Maphacking is impossible to prevent in client-side games, and making an RTS server-side is impractical. Relic has also shown an ability to detect maphacking through battle servers, as evidenced by their ban wave on maphacking a while ago.
In reality, the vast majority of "hacking" incidents people report or complain about are just better players with better game knowledge. In the years of play and thousands upon thousands of CoH1 games I played, I never once suspected an opponent of maphacking. It's really not as prevalent as people want to believe.
And on the other hand, there are players like me that have watched replays with the stukas and katuyshas perfect aim without recon.
thank you for letting me bring this up to the community, its important for a good clean game. |
This past month I've became very suspicious about cheats. Reason is, I notice in my replays, players move exactly to where I move... was this coincidence? At first I blew it off, but then notice more frequently this was happening, specifically with certain players. I did a google search and found this
site: (I removed the link that was proof this exists per Inverse request)
It has a maphack to reveal the enemies whole map. Interesting it has Imperial Danes name in the customer reviews (probably Imposter).
Some say "don't post about cheats, your just promoting it". I say the community has the right to awareness and to be vocal to relic about it, not to shut people up and keep them in the dark. And it keeps people in check with this awareness especially newer people who might get taken advantage of.
Oh yeah, some say this doesnt work. You are wrong it does work. Does this mean Im using it? why would I post something about my concern regarding cheats and using it, ridiculous, and to spend money on cheat program, even more ridiculous, money I don't have. I wouldn't want anyone to know about it. I just want a good clean game.
Note: If I wanted it, I would have to cancel my subscription to Siberians twitch stream channel, lol, then I can save the money for it.
I appreciate your time.
Thank you,
Cool game, used a JagPanzer and JagTiger tank sniper combo for a win
As an okw player i would love to see hellcats head to head with my kingtiger 
and sadly the pershing is against faction design
Hellcat was the fastest tracked armored fighting vehicle in ww2 up to 60mph, 92 kph |
Dear Relic,
Suggestion regarding tanks, specifically filling in the end game tank balance for USF, in a head to head challenge against a King Tiger, have u consider the two following USF tank destroyers?
M18 Hellcat and ofcourse the M26 Pershing
I appreciate your time.
Thank You,
the team that game was a top 100 team iirc, it would be a disservice to call them noobs or average. you are cherry picking because you only mention the 3 losses and not mentioning the many times my mg42s performed to expectation in suppressing multiple squads, and being able to relocate and continue suppressing after they get smoked. also please note that the 12% increased fire rate only makes a difference in one situation where the entire enemy squad is in yellow cover, in which case the mg suppresses at the very end of the first burst instead of the very beginning of the 2nd.
also id like to just post this for those of you guys saying mg42 suppression is inconsistent
Firing at Far range = 1.15 Second (73% of the first burst done)
Firing at Mid range = 1.04 Second (52% of the first burst done)
Firing at Near Range = 0.94 Second (40% of the first burst done)
Time to suppress a squad in yellow cover: (0.5 modifier)
Firing at Far range = 4.65 Seconds (46% of the second burst done)
Firing at Mid range = 3.66 Seconds (5% of the second burst done)
Firing at Near range = 1.89 Seconds (80% of the first burst done)
courtesy of pherrera
Thats great u did a 2v2 top team, with 3 mg42 bulletins, awsome. My suggestions criteria has been no mg42s bulletins 1v1 game. Thats the realistic play for the majority of oshteer players 1v1, Also love the mg42 stat numbers but in practical 1v1 play the outcome/results of performance are telling across the board, which is the mg42 not what it should be in practical performance. If your conclusions is for all players to play exactly like u, its not reality, so again do some 1v1s  with your equal skill level and lets review the results  |
Knock Knock... Who's is there? One Shock troop(s). One Shock troop(s) who? Shock troops that throw one smoke grenade and wipe out MG42 squads suppressing me(shock troops)
Knock Knock... Who's is there? USF Riflemen. One USF Riflemen squad who? One USF Riflemen squad that can also throw one smoke grenade and wipe out MG42 squads suppressing me(One USF Riflemen squad)
Anyone else got a knock knock balance joke? |
I think the only buff the mg42 needs is an increase to far accuracy. Right now it's at an abysmal 14% with like a dps of 2.7 or something iirc
I don't know why you're cherry picking. Sure I lost my mg42 crews but you forget to count the many more numerous times I held back allied pushes even when they did use smoke. Also, this isn't the only time I've 'tested' mg42s, Ive pretty much exclusively use mg42 heavy strats for the past week or two since I prefer it over gren heavy starts
Don't assume im cherry picking when i watched the whole game. Im giving an analysis of your criteria of how you used the mg42s in that game, do you recall how many mg42s you made and how many you lost and had to replace? Also, dont forget you played a 2v2 and not a 1v1 in this game. Also u used 3 mg42 bulletins and not the standard mg42. Just want to make sure readers are clear on the criteria u used which makes a difference in your conclusions
Suggestion to play 1v1 with no mg42 bulletins but against a player with your equal skill level, thats the true test here, none of this random allies average/noob player testing |
I love using smoke gren vs MG, I made so many great moves with a good smoke + general push to take a sector that I can understand how some of you can get pissed off.
But honestly It is just a l2p attitude guys. Lemon is 100% right, you must reposition your MG, that what the game is about: tactical decisions. If you imagine you can lock a sector by simply positioning an MG, well you can make as much thread like that as you want, it is not going to change anything...
Grenades are an investment for USF in MP and Fuel + ammo to use, which delay your tiers upgrade. If you believe it shouldn't negate your MG lockdown, here again you're 100% wrong.
I watched lemon play a 2v2 (not a 1v1) today testing out the MG42s. I witness him lose 2 MG42s squads due USF grenade and 1 to infantry attack. Lemon kept replacing the left behind MG42s with engineers, thats not idea. Also, Lemon used all MG42 bulletins, not standard MG42s.
MG42 is best MG in CoH2. This toppic is about making them more better and leave others MG more weaker?
I have no problem support my grens with MG42. You want MG42 "all in one" army?
I say the Mg42 is not the best, and without bulletins they are no good on a 1 v 1 |