must submit his replays to BinaryBeast for a match win to be legitimized. All players must save all their replays. A referee can ask for one whenever and wherever they choose. Make sure you have them as you may lose a dispute, or if deemed appropriate, be DQ’d
Streaming matches is encouraged if you have the ability to do so, both as an anti-cheat and for the enjoyment of the community. You are however required to password your stream if you are participating in any game that is going to be casted. Passwords for your stream during this time should be given to referees ONLY.
Check-ins will begin thirty(30) minutes before the tournament (I recommend you get there even earlier if you can.)
Instant link to the Steam Chat Room for check-ins and to find your opponents or ask any questions you may have.
Just copy it in your browser:
Or go to the group and Join Chat http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tfncasts
Use the same steam name you signed up with or you may not get properly matched which could result in DQ.
Twitch chat
- Follow individual Twitch channel rules.
- Use common sense please.
(subject to change)- R1: Moscow Outskirts Summer
- R2: Kholodny Winter
- R3: Langreskaya Summer
- R4 (quarters): Kholodny Winter
- R5 (semis): Langreskaya Summer
- R6 (finals): Kholodny summer
A 2 day livecasting special that will be co-casted live by Rogers ‘n Pounder and The Frontline Network.
Casting schedule
Day 1- (Saturday 24th August)
- Time: 19:00 GMT, 20:00 BST, 14:00 CDT, 12:00 PDT
- RNP Channel (Twitch)
- Casters: Roger/Pounder/FatalSaint
- Matches: rounds 1/2/3
Day 2 (Sunday 25th August)
- Time: 19:00 GMT, 20:00 BST, 14:00 CDT, 12:00 PDT
- TFN Channel (Twitch)
- Casters: Tommy/FatalSaint/Rogers
- Matches: Quarters?/Semis/Finals
The matches will be placed after broadcast on both RNP and TFN YouTube channels.
No shows, arrival time for match etc.
If you going to be late for match start time please contact an admin and tell him and hopefully it can be worked out.
If you are more than 10 minutes late you may be disqualified.
If you find yourself willing/wanting to donate, please contact me on steam. I will continue accepting donations for this tournament up to August 20th for this event. Any donations made after the cutoff date will be added to the prize pool for future events. Remember the more donations, the more prizes I can give out for the winners and the bigger this tourney can get.

List of Donators:
Wuff, WiFiDi, NorfolkNClue, Rogers, DanielD, ComputerHeat, Noun/Relic, Bode, Fageline,
Damn the Unicorns, Crydius, Twister.
I'm sorry that some names have been lost in the paper trail. If you donated but your name is not on the list please let me know. I will do my best to change that. Thanks to everyone who donated, I immensely appreciate it!
- Tournament Director: Nate “WiFiDi“ Foos
- Referee/admin: “Sheriff Mclawdog”, “Predators”, "IpKaiFung"
- Artist: “FatalSaint”, "Pounder"
- Casters: “FatalSaint”, “Tommy”, “Rogers” and “Pounder”
Anything in the tourney is subject to change at any moment. I will do my best to give everyone fair warning of any major changes. A few things have yet to be finalized but for the most part it's all here.
A big thanks to everyone that helped me behind the scenes in making this possible whether it be donators or just people I've barraged with lots and lots of questions.