
russian armor

Battlefield V WW2 - Reveal on May 23rd. Official.

24 May 2018, 18:04 PM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

jump backJump back to quoted post24 May 2018, 17:46 PMTobis

Well, I think it's the opposite really. They show off stuff like throwing back grenades, crawling on back, towing stuff with vehicles, the stupid cosmetic stuff, rocket strikes, driving a tank through buildings, etc etc. Just try to throw in as much shit as possible because they add all this stuff.

That jackfrags video has some insider info that talks about alot of that stuff. Rewatching that trailer showed alot more than I thought that was just scripted events the first time.


+1 I can't wait ;)
24 May 2018, 19:38 PM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

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jump backJump back to quoted post24 May 2018, 17:03 PMSwift
It's not a "robot arm" it's a claw prosthesis, my old science teacher had one. And for those who think it isn't historically accurate:


It might be silly but it adds character.

Personally I am interested in how the multiplayer will work out as the changes sound quite interesting and refreshing for Battlefield.

I don't really care about anything published by EAthe game in question, but might I inquire a bit about how, uh, "handy" that kind of prosthetic is? My immediate assumption was that shooting with a thing like that would be hell, but I can't claim to be a professor in amputation medical history.
24 May 2018, 20:47 PM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

jump backJump back to quoted post24 May 2018, 19:38 PMVuther

I don't really care about anything published by EAthe game in question, but might I inquire a bit about how, uh, "handy" that kind of prosthetic is? My immediate assumption was that shooting with a thing like that would be hell, but I can't claim to be a professor in amputation medical history.



Pretty correct. It's not the best thing to carry about.
But, as more and more ladies play videogames, and, why not, handicapped persons.

Why not have the ability to add all?

The idea is to make more people feel at home, and wanting to buy. By allowing them
to create an avatar of their liking. Similar to Second Life, I would believe.

- Instead of selling OP weapons and advantages, they'll sell cosmetic upgrades.

- Personally, I wish you could make those local cosmetic (Only you see it, not everyone)
So that a given person can be a green-skinned ballerina catwoman. But this only shows on
his/her PC. And others see a male nazi ss blonde aryan blue-eyed with feldgrau uniform ;)

A bit similar to having the right to not be assaulted by anime-skinned tanks in COH2.

EA needs to make it's money, somehow. And I'd rather it not be by releasing divisive map packs.
(reducing player pool with every map).

24 May 2018, 22:21 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

jump backJump back to quoted post24 May 2018, 17:46 PMTobis

Well, I think it's the opposite really. They show off stuff like throwing back grenades, crawling on back, towing stuff with vehicles, the stupid cosmetic stuff, rocket strikes, driving a tank through buildings, etc etc. Just try to throw in as much shit as possible because they add all this stuff.

That jackfrags video has some insider info that talks about alot of that stuff. Rewatching that trailer showed alot more than I thought that was just scripted events the first time.

Yeah I was really disappointed with the trailer from a tone standpoint (it ran like a CoD trailer and looked way more chaotic and arcade-y than even battlefield is supposed to be) but from a mechanics showcase standpoint it was actually very good.
24 May 2018, 23:10 PM
avatar of Swift

Posts: 2723 | Subs: 1


jump backJump back to quoted post24 May 2018, 19:38 PMVuther


Tbh it seems to me to just be something out of the rule of cool, but it could very well be in that kind of vein too. I don't think anyone with that kind of amputation and clumsy prosthetic would be allowed to see combat though so I wonder what her story is.
25 May 2018, 01:07 AM
avatar of SturmTigerVorgo

Posts: 307

All these trailers and marketing don't mean anything, they are fooling only the young kids. If the game is not what BF is about and it's some new experiment, i ain't gonna buy it. I don't understand why companies ruin something that people like to experiment with crap games. Just make a slightly improved version of the old game and people will buy it and be happy. I would personally love a 100% BF style WW2 themed BF5. I would even pay 1K to upgrade my system with a new card just to play it.
25 May 2018, 07:51 AM
avatar of TheGentlemenTroll

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1

I was watching a few videos from Angry Joe and Jackfrags about the actual details that they gave of the game, actually sounds like a lot of great mechanics are being implemented into BF V, the trailer did an awful job of portraying a lot of the big things they are changing which would have been easier to show in gameplay footage etc instead of a short trailer.

Im more interested in seeing some gameplay footage before making any opinion on it. From what I've seen it looks like they are really revamping the BF formula to be more team oriented which will be a nice change.
26 May 2018, 00:48 AM
avatar of nigo
Senior Editor Badge

Posts: 2238 | Subs: 15

Horrible trailer. Looks like a generic shooter, not a true battlefield experience.
26 May 2018, 12:58 PM
avatar of Swift

Posts: 2723 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post26 May 2018, 00:48 AMnigo
Horrible trailer. Looks like a generic shooter, not a true battlefield experience.

Every battlefield is a generic shooter, that's why the game is so successful. It not beign generic would put it in the vein on Squad, CSGO etc.
28 May 2018, 13:17 PM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

jump backJump back to quoted post26 May 2018, 12:58 PMSwift

Every battlefield is a generic shooter, that's why the game is so successful. It not beign generic would put it in the vein on Squad, CSGO etc.

... fortnight :)
28 May 2018, 14:20 PM
avatar of Swift

Posts: 2723 | Subs: 1

... fortnight :)

Well yeah of course you need those breakout games that people latch onto that are successful.

I am saying that Battlefield is successful because it's fairly basic. To call Battlefield something particularly niche and not generic is laughable when you consider it's pretty simplistic gameplay and mass appeal. Fortnite got mass appeal for exploring a much less followed genre and changing the game in a way that was accessible.
29 May 2018, 16:54 PM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

30 May 2018, 14:41 PM
avatar of swordfisch

Posts: 138

Jackfrags is paid to advertise the game, I would take a lot of what he says with a grain of salt. I doubt the one man army approach will work like the examples he was just coming out with.

Expect bf1 with a ww2 skin
30 May 2018, 18:17 PM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

I don't mind BF1 with a WW2 skin.
But from what I see there'll be a lot of differences.

I just really want to drive WW2 tanks and crush people :)
30 May 2018, 19:11 PM
avatar of Gdot

Posts: 1165 | Subs: 1

Looks like BF3 is going to get a nice life extension.

PC culture will continue to ruin many upcoming titles, giving us little to look forward too.

Nothing says WWII immersion like fighting with your genderless comrades as you slice through nazis with your katana held by your cyborg arm. DICE should just swap Hitler out with Trump, they're basically the same person, amirite? :bananadance:

Stop tearing down statues people, you might learn a little history.
30 May 2018, 20:15 PM
avatar of Swift

Posts: 2723 | Subs: 1

This is not a political messageboard.
30 May 2018, 20:30 PM
avatar of Felinewolfie

Posts: 868 | Subs: 5

jump backJump back to quoted post30 May 2018, 19:11 PMGdot
Looks like BF3 is going to get a nice life extension.

PC culture will continue to ruin many upcoming titles, giving us little to look forward too.

Nothing says WWII immersion like fighting with your genderless comrades as you slice through nazis with your katana held by your cyborg arm. DICE should just swap Hitler out with Trump, they're basically the same person, amirite? :bananadance:

Stop tearing down statues people, you might learn a little history.


Play Post Scriptum.

100% Realism. All the way. Everyone is male. Everyone is white.
Germans are all blue-eyed blond. British are all Green-eyed Red-haired and crooked toothed.

something like 44 vehicles.
Americans being added. Brits and Germans right now.

It's on Steam !
30 May 2018, 20:45 PM
avatar of Gdot

Posts: 1165 | Subs: 1


Play Post Scriptum.

100% Realism. All the way. Everyone is male. Everyone is white.
Germans are all blue-eyed blond. British are all Green-eyed Red-haired and crooked toothed.

something like 44 vehicles.
Americans being added. Brits and Germans right now.

It's on Steam !

Looks cool, thanks for the heads up.

Just to be clear, I am not advocating that all should be white males or that every single aspect must be completely historically accurate. This too would be historically inconsistent and ridiculous for a game. There were women and minorities who contributed/fought for their respective nations as we all know. With that said, we don't have to rewrite history either to appease today's social standards, something balanced would be nice.

Edit: Just to expand a little. You want to portray a female fighter? Why not just go to the history books where there are numerous examples of female resistance fighters. Why not incorporate something historical when you have the easy opportunity. Instead we get a glimpse of a 'British' infantry section, lead by carmen sandiego with sunglasses and a cyborg arm, some rando black dude, Willy Wallace in his wife beater and fixed bayonet, and GI Jimmy with every attachment and piece of equipment ever created for the war. Not ONE of these British infantry even wear the iconic Brodie helm, or any helmet at all for that matter.
31 May 2018, 00:12 AM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

The prosthetic limb though is certainly not ludicrous for its inclusion. Here's a 1891 example.

...actually fighting competently with it, that's a good bit more unlikely.
31 May 2018, 00:20 AM
avatar of Basilone

Posts: 1944 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post30 May 2018, 20:45 PMGdot
With that said, we don't have to rewrite history either to appease today's social standards, something balanced would be nice.

Edit: Just to expand a little. You want to portray a female fighter? Why not just go to the history books where there are numerous examples of female resistance fighters. Why not incorporate something historical when you have the easy opportunity. Instead we get a glimpse of a 'British' infantry section, lead by carmen sandiego with sunglasses and a cyborg arm, some rando black dude, Willy Wallace in his wife beater and fixed bayonet, and GI Jimmy with every attachment and piece of equipment ever created for the war. Not ONE of these British infantry even wear the iconic Brodie helm, or any helmet at all for that matter.

I don't think it has much to do with PC culture and more to do with the business model. They are trying to copy the RB6/Fortnite route of free DLC with a shit ton of paid cosmetics. Somewhere along the lines they made a business decision to offer a ton of character customization, it makes sense that a girl gamer will be more willing to spend money customizing female characters. If they did your idea of including diversity by using the appropriate battles, they would have to sacrifice including more interesting battles. Plus if I was a girl and I paid a lot of money to pimp out my girl character and I could only use her fighting for the French resistance on 1-2 maps, that would be a bad deal. The trailer focused so hard on the prosthetic arm, and the goggles, and the face paint, and the horse statue, etc. because the trailer was 30% teasing gameplay and 70% teasing custom characters.

If they ruin history in the campaign then get your pitchforks, but this seems like the new normal for multiplayer in big titles. Ironically I think capitalism did what the radical SJWs couldn't, but on the bright side we aren't going to have any more paid map packs.
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