The Prize Pool keeps climbing
We now have 153 contributors who have purchased a whopping total of 1016 levels. At the time of this writing, the Total Prize Pool is $2885.81 USD. The Top Contributors List is longer than the barrel of a Sherman Firefly. A special shout-out to Benefactors who have joined the ranks since our last update:
New stretch goals added 
Thanks to your generosity, we are unlocking stretch goals faster than we can think them up. We hope you are enjoying the ones we have delivered so far, as we work diligently to complete the rest. Today we are adding another tier of stretch goals:
- $3250 Ami's Blog from the Tank Museum in Munster
- $3500 COH2 Unit Collection Wallpaper Pack by TM.Dutchy
- $3750 Loopable stream background movies by Janne252 for all to use
- $4000 Contributors Giveaway Package #3 (TBA)
- $4250 Fan Fiction by FichtenMoped
- $4500 #OCF Machinima Short Film by COH2.ORG Staff
- $5000 BartonPL will eat a bar of soap
Check out the updated OCF Progress Page. Did that flagpole just get taller?
DLC give-aways for Contributors Package #1 
At $1750, we unlocked our first Giveaway Package. We are happy to announce the contents of that package:
- 3x Company of Heroes 2: The British Forces
- 1x Superpowered Commander Pack generously donated by Jackas4life
- 1x Company of Heroes 2: The Western Front Armies generously donated by Kobunite
- 1x The THQ Collection generously donated by IncredibleFaHu
- 2x Oldschool Commander Pack
- 2x Rome Total War Gold & Retail full games
- 1x Soviet Four Color Belorussian Front Skin Pack (Heavy, Medium, Light)
- 1x Case Blue Skin Pack (Heavy, Medium, Light)
We will conduct the lottery for Package #1 on Wednesday, August 19th, at 7pm CEST. Tune in to SundayNightFights on for the live draw, but don't worry, you don't have to be present to win. All #OCF Contributors are eligible. The 12 lucky winners will receive their keys via email.
Loopable #OCF Stream Anthem by Lynskey 
Independent content creators are often hard-pressed to find cool music to accompany their videos or livestreams. We've got you covered. Sunday Night Fights title theme composer, Lynskey, has created this brand new #OCF Stream Anthem specially for the Company of Heroes 2 community. We offer it to you completely free of any copywrite restrictions! You may use it on Twitch during your streams, you many use it on YouTube for your VODs, you may use it anywhere you like. How about making your own music video for it and submitting it to the OCFanart Contest? The possibilities are limitless.
Click "download" to grab the entire SNF collection (12 tracks, size: 55.3MB),
including the brand new track "Operation Charlie Fox" .mp3 @320kbps
Here is the Operation Charlie Fox Stream Anthem on YouTube
Download: OCF Stream Anthem .mp4 video (136.8 MB) from MediaFire
Operation Charlie Fox in-game Decals by TM.Dutchy 
Support #OCF by wearing these new decals in-game with pride! We hope they will embellish the armor of tanks, light vehicles, and base emplacements throughout the Operation Charlie Fox All-Star Game, Qualification Tourney, and Main Event in September. And who knows, if they prove popular enough, maybe someday we will find them in the game proper, to be worn into automatch. Our lead artist, TM.Dutchy, has come up with a classy and fitting set -- worthy of our noble cause.
Get them here: OCF decalpack homepage on Steam Workshop
Just press the big green "Subscribe" button!
Reward Casts by Romeo and tightrope
Reward cast for wuFF by tightrope
Reward cast for SturmTigerGaddafi by Romeo