A single s-mine square covers a pretty big area (almost the area of 3 soviet mines) so removing the sign will make the mine too effective. Plus the mine is made of many tiny mines, so unlike the soviet mine they can keep going off for a while.
Also if the s-mine single square is made too cheap it will be spam-able and mess up the balance of the game.
I like the mines current role in area denial, so the signs go with that role well. I just hope I can build them in single, but more costly, squares.
What they did in this last patch is not a solution, it actually messes up things for those who want to make a good use of the unit without spamming it.
For example before the patch if you built t1 you could still call ostruppen at the same time and use it to cap for you along with engineers. Now they broke this useful aspect with the capping delay and left all the other main problems with spamming it untouched:
if on tanks, it should be on all units, mgs showing when they need to reload etc. That said, I dont think this is needed. It will more or less just clutter things up, even if only on tanks. If you need to know when to stop, try to measure the ROF of diffrent tanks and adjust your movement after that.
Yes just like the mgs you see the status bar indicating how long before it completes setup. That feature can be implemented in the commands panel, this way it does not clutter anything, but will be less convenient to follow of course.
And here is my suggestion in practice. Notice how I cancelled the mine after finishing 1 section and got a 60 ammo refund.
I look forward for the opportunity to be able to build 1 section without having to go through this time consuming process even if that cost me more ammo.
But I wouldn't be surprised if they'd already receive it. I currently don't have access to the game files to check it for a few days so someone else should probably check that out.
I dont think pg inside ht are receiving any accuracy modifier. In my game with op every single shrek hit its target. And the ht is pretty fast and strong so it can take on t70 with ease.
Fix that and make ag call-in cool down longer and I think the commander will be more balanced.
I like anti infantry german mines (s feild), they are effective in area denial, but I think their high cost makes them hard to use. Since they are made in 4 sections why not give a second option of building 1 section at a time for an extra cost per section. Hence, 4 sections cost 80/4 = 20 per section. I suggest the 1 section build option cost 30 and keep the sign. That would help reduce spamming them.
I think the two new German commanders are a little op, more so the ostrupin. And shrecks should not be so accurate in ht I agree. But I think you are pushing things a little too much. I mean after I beat you in that game someone beat me using your same start.
Focus on better aligning infantry small arms within our health/damage system. This reduces the amount of overkill and better enables us to control how small arms functions within the game. Generally speaking, each weapon will have the same DPS as it did prior to the change. However, the LMG42 did see a reduction to its theoretical DPS output as well as its long range DPS output to compensate for its incremental value over time.
If I understand correctly small arms weapons have been changed to score more hits but with less damage. In total that would give the same damage output over the same time, but in a more predictable way, so that one shot doesn't kill a solider, hence overkill.