to the...
First verse of the fourteenth chapter of the Second Book of Kings: 'And he said, "But my brother, Budwise Reborn, is an hairy man, but I am a smooth man."'
Perhaps I might say the same thing in a different way by quoting you the words
"When that One Leaderboard comes
To mark against your name
It matters not who won or lost,
But how you played the game."
'But how you played the game.'.......
Words very meaningful and significant for us here, together, tonight. Words which we might do very much worse than to consider. And I use this word 'consider' advisedly. Because I am using it, you see, in its original sense of 'con-sid—er', of putting one's self in the way of thinking about something.
I want us here, together, tonight to put ourselves in the way of thinking about ... to put ourselves in the way of thinking about, ummh ... what we ought to be putting ourselves in the way of thinking about.
Very recently, I happened to see Sungea sitting on a park bench. she was sobbing. Seeking to give her solace, believing she must have lost to Helping Hans in a 1 v 1, I sat beside her and patted her knee a few times
'Alors, Padre!' she shouted, 'What's your leetle game?'
That, at any rate, was the gist of what she said!
But you know, I was grateful to her because, you see, she put me in mind of the kind of question I felt I ought to be asking you here tonight: 'What's your little game?'
Very many years ago, when I was about as old as some of you are now, I went mountain climbing in the Rockies with Yoinck.
And we did the same again recently, when I was involved in missionary work on the West Coast of America And there was this mountain, you see, and we decided to climb it. All day we climbed—up and up and up —higher and higher and higher—until the valley lay very small below us, and the mists of the evening began to come down, and the sun to set. We were wearing Xmas Cardies generously donated by Noun.
When we reached the summit, we sat down to watch a game of Beta vCOH on my Ipad amid this magnificent sight of the sun going down behind the mountains.
And as we watched, Yoinck, very suddenly, and violently, vomited.
Some of us think life's a bit like that, don't we?