I did not watch the replay but if he as an SU-85 at 11mins its because he had both fuels, you really need to concentrate on fuel points and denying your enemy of it, so the real problem is not the SU-85.
That being said, having an SU-85 out so early doesn't really give him a huge avantage vs. your infantry, it's mostly a tank destroyer. First, slow it down, panzerfaust it whenever you can and build either panzer-grenadiers with panzershreks or 2 paks and try to take it out just after you panzerfaust it.
I have watched the replay from both sides. The SU-85 had very little to do with this.
Starting positions FWIW : OP (lvl 64) JBob (lvl 34)
The essentials (from the OP's POV) are that in a perfick world, he should have noted the Soviet took the first (near North) VP at 1:35 and the Southern VP at 1:45. The OP chose to ignore that until the 5th minute, when he took his first (and only) VP, by which time the Soviet was 500 and the OP was under 400. So the OP was playing a relative novice who sacrificed map control initially, but sadly the OP never made a serious attempt at map control until the very later stages. This hurt him badly, IMO.In particular, the OP split his force between the centre, the North and the South, so never really established map control, albeit in the closing stages, he seemed (belatedly) to be in the ascendancy
I stand to be contradicted, but the novice play by the Soviet player was accentuated by failure to upgrade any of his Cons with Molotovs/Antitank grenades/Medics. Had he done so, I think the match would have been even less favourable to the OP
As it was, I think the OP made a mistake initially by going for the Ammo point at the centre and ignoring the Northern half of the map, which has 2 VPs and a Fuel Point.
Eventually, the OP did seize the North fuel, but lost the central Ammo at the same time, whilst securing no VPs.
I think bears noting that SU85 builds neither require Ammo nor VPs.
By 5:20 minutes, the VP counter is 500: 388 in favour of the Soviets. The Op has not used (and does not use) any rifle grenades. He does not upgrade any Grenadier with an LMG during the match.
6:00 mins:
The Soviet is accruing economy per minute (Ammo/fuel) at 47:32 OP 16:17.
Patently, the OP is losing the economy war. This results (IMO) from initial incorrect decisions for BO, coupled with some bad micro and wrong strategy.
7:10 Triple VP cap in favour of the Soviets. Not a good omen for the OP.
Soviet is earning per minute (Ammo/fuel) : 42:29; OP 21:13
Soviet T2 completed (though the OP will not know that)
7:15 SU T4 build commences.
Critically : VPs are 500 (Soviet) 353 (OP) (You ignore VPs at your peril!)
7:46: OP regains lost Northern fuel after over 1 minute without it. But PGs make slow plodding progress in the South, when they should have raced to decap the Soviet fuel.
Soviet T4 half-built.
7:48 OP finally recaptures Northern fuel for himself
Resources per minute (Ammo/Fuel): Soviet: 37/26 OP 26/23
But in the bank (Ammo/Fuel), SU has 166/74; OP only has 133/37
i.e. OP is losing the economy war, through a variety of reasons.
8:10 PGs are loafing;; Flammenwerfer still loading.
VPs - 500:311
08:35 2nd PG squad.Not enough ammo to upgrade to Shrecks, for even one squad
08:42 First Flammenwerfer attack on Northern VP. Soviet T4 constructed, but he is 15 points short of the required fuel for an SU 85 (SU hss the required manpower)
Resources: (Ammo/Fuel) SU : 37/26; OP 26/23
09:23 OP finally attacks South fuel with PGrens,, but too late.....SU have sufficient resources for an SU-65. The die is cast, or perhaps that might read the cast will die?
10:15 OP is gaily hosing away napalm on 3 Con units, 2 Pio units and a Mortah unit. Seemingly , a Master of the Universe.
But, oh wait! All good things come to an end. ...
10:20 Halftrack Commander - "We are under attack"....not from an SU-85 though....
10:57 First and only shot of the SU-85....narrowly misses the depleted halftrack (it being at less than one quarter health).The Commander of the halftrack evidently calls for his brown trousers....
So....what do we learn from this?
1) The SU-85 is not quite the bad guy
2) The 7 Ps still apply
3) The Flammenwerfer is not a tank, and should not fight unsupported
4) A bad workman blames his tools
5) "It wasn't me Guv, honest' is still a criminal lie
6) The OP ran early: he was on the brink of securing the 2nd VP (finally, and not before time!)
7) You secure upgraded Halftracks before schrecked PGrens/Paks, to your detriment
(but he was going to lose anyway, on the balance of probabilities, as opposed to RNG
I highly recommend the replay of Dave (Ostheer) vs IronRoman (Soviets)if you want to see how an Ostheer win vs SU-85s etc csn be achieved