No. Just no. Shock troops were an early call in and were effectively only countered by tanks(or German snipers) . They were destroying armored cars without loosing a model and just shitted over every cover mechanics due their armour.
Obersoldaten need the t4 truck, which is a expensive fuel investion. Thus they come in mid game but can be countered by t1 units.
I should had rephrase that: the comments here makes me remember the old shocktroops threads.
222 had a really lame DPS back then so it was hardcounter with FHT. MG42 also countered them (with 1 unit support to not get lolsmoked in the face).
Again, i don´t think they are OP and till i don´t get WF i can´t test it yet so it would be difficult to emit a correct opinion. At least they are not useless, that´s for sure