On 1v1 it is. I'm talking mainly about 2v2 here. I have no worries for the map control. Little or equivalent in startgame, then bit by bit push and strangle your enemy, there is nowhere to go, maxim is everywhere. Behind maxim is the mortar (regular or 120 mm). Next to the maxim is the Zis gun for vehicle atempts. The 2 engies squads already placed some mines and have flame throwers to punnish succesfull flanking manuever. They are hepled by 1 or 2 T34s that are quite mobile and can go fast where they are needed in order to prevent escapes from the maxim net. OKW T2 and T4 are going down to zis guns and mortars. Add one or two guard squads for button and light vehicles attack prevention (they will work together with Zis or/and T34s). Use othe nasty things that your doctrine provides you (I prefer the 2 T34/85). Have fun.
The only intelligent players I met (they knew how to respond to this) were using at ostheer the mortar ht and at okw the wurframen. But even with these the maxim spam stomp is not guaranteed. Flanking, regular mortars, Leigh, flames, light vehicles, arty, ... nothing else worked. So...don't tell me about soviets. . if they want, they can make you cry.
I'll say it again, if there is an opening i'm not afraid from SU is maxim spam because it's easier to shut down in comparison to constant agression from Con spam, wiping M3 kitting micro or double sprinting snipers. I just like when people go maxim spam, specially on certain maps where i can easily block all the retreat paths with sandbags and you can't vault over them
Note: theres a difference between maxim spam and con with maxim support. I guess you are talking of going 1 or no conscript into 3/4 maxims. |
As soviet, I am a fan of maxim spam (if you do it right, nothing, I mean nothing can stop it at least in 2v2 if the both players are playing the same shit). With this strategy, me and my 2v2 partner were beaten only when severely outplayed and it was really close. If you suffer with T3 or T4 against OKW, you did something wrong until then. By the time you build your first T34, the OKW players should be blocked, with little options. I found it hard to do this with penals, they are good until middle game, but with maxim spam + mortars + Zis and one - 2 T34 it's not hard at all. There are several degrees of maxim spam. Think at the worst one possible. That is what me and my partner do.
Maxim spam is easy to shut down, no snares, no scaling. I guess it's a matter of skill levels on the same way i say OKW is easier to play but not neccesarily better. I'm "afraid" whenever i see either no tech (con spam) or T1 openings than T2.
The reason is simple: you ever lose map control with maxim spam and you won't recover it. And to do that is as simple as hugging green cover, houses, flanking, scouting/crashing with SwS. |
OKW vs Sov is aboring and unfun matchup for both players due to being bottlenecked into a very limited number of plausible strategies.
While 1v1 strats are more limited, since you said you play 2v2 i'll have to disagree. Specially if we compare it with OH or USF strats. |
-You con spam
-Play T1 into double early snipers or clowncars
-Maxim spam
Either you stall into call ins or you keep the aggro through T3 play or indirect fire on T4.
-Check enemy base at min 0, min3-5, and at min9-12. Adapt strat accordingly to his tech.
-Flak HT/Stuka (depending map n playstyle)
-Obers/Elite infantry
Urban map (infiltration nades), MG34 for that surplus of mp on the early mid game, Pak43, Command P5. Falls are good but will drain you mp, PF are great against snipers but are a muni sink early on. |
USF light AT mines are underestimated, place 10 of them in a cluster and you have a very high chance to break a tank's tracks. And you always can combine them with demo charges when you have assault engineers. M20 mine is devastating vs vehicles as well.
Light AT mines stop working after the 4-5th mine. |
Swap battlephase cost with tier buildings. Now you don't have such a quick FHT rush, but still early on to have an impact. |
pfaust will hit moving targets. are you saying that the fusilier AT RG is like stun shot or something?
(i'm seriously confused here)
You use the ability and just see the AT nade fly away and dissapear without hitting the tank. |
While it's stupid that Rifles have a minimum range for their AT nade, it WILL hit moving targets. Not so with PF. |
PF can't hit a vehicle with their AT nade if it moves. Most useless AT nade, followed up by Rifles although. |
5 munis mines don't break ice  |