
russian armor

Possible new COH3 mechanics

14 Jun 2018, 21:06 PM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2142 | Subs: 2

Here are some ideas for COH3 to change it up a little:

1. Team Weapon abandon.
Options retreat or abandon. Retreat has longer time to pack up the weapon. Abandon retreats and leaves weapon where it is. This could be used when blobs are going to over take your position way before your team weapon could retreat.

2. Troop Transports
Each faction gets a transport vehicle to speed up retreat, reinforce, return scenarios. Forward retreat points would allow fast bursts of retreat. Then slow movement for a short period. Trucks pickup squads and take them back and forth to base.
(+/-) Adds extra micro.
(+) Rewards the extra micro with faster resupply.

3. Supply Transports
Vehicles bring up supplies to allow for building items like bunkers/sand bags/tank traps. Maybe purchase the truck for manpower/munitions/fuel. After using up the supplies, it needs to return to base to be upgraded again for more.
(+)May be an answer to bunker spam.
(-)May break the build your own cover system though.

I will add more later....
14 Jun 2018, 21:10 PM
avatar of nigo
Senior Editor Badge

Posts: 2238 | Subs: 15

14 Jun 2018, 21:10 PM
14 Jun 2018, 22:25 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2272 | Subs: 1

Combat inside houses. as soon as you enter a house, the roof gets transparent and you can move troops inside too
14 Jun 2018, 22:57 PM
avatar of nigo
Senior Editor Badge

Posts: 2238 | Subs: 15

Towed anti-tank and anti-aircraft guns.
14 Jun 2018, 23:17 PM
avatar of GI John 412

Posts: 495 | Subs: 1

A “beaten zone” mechanic for HMG damage.

Long range machine gunnery is about controlling the beaten zone of your guns. An effective beaten zone is how you suppress an enemy and why it is possible to hit multiple troops in the open but once dug in or behind cover, machine guns become far less effective. Basically I’d like to see machine gun fire be an area of effect at longer ranges where the random scatter of bullets hits multiple squad members doing health damage to many models instead of dumping it all in just one man. Suppression could be tied to this as a multiplier based off of how many models are hit.

Targeting would be that the gunner always shoots at one model in the squad, but it does AoE damage in a cone in front of the gun, damaging all models in it. This could give a more diverse dynamic to guns with different accuracy. For example the MG42 would have a very wide cone, but have a low actual damage at long range with a sort of sweet spot where the gun can do heavy damage to a whole squad at mid range, while an M1919A4 would do more damage at long range with longer and more accurate bursts but it’s narrower beaten zone means that it doesn’t have the squad wiping potential at shorter ranges.

End result is that HMGs do more suppression at long range and damage all squad members, potentially wiping a whole squad if they are on low health. At short range, the HMG would do less suppression but have a very high chance of killing one model per burst or multiple if they are standing in a line.
14 Jun 2018, 23:30 PM
avatar of Luciano

Posts: 712

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Jun 2018, 21:10 PMnigo
Battle Royale mode



this, and anime skins pls
15 Jun 2018, 05:20 AM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2142 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Jun 2018, 21:10 PMnigo
Battle Royale mode

Ummm... I think this mode is in the game already and it is called 4v4 Random Automatch :lolol:
15 Jun 2018, 05:23 AM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2142 | Subs: 2

A “beaten zone” mechanic for HMG damage.

I posed a question like this a while back. What if MGs did less suppression but way more damage. It may cut down on blobbing. Or at least get the players to spread them out a little.
15 Jun 2018, 07:32 AM
avatar of Finndeed
Strategist Badge

Posts: 612 | Subs: 1

A “beaten zone” mechanic for HMG damage.

I do think suppression and HMG's (and LMG's too) could do with a fundamental rework. Your idea sounds promising, although i kind of have a problem with the idea of a squad getting wiped at long range from a HMG :P

Otherwise some kind of rapidly enacting suppression zone that player has to demarcate would be pretty cool.
15 Jun 2018, 07:38 AM
avatar of Stark

Posts: 626 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post15 Jun 2018, 05:20 AMRosbone

Ummm... I think this mode is in the game already and it is called 4v4 Random Automatch :lolol:

acually there is a mode that you have limited starting resources in match (no income) and you have to fight with what you buy.

It was even supported by Relic like 2 years ago
15 Jun 2018, 07:48 AM
avatar of Stark

Posts: 626 | Subs: 1

In coh3 i would love to see:

1. statistic nerf for units in blobs.
2. fighting in houses (as someone meansioned before)
3. Infantry transporting on tanks
4. Air fights (example: if someone calls Ju87 AT strafe i would call a Mustangs to "clear the air")
5. better and more important recon/vision system (maybe something like in Steel Division)
6. repairing houses
7. ammunition for units and tanks that have to be supplied by trucks on field or in base

And most important:
8. fausts not hitting the ground :p
15 Jun 2018, 09:19 AM
avatar of SupremeStefan

Posts: 1220

jump backJump back to quoted post15 Jun 2018, 07:48 AMStark

Air fights (example: if someone calls Ju87 AT strafe i would call a Mustangs to "clear the air")

i was thinking about this that could be very intresting your off map counter his off map, you lost muni and he lost ammunition too and maybe pinch of rng and that sounds balanced
15 Jun 2018, 11:23 AM
avatar of cyso

Posts: 54

just some ideas, nothing i really need

- improved truesight system, can't see behind hills - using terrain is more important (at the moment the engine use horizontal obstacles, in future also use vertical obstacles)
- improved tactical map, maybe a zoom map
- build complex trench systems
- different movement mode for infrantry, something like march mode (units stay together, movement speed bonus, receive more damage) or attack mode (units with large space between, reduce movement speed, improve damage) or defend mode (units with normal space between, normal movement, ability like 'hit the dirt', receive less dmg)
- u can stick ur infantry to a tank, the tank reduce his movement speed for this time, infantry move close behind tank and get green cover
- add to most squads something like a sergeant or similar, this guy give a small bonus to his squad and have the ability "binoculars" a 90° degree improved sight for a short time
- some terrains / your units do footprints, they fade out after a xx time
- bigger maps to use trucks for infantry moving
- a "research" tree - as longer the game goes on, special abilitys are accessable for both side (maybe things like v1/v2 rocket) - the "research" tree is independent from your commander choice / 30min, 45min, 60 min
- camouflage net for buildings, tanks, teamweapons / cost ammunition, give a "steahlt" bonus
15 Jun 2018, 11:53 AM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

I posted this in the Whiteflah COH2 thread. But I think it deserves to be put into this one too.

- Anti blob debuff...if you blob up more than two mainline infantry units (or elite infantry) you get a 1.1 (maybe 1.2) RA modifier

- Everyone has the same doctrines/factions. Lots of cosmetic stuff that you can buy with real money.

- Competitive mode that allows rule changes and different balance. this is important IMO because it´s impossible to balance 1v1 top level play while also keeping 4v4 balanced

- Much more community input into relic´s balancing/overall decision making from day one

- Stable game that doesn´t require restart after every second or third game.

- Appealing graphics and atmosphere must be a priority to attract a bigger playerbase. Maybe even something like cold-tech (reworked obviously), stuff like that could be put in casual game modes while being disabled in competitive mode. Weather effects or day/night changes could help create more atmosphere even without impacting gameplay.

- Unique factions, I dont like the recent trend of making every faction the same.

- Unit controlls need to be way better. I hate how clumsy they feel. Vehicle pathing is part of this. Just doesn´t feel precise enough. Infantry needs to be prevented from clumping up all the time. Also input delay is a big issue still.

- MG mechanics need to be changed. I hate how long suppresion lasts in this game. I also hate how infantry can frontally run at MGs get supressed but still throw a grenade at the MG. Especially with Maxims and Volksgrens this is really stupid at the moment. Also MGs need to be able to scale better into late-game without dominating early game as much. Now that I think of it the entire suppression system should probably be reworked.

- Rocket arty needs to be limited. Maybe 2 pieces of rocket arty for one player. 3 pieces for a team of 2. 4 for a team of 3 etc. Reason for this is that rocket arty completly destroys 3v3+. It´s just way too strong.

- No more insane units like Jagdtiger or Elefant please. It´s just not fun and creates balance issues to have units like that. They are useless in 1v1 and totally OP in 3v3+. Impossible to balance right.

- No more emplacements. Also no more self spotting, pop cap free Bunkers. Generally no doctrines that support abusive playstyles. (Advanced Emplacement Doctrine, I mean wtf)

- Other PVP games show that teamplay is generally prefered over playing alone. Which is why I think the potential of a competitive 1v1 scene is smaller than the potential of a competitive 2v2+ scene. Keeping this in mind there should be more focus on team-games. Better maps, better balance, mechanics that make abusive playstyles like blobbing or arty spam less effective. This would benefit the team game playerbase COH2 has and also give COH a chance to maybe shift the competitive focus on something other than 1v1 only.

- Statistics and good replay system with lots of features and analytical tools. Maybe locked behind a pay-wall to compensate for not offering P2W doctrines.

From the ideas in this threat I particularly like the feature of putting your infantry units on a tank to transport them easier. I also like cyso´s idea of giving tanks + infantry the possibilty to synergize. Tank moving slowly forward while infantry is following in green cover behind it.

The possibility to put your unit into an enemy garrison also sounds pretty good. Would make garrisons a bit more interesting I guess.

Also it would be awesome if ther was a trainingmode that allowed premade teams to create strategies in game. Maybe so they can load into the game together and then be able to use different tools to mark certain cap orders and stuff like that. That might really help a competitive teamgame scene.
15 Jun 2018, 12:06 PM
avatar of Stark

Posts: 626 | Subs: 1

Tank moving slowly forward while infantry is following in green cover behind it.

Accually currently there is a mechanic that you can hide your infantry and get green cover behind a tank - while stationary (even light vehicule like a p2). Thing is that no1 uses it becouse to keep your tank alive and effective you have to be in consta move therefor is no place for this feature
15 Jun 2018, 12:09 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post15 Jun 2018, 12:06 PMStark

Accually currently there is a mechanic that you can hide your infantry and get green cover behind a tank - while stationary (even light vehicule like a p2). Thing is that no1 uses it becouse to keep your tank alive and effective you have to be in consta move therefor is no place for this feature

I know that it works in Coh2 when vehicles are stationary. It might work if you used it with a heavy tank though. And obviously it would just have to slow the tank down to regular infantry movement speed. Churchills, KV1, King Tiger, I could it see it being somewhat useful with these tanks. Obviously very situational but still..
18 Jun 2018, 15:05 PM
avatar of GI John 412

Posts: 495 | Subs: 1

I do think suppression and HMG's (and LMG's too) could do with a fundamental rework. Your idea sounds promising, although i kind of have a problem with the idea of a squad getting wiped at long range from a HMG :P

Otherwise some kind of rapidly enacting suppression zone that player has to demarcate would be pretty cool.

Well, it wouldn’t wipe a squad at full health, it would only wipe a low health squad that had its health spread out over lots of models. Kinda like how a flamethrower can instantly wipe out a whole squad if all the models have low health, but will kill no one if the squad is at full health.

LMGs are used as individual weapons and would thus be used to target individual enemies. I think the current implementation of LMGs should stay and it would help delineate LMGs as a point target DPS weapon and HMGs as suppression fire weapons against an area target.

The player wouldn’t be able to specify the beaten zone though. On facing the HMG team, the overlay would show the arc (the left and right lateral limits, as well as range) as it does now and the facing direction as the principle direction of fire (PDF) still as it does now, but also include a cone of fire around the PDF showingbthe guns beaten zone, letting the player see how much dispersion the fire will have as the range changes. That way a player could know that if he places an HMG to cover a gap between two buildings the ideal range for the beaten zone to cover the whole gap. This would allow much more tactical use of HMGs instead of always placing them to maximize the arc coverage.

18 Jun 2018, 15:14 PM
avatar of GI John 412

Posts: 495 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post15 Jun 2018, 12:06 PMStark

Accually currently there is a mechanic that you can hide your infantry and get green cover behind a tank - while stationary (even light vehicule like a p2). Thing is that no1 uses it becouse to keep your tank alive and effective you have to be in consta move therefor is no place for this feature

Or instead, units cannot target units that are behind a larger unit. That way MGs cannot shoot “through” a tank or AT guns targeting a tank that is behind another tank. This would open up lots of options for combined arms tank play and the use of rifle grenades, mortars and other forms of light indirect fire to counter it by targeting units behind taller units.
18 Jun 2018, 15:19 PM
avatar of adamírcz

Posts: 955

Nearly all of the ideas here are great.

I would like to see other gamemodes than just VPs and Annihilation. For example capture the flag or SnD and other mainly FPS modes that would work great in RTS... or maybe wouldnt but its worth the try.

Units that buff other units should only buff on unit at a time, but really significantly.

Melee combat.

A draw fire ability where enemy units are automaticaly given an order to attack one of your squads and they have to manually change or stop it.

And this one is a no brainer- let us have control over squad formations and or setup our own
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