Monsieur Alexzandvar, your statement about Napalm trusting the in-group that he is in is correct when analyzing it from a social psychology perspective. However, the tone you used - or, rather, the tone that came across - was rude, with a bit of malice and pompousness. However, in your reply to my close friend and fellow Bear, Glendizzle, your choice to end your statement with a rhetorical question directed to His Holiness, Keeper of the Honey, Pack Leader of all the Provinces of the Great Northern Nation, Stomper of Noobs, Father Christmas Bear, Defender of the Faith, Napalm is perhaps just shy of the pinnacle of internet fuckery.
As I sit here, at 12:58 am on a Tuesday night, I reflect on all of the forum posts of yours that I have read and I see so much of this passive-aggressive behavior in nearly every post. I find it distasteful and contributes negatively to the typically benign, friendly exchanges that occur every day.
As the sole representative of Bears in the sovereign state of Wisconsin, and as one of the three representatives from the glorious province of Onterrible, I hereby denounce you.
Good day, sir
Also, Napalm, I am so incredibly happy for you. Salmon for everyone. (And you get a salmon, and you get a salmon, and you, and you. EVERYONE gets a salmon!) |
As VanVoort said about the Riegel mines, they are guaranteed to immobilize, just like the M20 mine.
That being said, mines don't always change games; they can end them too.
The M7 AT mine for USF is decent; I believe they are best used when placed five at a time (as the chance of dealing a crit increases with each mine, up to five). They do damage to light vehicles, maybe medium tanks. I have seen KTs roll over them like nothing.
If you're going armor company (Assault Engineers can lay M7s), you could pair a couple of mines with a demo, or get a soviet teammate to plant a demo. I would assume the demo would go off from the mine detonation.
I really think that the USF need some sort of Anti Infantry mine that is non-doctrinal. Huuuuge design flaw.
TM-35 and Schu mine are best mines in the game because they are both cheap and effective against infantry and vehicles. |