I want to like this game, but for some reason, I just can't get into it. I played lots of HoI2 back in the day but this feels harder to control. I've played about 6 hours so far, mostly as the Soviet Union.
The new additions, like the production changes the way you draw orders over the map like battle plans, etc, all look great, so I'm willing to spend some time learning it, but I also don't feel much more comfortable with it now then when I started playing.
Any tips on getting better at the game?
To be honest, I'm baffled by how difficult this game feels, because I used to play tons of HoI2 back when I was in high school, and I don't remember it being that hard. Have the games gotten more difficult, or have I just gotten accustomed to easier games?
The major countries besides Germany are going to be a real pain to play if you don't have experience with the not terribly intuitive mechanics. I recommend you play a country like Romania and ignore building/ researching ships entirely. Once you get a hang of the mechanics with a small country it's pretty easy to scale up. Ally with a major faction that will do broad stuff while you focus on a single front. If you are designing your own divisions look at combat width, you want it to be a multiple of 40 for maximum efficiency. 20 is recommended.
Also the dlcs are way overpriced but really necessary for the game, I recommend you do something naughty