Me and my friend are fairly new to CoH2 and have decided to try and create a strategy for 2vs2 (US+Russia).
Being fairly new, i wondered if anyone here had some advice or tips before we start creating the strategy. stuff like: for our army combination, which commanders to use and when, if the US player is better at certain things, certain things russia are better at etc.
i played a fair bit of vCoH and am fairly impressed with the western front expansion, just got to get used to a few chanegs.
Thanks for the help!
One of the more common plays I see in my community when it comes to US + Soviet is the Maxim + Medic Truck Combo. When paired together, you can have maxim teams (2-3) lock down areas and still move from one spot to another rather quickly. Axis infantry are strong, but are still susceptible to heavy suppression of overlaying MG sprays.
By aggressively pushing your maxim line forward, coupled with hospital truck and rifle squad, you can advance your front line and gain resource. Normal infantry will have to force retreat due to suppression and MG42 set up to hinder your front lines will still have trouble dealing with the US rifle horde that can outflank them. Maxim lockdowns are hard to flank because of their fast set-up time so it makes the tactics decently effective. The additional resource you gain from early win could mean early tech and therefore get armor before your opponent. If your opponent is really behind, you can literally get a tank and drive it into their base, and they can't do anything about it because they simply can't afford the tech upgrade because of either manpower bleed due to Maxim sprays or little oil from early loss (of course, this must mean your opponent isn't very experienced in this game yet). The major weakness of this tactics is the weak AT or AB(anti-building). If the opponent manages to squeeze out a good armor vehicle (222 with cannon upgrade) and just kite your infantry, it could mean serious manpower bleed. Smart placement of a HMG bunker could also seriously hinder the advancement of your troops. So for this tactics to work to its full effect, you must make sure to push your forces forward quickly to avoid opponents having enough time to react.
I've still yet to play enough games to be confident in my recommendation, but this is sort of a norm I see in my community. I thought it might be helpful to let you know, considering how this tactics does not require any specific commander.