Adding RNG lowers the skill cap of any given player. This is undeniable. By nature , random factors cannot be effected by skill.
If you want a game that caters solely to the lowest common denominator, by all means make every crucial aspect of the game a random factor. Meanwhile I'll be playing dice.
I don't necessarily agree with this. Life and professional sports are full of lucky and unlucky moments.
Although I'm not for or against the new patch, I don't really see a problem with RNG and the way they did it. Example: I see AT nades has being a waste of ammo vs. a heavy tank BUT if you are desperate, you try it, if ever it works, it doesn't change the outcome of the game being played unless the player with the heavy tank was too aggressive with it or the tank was unsupported. So the RNG is there but imo doesn't decide a game unless you play a high risk game. So this still rewards good play, if you play High Risk well then expect that maybe an At Nade might work vs. your Heavy Tank because your enemy will probably try it more the once.
Also RNG does bring some WOW moments which I think is entertaining but again not game changing.