British Forces tips

Posts: 310
Things you should keep in mind when posting on this thread :
-Mode : 2v2, 3v3 ONLY
-Build orders
-How to play as UKF
-What's my objective as UKF
-What commanders are suitable for the faction
-Which units are preffered
-When to get weapon racks
-Is it worth boosting the Infantry Sections to 5 men?

Posts: 3053
(Starting section)
Tech up to t1
Aec sidetech and aec (asap in case of 222s or luchs, but the aec will remain useful throughout the game even against kts and the like because it can immobilize)
Weapon rack tech
(If I’m going mobile assault) 2nd engineer for flamer
2 commandos and an at gun in whatever order I can get them
Tech up to t3
Rely on my teammates and at gun + a sapper with PIATs + aec + sniper turret lock shot as at and rush a comet
I like focusing on commandos instead of sections because commandos are much more cost efficient and you can get through the early game provided you’re smart with the UC, starting section, and vickers, and can often do it without even losing models or retreating. Commandos give you a lot of float if used right because they will inflict exponentially more casualties than they receive if you focus on ambushing and controlling engagements so you’ll win (i.e. backing off until you can, say, distract him with other units or suppress his infantry with an mg before engaging) and are great at wiping squads since they can camo and your enemy will be more or less unaware of them and retreat easily killable squads into the path of your commandos. Commandos are really the only reason I even play brits still and kind of have to carry you for all stages of the game where they’re present. My commander loadout is usually just all 3 commando commanders, which I basically pick from based on powerful offmaps (commando regiment), land mattress and flamers (mobile assault), or croc (vanguard).
I usually just don’t get the bolster upgrade or mills bombs until I’m almost max pop, since commandos will be doing the brunt of the fighting lol.
Really my best advice is make the most of commandos and heavily emphasize combined arms with literally all your units at all times. That’s where all the British potential lies right now and otherwise there’s not much reason to not just play soviets, as the gaps in the Brit roster hurt sometimes. It’s very workable though, and is very fun and effective if done right.

Posts: 310
I don’t build additional sections in like 90% of teamgames. My build order usually goes
(Starting section)
Tech up to t1
Aec sidetech and aec (asap in case of 222s or luchs, but the aec will remain useful throughout the game even against kts and the like because it can immobilize)
Weapon rack tech
(If I’m going mobile assault) 2nd engineer for flamer
2 commandos and an at gun in whatever order I can get them
Tech up to t3
Rely on my teammates and at gun + a sapper with PIATs + aec + sniper turret lock shot as at and rush a comet
I like focusing on commandos instead of sections because commandos are much more cost efficient and you can get through the early game provided you’re smart with the UC, starting section, and vickers, and can often do it without even losing models or retreating. Commandos give you a lot of float if used right because they will inflict exponentially more casualties than they receive if you focus on ambushing and controlling engagements so you’ll win (i.e. backing off until you can, say, distract him with other units or suppress his infantry with an mg before engaging) and are great at wiping squads since they can camo and your enemy will be more or less unaware of them and retreat easily killable squads into the path of your commandos. Commandos are really the only reason I even play brits still and kind of have to carry you for all stages of the game where they’re present. My commander loadout is usually just all 3 commando commanders, which I basically pick from based on powerful offmaps (commando regiment), land mattress and flamers (mobile assault), or croc (vanguard).
I usually just don’t get the bolster upgrade or mills bombs until I’m almost max pop, since commandos will be doing the brunt of the fighting lol.
Really my best advice is make the most of commandos and heavily emphasize combined arms with literally all your units at all times. That’s where all the British potential lies right now and otherwise there’s not much reason to not just play soviets, as the gaps in the Brit roster hurt sometimes. It’s very workable though, and is very fun and effective if done right.
Flamethrower or MG on UC? Which is better?

Posts: 464
Flame thrower in maps with a lot of heavy cover and buldings and MG with open area and red cover and use suppresion
Flamethrower or MG on UC? Which is better?

Posts: 3053
Flamethrower or MG on UC? Which is better?
Honestly, MG unless you want to lose it in like 2 seconds. Especially against ostheer, the flamethrower requires way more micro than the mg because it only barely outranges grenadier fausts and gets 1 hit by pgrens with double schrecks, and against okw it usually dies to a raketen if they get one since it only takes one shot and a few rifle hits. There’s a few times where I’d get the flamethrower (like serious mg spam) but it’s very situational and IMO the mg does enough dps to make it better in almost all situations (and it can suppress with the ability) and is surprisingly easy to keep alive for a t0 ultralight vehicle. I’ve had 1v1s where the thing holds a flank all by itself for a while and then baits in a tank to dive on it and be killed by my aec immobilizing it and armor and at coming in to finish it off (sometimes the UC even survives lol). Never had a flamer UC make it past 15 minutes as far as I remember. I think the mg also shoots down planes sometimes, making it the cheapest AA available (not counting pintle mounts on usf and axis tanks).

Posts: 310
Honestly, MG unless you want to lose it in like 2 seconds. Especially against ostheer, the flamethrower requires way more micro than the mg because it only barely outranges grenadier fausts and gets 1 hit by pgrens with double schrecks, and against okw it usually dies to a raketen if they get one since it only takes one shot and a few rifle hits. There’s a few times where I’d get the flamethrower (like serious mg spam) but it’s very situational and IMO the mg does enough dps to make it better in almost all situations (and it can suppress with the ability) and is surprisingly easy to keep alive for a t0 ultralight vehicle. I’ve had 1v1s where the thing holds a flank all by itself for a while and then baits in a tank to dive on it and be killed by my aec immobilizing it and armor and at coming in to finish it off (sometimes the UC even survives lol). Never had a flamer UC make it past 15 minutes as far as I remember. I think the mg also shoots down planes sometimes, making it the cheapest AA available (not counting pintle mounts on usf and axis tanks).
Well, i guess that i have to try it to see.

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1
Well, i guess that i have to try it to see.
MG is better 90% of the time IMO, its only good to go flamer when there are a lot of buildings. MG comes out earlier and IMO is better.

Posts: 2158 | Subs: 2
Well, okay. But just the tip.

Posts: 220
If you're New to UKF I definitely recommend starting with MG then Triple section. (MG-IS-IS) then probably a UC. Anything less than that leaves you vulnerable to being rushed and overwhelmed by Volks/sturms unless you really know what you're doing with the Universal Carrier, if you do you can basically just keep pruning down the blob and retreating forever until they get a raketenwerfer.
Saving for commandos works but leaves you vulnerable, it's better to pump out more Tommies earlier in my opinion as you can always send them to die later if REALLY need pop cap, chances are the enemy will kill them for you anyway. I normally prefer to tech and get sappers and a mortar pit or sniper and AT gun out before commandos anyway so I never really get commandos out at 3 CP anyway. It's better to build 3 squads of tommies and lose 1 leaving you with 2 squads than stay at 1 squad and lose it leaving you with 0. The only time I save manpower early game is on ettelbrucke station left point where my build order goes:
-MG-Tech-triple Sappers-AT-double mortar pit-5 man squads.
But that's Ettelbrucke... (Extreme CQC)
I tend to have 4 build orders (ish) depending on whether I know I'm attacking, defending or CQC.
Defending (If I am closest to the cap or if the point is in the middle)
depends on what enemy comp I'm facing and what map
CQC (Ettelbrucke)
Triple Sappers and bolster like i said before, cheesy as hell. (Seriously. not much beats 15 sten guns early game, better than Sturm spam, better than volks STG spam, better than assault grens etc)

Posts: 220
Pretty much all the commanders are good, tactical support is not particularly useful right now but stands to be the best after the next patch (getting crocodile mobile mortar and improved sappers and other gerneral fixes)
I mostly use Commando regiment(CQC and anti LefH) Royal engineers (antiblob and vehicle mobility) and Special Weapons (Long range combat and mobile infantry support) I sometimes swap one of them out for Mobile assault. All the other regiments are good, I don't use royal artillery cos I regularly play with a USF Infantry Company player. Vanguard is good, but I prefer having Bombing runs and phosphorous over Typhoons and Glider HQ. Advanced emplacements is good for sim city or small maps but not much else.
Best Units:
Some units do carry the faction, Infantry sections are good but can be unreliable and bleed manpower badly, The vickers is very powerful and great for kills but doesn't suppress well, it's more of a firesupport platform than a suppression platform. Good against OST due to their expensive infantry. Royal Engineers are not justr engineers, they are defensive sturmpioneers, very powerful if you use them right. Commandos are the most cost effective unit in the faction probably, have powerful Vet and straight up melt anything when attacking from ambush. Centaur is a godsend for destroying blobs once vet 1 but can be risky to go for unless you either already have armour or have a strong fuel advantage. Firefly is awesome when vetted but easily diveable. Both the comet and the churchill are great, the comet can be infuriating to use though so If you're starting out stick to anvil, it's much more forgiving.
Faction is carried by Commandos, Royal engineers, 6 pdrs, centaur and the churchill variants imo.
Get weapon racks when you need them, early if you don't go commandos as Tommies need them to compete later on. If you are, you may not need them at all.
Upgrade to 5 man squads if you don't use commandos, if you do use commandos it's not really necessary. I normally upgrade to 5 men after my first tank is out so that I don't delay armour. I bolster early for 5 man sappers mostly but sometimes for tommies if I need to compete with axis infantry (Gren, volks or sturm spam or panzerfusiliers). I tend to think bolstering is a waste against machine gun and mortar spammers as it tends to just be more people to die to mortars rather than any improved performance.

Posts: 3053
Agree 100% about bolster. Pretty much exactly how I feel about it.

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1
My typical build is IS MG IS or IS UC IS. After that I tech and immediately go 5 man bolster. My general strat is to scale my IS as fast as possible. After 5 man tech I typically go AEC Sapper Sapper most of the time. I use to go sniper a lot but Ive kinda moved away from it. I get weapon racks after AEC usually since you can get 2 brens on IS pretty quick in team games.

Posts: 310
Interesting how different UKF builds are for team games. I personally go heavy IS strat with a fast tech and 5 man squads right after teching.
My typical build is IS MG IS or IS UC IS. After that I tech and immediately go 5 man bolster. My general strat is to scale my IS as fast as possible. After 5 man tech I typically go AEC Sapper Sapper most of the time. I use to go sniper a lot but Ive kinda moved away from it. I get weapon racks after AEC usually since you can get 2 brens on IS pretty quick in team games.
Is UKF munition starved, as USF and Ost are?

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1
Is UKF munition starved, as USF and Ost are?
Not as bad anymore since the brens only cost 45 muni now. I find brens pretty easy to get now that they are much cheaper as a whole.

Posts: 3053
Is UKF munition starved, as USF and Ost are?
When I use commandos I actually tend to float a ton of muni and can pretty much spam abilities as much as I like (except for the really expensive ones in commando regiment). It’s a nice change from having like 0 muni for the first 40 minutes of the game as usf.

Posts: 26
Commanders to choose, Vanguard, Special Weapons, or Royal Arty
Tech grenades (should have 3 IS with ones you start with)
Upgrade post
I always start out with this regardless of what commander I choose. IMO it's a very great opening. 3 IS can be overwhelming for ostheer, especially with grenades. If you manage to flank MGs/Mortars and throw grenades, it can be devastating to them. Well timed grenades against OKW can also result in them losing squads, especially sturms early on where 95% of OKW just rush them into your face. Also Brits can tech grenades very early on the game without delaying their HQ upgrade which can catch enemies by surprise. I'm shocked lots of people don't use grenades as brits.
AT Gun
Bolster Squad
Sappers, sniper, both or neither, up to the player. (Highly suggest sappers for mine sweeping, mine laying, and repairs)
Forward Glider
Build units as needed
Upgrade HQ
2x Cromwell
1x Firefly
Then whatever upgrade is one with warspeed lol
You get AT gun to deal with light armor they throw at you, then you bolster squad to beef up your IS. Give your IS 2x Meds and 1x with Flares. With this you're being very aggressive. When you're about to push, put flare IS in some light cover so they can get their sight bonus. Sappers also help with CQC and mine sweeping but sniper can also help deal with everything, especially with its critical shot.
By then you should be at 3 CP, so call in the glider somewhere safe and start using the officer on your attacks. He's very good at CQC and has nuke grenade. At vet 1 he can also call in a recon run which helps on attacking. Also has a "british ooorah" ability that effects nearby units and makes them move faster. Then you build commandos from the glider. If you managed to keep everything alive and vetted, you should be floating lots of MP, so I just build caches for my team.
Now I say cromwells because they are very good, sort of cheap, fast speed and reload,at vet 3 they move insanely fast and with warspeed they're just a crushing monster. You're being aggressive with this commander, no sitting still or building sandbags on VPs and just sitting there and please NO EMPLACEMENTS.If enemy starts spamming stugs, get some sappers with PIATs. If enemy starts spamming panthers, build a firefly or 2.
I've only managed to use the Crocodile once because the enemy always surrenders or drops from the game before getting it ingame. It's a real good tank, and with warspeed it can be terrifying. You probably noticed I didn't tech weapon racks. I'd honestly would rather be chucking grenades at the enemy and using abilities such as officers recon, lay mines or save up for the strafing support ability.
uuuhhh I'll write the rest later for other commanders, its 2 AM atm and I go sleep. And I know my shit with brits, I was #1 lvl 20 in 3v3,4v4 with randoms and lvl 19 in 2v2 before leaving for the army. Now my rank gone

Posts: 3053

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