when i played coh1 it was always more axis players than allied.
With more than 3000s games within these 4 years, I never saw that.
US mixed with Brit truck system is godly overpowered. |
^ Yeah, only if they have 5 G43 and they actually know how to shoot
DAFUG are you smoking, Volks AI is BAD, they even lose to Cons in all engagement.
And the guy who said USF indirect fire sucks, I dunno what games was he actually playing, neglecting Walking Stuka USF have the best squad wiping indirect fire machine. |
Please answer me why axis has the highest playercount in EVERY ww2 game? It has nothing to do with axis being "easier" to play in coh2.
If i have to choose between a shitty maxim or a 1200 rpm MG42 then its not a hard choice.
That and nazis are damn cool.
Play some COH1 team game and say that again, I dare you. lol |
Ostheer: Dis mess, I go back playing my beloved Wehr
USF: Am I play Brit without zombies and truck?
OKW: Crippled faction
Soviet: Too abusive, just like the Brit |
This thread  |
This forum reminds me the old days, those COH1 nubs 24/7 whining how "underpowered" the US was. |
Yes, Jackson is bad because it's pure RNG unit.
Once I attacked 1 Panther with 3 Jacksons. 6 shots, all of them bounced.
And don't say, 57mm is good because at far range is has... 115 penetration.
HVAP is not a solution because its still has a problems to penetrate Panther.
Well used Jadgpanzer (or on urban maps where there is no place to flank) can deny Jackson.
57mm penetration was like that since COH1, but they never disappointed me, L2P.
It is already much better, AP round much cheaper, more accurate and having permanent spotter. #lowskillfriendlyRelic |
Plesea, tell me you are joking... 57mm best at gun? Barrage ability does not make best AT gun. I want my AT gun to penetrate, not kill infantry. Jackson? This glass cannon? Panther is better in everything except damage.
57mm was the best one before patch, before Pak40 TWP buff.
70 range with permanent sight (#balance) is insane and it has decent reload.
If you think Jackson is bad, please really learn to use it. This is the most bullshit EVER, IMO in mixed Allies and marked target it breaks the game. This bastard makes Tiger I like toy. |
Said so many times, it is NOT Volks being too good but screcks being too accurate at long range.
Screcks sniping armour at long range is what they are wrong, that's just encourage bad players blobbing them around the map killing every armour. In fact, Volks is a very shitty infantry. Their Kar98 is like shooting NOTHING, with shrecks they can actually vet, but without shecks they can't vet shit. Try a game if you want to proof Volks blob without shecks, they are totally SHIT. COH1 Volks are fragile but at least they know how to shoot the Rifles, in good hand they are still very good infantry unit. COH2 Volks without screcks are trash, period. |
They way volks perform, they should cost 240mp. And when they reach vet 4, should cost 32mp to reinforce.
Zooks should perform on par with shreks or vise versa
Or if relic knew how to balance it would be simple.
High pen with normall damage
But with huge inaccuracy at med to long ranges
Average pen with normal damage
Very accurate even at med to long ranges
Is2 is literally the only Real threat to volks. Even an IS2 can be forced back.
Very funny dude, thanks for the joke.
So the game should punish players preserve their squad, no wonder what a mess COH2 is, there is so many nice person in the community.
By this logic, vCOH US vet 3 Rifles after SY level 2 should having 60 reinforcing cost, since they are super terminators and US having unlimited manpower at that stage.  |