Please tell me what I did wrong here. Not my best game micro-wise but I just cannot figure out how to keep up field control as Brits against flame nades, sandbags, StGs, and call-in squads. OKW infantry is overwhelming, then the rush to P4 seals the deal - I've been losing to this strategy for days.
Stuff that I already know I did badly:
1. At around 2:00 Didn't move up MG to support the fight (but that's because I was worried about JLI spawning from the building)
2. Messed up the engagement at 8:30 by leaving my sniper open and having to retreat him
3. Double sniper was probably a bad idea, I don't usually try it, was just desperate for something that could counter the spam and couldn't think of any other options
4. Sometime after 10:00 I just give up (you can tell from my whiny chat messages) and throw everything away, so no need to point that out

Thanks a lot in advance if anyone has the time to take a look at this