General Information
Register Time: 14 Nov 2013, 01:47 AM
Steam: 76561197972083544
Residence: United States
Nationality: United States
Game Name:
Avoid Relic strimin option at all cost. The gameplay will suffer eventually. OBS is pretty easy to set up. I saw a guide on .org, just look around the guides section.
There are a lot of options and plugins available. I'll have to find the guide - thanks for the direction.
Hi I'm a basic twitch user - I have everything properly connected and can stream but only for a brief while. For some reason my twitch will stop and connection will cease after a few minutes. It will say connection lost to twitch.
COH2 detected bit rate was 2124.
Twitch configuration quality was Excellent.
My connection is 120mb/35mbs
I am hard wired into the modem
comp specs is well powerful.
I do not use OBS or any other 3rd party software.
Ofc, but look, PW wipe 2 pac hawi from one shoot, if vs zu fast you have a little time, katysha have 3 volley, but PW shoot all rocket.
I think the scatter and damage is pretty close to solid since its only a single barrage but maybe a delay on time to target. The next patch should make them very interesting (and by interesting I mean OP kappa).
But I agree with ur criticism about Pershing over ez8s this map
Here's a spoiler we can all agree on
Seriously tho I guess ez8 swarm would have worked but an ele, jagdtiger, panthers, pak wall on top of kyles lost 6 pounders' wouldn't have made much of a difference, IMO. I think airborne would have been best - skill planes + med tank swarm. We couldn't move the panzerwerfers out of the nest with no indirect fire on them. GGWP
Price/Barton played Paul and myself in a cheese edition of the patch. Pretty sure Price saved it, plus it turned out to be a close and exciting game. I'll try and get it after work today.
Found it on prices' twitch - best I can do: patch preview