Not sure where are you guys getting the numbers but Puma/Jackson RoF should be on coh2db stats.
Puma is (3.6 : 4.1 Reload) + 0.13 * 2 (ready and aim)
For an avg of: 4.11s
Jackson: (4.375 : 4.975) + 0.13 * 2 + 0.5 + 1.125 (Wind)
Avg: 6.56
AP Jackson: 5.2 - 5.8 + 0.13 * 2 + 0.44 + 1.1
Avg: 7.3
Reminder that in combat you have to discount the first salvo, as the vehicle already has the shell loaded.
It's possible, but I can't think of a time when an old change (2+ years) has been reverted because the core reasoning for the change was flawed. And as others have said, it would make Axis heavies (or panthers) extremely oppressive against USF.
Not sure if i got the point, but you mean a change which has already been established changed years later? Because if not, there's plenty of changes which were completely flopped upside down.
Can we stop ignoring the Puma's vet 1 ability? We are literally talking about the puma vs a turreted vehicle, and it has a turret lock ability. That can completely swing a fight against a Jackson and you left it out completely from this analysis
HVAP can certainly change puma to a 2-shot kill, but the reset on the aim/cooldown could fuck it up since the Puma has smoke to break contact and a sight range advantage
Accuracy is the only point that I think is trouble. Could increase the target size of Jackson since most people already think it needs some nerfs against everything anyway. The armor nerf should happen regardless just to at least eliminate the rare p4 deflections
A Puma on equal terms fighting a Jackson retreating will never be able to kill it. Even if you take into account the vet 1 critical shot. It's a turret lock, not a main gun disabled.
I made the test running a Jackson across the Test range while a Puma chases and uses Aimed shot. Without human input and having to cross more than half the map, there were cases on which the Puma was able to kill a Jackson but only when this factors occured:
-Puma lands first shots due to vision.
-Puma immediately hits aimed shot to lock turret.
-Puma moves out of line of the Jackson while keeping chase.
-Puma has great luck and connect shots and not one deflects.
-Jackson misses at least 1/2 shots.
If the Jackson has human input the Puma can't realistically defeat it.