Unfortunately, this is too late to implement.
In case of a future COH3, this should be thought and brought to the admins from the get go (not the current politic). Not something exclusive to the top25, but something which should avoid the usual shitpost we have around here atm and leave some space for serious discussion.
What i had propose in the past:
-Requirements to post a balance thread: replays uploaded to the site + playercard show up
People shouldn't hide on the annonimatum, gamemode matters as issues differ and skill level shouldn't matter to be able to brought light into something.
-Everyone should be able to see posts in the balance section
-At first, everyone should be able to create threads and post on the balance section.
---In case someone shitpost/flamewar, then revoke the permission to post in OTHER people's thread.
---In case someone spam/create low quality threads, completely prohibit both posting and thread creation.
The point here is that, at first, if someone doesn't know how to interact with others, he should still have a chance of bringing up issues (only been able to post in the thread he makes).