are you fucking kidding?
the ML20 deals 300 damage now with MASSIVE AOE that wipes shit like no tomorrow, at vet 1 salvo is same as LefH 18. it needs a nerf than a buff
While the LefH deals 160 dmg and lower AoE and vehicles barely takes a scratch when they are hit.
That was my pretty much my point. ML20 shells do 300 dmg, LeFH do 160 damage and both pieces fire the same salvo now when ML-20 is at vet1 which make ML-20 superior in all respects.
Also, higher damage means a bigger 'kill AoE' as the damage drops off e.g. it takes 80 dmg to kill an infantryman. Suppose shell damage is approximately halved at 1, approximately quartered at 2. LeFH will then have kill AoE of 1 (160/2 = 80) whereas ML-20 will have kill AoE of nearly 2 (300/4 = 75, so a bit less than 2 will give you 80). That double radius means 4 times the area chaps! (Remember, area is square of radius times pi for a circle)