That first bit was so grammatically incorrect, good to know I won't have to endure any more of it. Men and women have different brains, bodies, hormones, interests, etc. That's not anti-science, that IS science, unless of course you get all your "facts" from delusional feminists like Anita Sarkeesian and Lena Dunham. If you want to refute anything I said, you better bring more compelling evidence than something your dumbass dyke of a gender-studies professor said.
That is fact/science.
Generally speaking girls are less competitive and/or less inclined to like cognitive activities, which is why there aren't very many girls at university getting degrees in physics or engineering but rather education or biology. The ones that are more competitive typically invest all their competitive drive in sports. How many guys that are in to athletics also like to game? A lot of them. Girls that are in to sports play very little if any video games.
that isn't.
since when is engineering competitive? a graduate with an engineering degree from a half decent college can get a 40-50k first year salary easy. engineering is a very safe career. I rather say Art is more competitive. You don't get a test that have straight questions and straight answers. Your grade is always relative to your classmates and your portfolio matters more than simple alphabetic grades. You work for yourself way more as an artist (especially due to lack of good job security... ) than if you are an engineer. Art schools, even most prestigious usually have 60-40 girls to boys ratio.
If anything, i think it has to do with environment more than innate biology.