What a 1 sided mauling.  nice job. |
Yea I just got the drop a few days ago and it's my go to doctrine now. OKW with a OPak 43. Count me in.
I can def see the reason for a pride post however...no shame in that.
And....We are talking about the #1 player in 1on1 as OKW....so it's not like he doesn't understand the faction. Maybe he has not used Fortification much, I don't know. Either way....good stuff. |
Pretty Much. I faced 3 Howie tanks AND 1 soviet Howie and we still took it too them with stukah, sturmtiger and big time artillery. Fun game though. Oh Pak 43 was there too. |
Vindi had a strange opening vs OKW here. I'm not sure I've ever seen someone not spam rifles right off the bat. I feel like he was playing around a bit and got taken by surprise because he aint no scrub. Like he said. It happens from time to time really good players relax a bit...then find out...hmm...I messed up or lost too much early and can't come back. Plus fortification is really a beast commander. |
2 KTs lol...nuts. Good job. |
Yea....I think that the Puma would just die to 4 Guard squads though if I am to guess correctly. |
Fortification Doc / Assault vs Howies and more howies
Soviets decide to also use howies as well as US making 4 total plus Kat.
Sturm makes appearance, gets rocked many times and decrewed. MVP 72 kill Stukah Vet 5 by 75% of game I'd say.
Pak 43 with Tiger as well. US blob factory makes appearance as well. Maxims too.
Hero puma goes in for sneaky kill. |
is sturmtiger = Cruzz or is there another Sturmtiger player? |
Pretty nice play Cruzz. Baiting tanks in for the kill priceless. |
Actually if u watch his build it was terrible.
Had he been any good I think you might have lost. He ran 3 tanks without getting line of sight into your army and lost all 3 tanks. The 105 Sherman isn't for fighting other tanks. He didn't seem to have a clue on how to use the tanks.
The guys I've fought that have tank spam mix up the tanks and use them accordingly.
Shermans fight the infantry and the M10s kite you into coming in. Once they are vetted they use the AP rounds and you're toast.
Up a replay when you lose and you'll see how bad this guy actually was. Not taking anything away from your win though. Good job. |