to address the 3 trolls here, kat blv and pereat here just add 5 starting fuel to okw
1) the list was not made by me, i copy pasted it by elechino7 and added extra build order
2) OH and SU both pay much less for tech , let u guess why they have to build techs AND have no free stuff like ALL DLC factions (KT,emplacment, 25 pounders, vehicle crew,etc)
3) u can literally see ukf full tech cost is almost the same (255 vs 250) but okw can't double upgrade or give more HP to sturm pio, etc
4) kat must be terrible at math cause last time i checked 225 > 220 , or would u like to argue that okw pays more than SU too ?
5) starting fuel guys i know it's easy to forget by u need to count it
so there is not FREE UPGRADE AXISS BIASSSSS !1!1!!!!! (unless u count SU as axis in that case yes but that would be post ww 2)
and sice some people here haven't passed elementary school i will do the math for u by removing starting fuel
okw 255
ukf 250
usf 250
ost 205 edit
su 200 edit
so unless KT is free stuff but major vehicle crews 25 pounders, etc are not they have similar tech cost unless " but OPW pays more for KT, i mean it's not like major is free or 17 pounder is free or vehicle crews are free"