If you suspect a drop hacker email
enforcement@relic.com and the Relic Enforcement Team will take a look at the situation. Include a replay and any screenshots you feel would be useful.
It was claimed that we don't take any action against drop hackers unless we have it on record of them saying that they're about to drop hack. That's sort of 30% correct.
Essentially if it's just one report we won't take any action, unless there's a reason to believe that they're drop hacking based on the conversation (which is why screenshots help) prior to the disconnect.
However it's still worth reporting because while we won't take action against someone for 1 disconnect, if a player is getting a lot of reports against them from different people then the volume of that will mount until a point when we will take action against them.
Two other things to keep in mind:
- drophacking hurts a player's trust rating thus drophacking is an strategy with a limited life for a player. Since there's no option to create profiles (as there was in CoH) a player who drophacks will ruin his own trust rating to the point where all matches begin to count against him.
- disconnects can happen for several reasons. Imagine if you were banned from playing the game just because your connection dropped once. Thus we do tend to give people some leeway if it's a single report, just as I'm sure you'd want/expect the same consideration.