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• Consistent Stats: Weapon stats (e.g. damage and accuracy) are no longer different, based on which unit or vehicle is using it. The final damage OUTPUT might differ (e.g. individual squad accuracy), but not the damage of the weapons themselves, for instance. One result of this is that pioneers with Mp40s can actually be useful in short range combat now.
• Consistent Vet: Most units in a faction have the same kind of veterancy bonuses, with exceptions where it makes sense.
• Class Warfare: Units are now categorized by class and skill. A light class unit has less hitpoints, but higher capping- and movement speed and vice versa. A light unit like Volks has low skill, giving it penalities in combat, whereas a commando squad is highly skilled and gets bonuses.
• Supersized Squads: Almost all squads have increased squad sizes, to lessen the amount of squad wipes.
• Sniper Buff: Snipers have more HP and a higher rate of fire, so they're not completely useless.
• CoH1 Camo: The camouflage system is now like CoH1, in that the camouflage toggle is back (except for commandos). Camouflaged units can therefore be invisible out of cover as well. The CoH2 system made countersniping and just managing snipers in general, too micro-intensive.
• No Demo Camo: Demolition charges are no longer camouflaged.
• Ability-Less Vet: When gaining levels in CoH2, units get an ability at lvl 1 instead of a stat boost. This makes them feel weak, and so, said abilities are now always available, and units get a passive bonus at lvl 1.
• Bunker Upgrades: Most bunkers now skip the MG upgrade step to reduce micromanagement. These also cost fuel now rather than munitions.
• Basic Func. (Bunkers): All factions can build some form of anti-infantry emplacement, and most emplacements have increased hit points.
• Basic Func. (HMGs): All factions now have an HMG unit.
• Basic Func. (Snipers): All factions now have a sniper unit.
• Basic Func. (Crews): All factions now have vehicle crews that work exactly like the USF version.
• Basic Func. (Engineering): Each faction’s engineer units have the similar features, like field defenses, sandbags etc. Also, wire cutters don’t require upgrades anymore.
• Catapult Seats: Crews in open-top vehicles have a chance to survive being destroyed.
• Slower Repair: All units with a repair ability (except for repair station mechanics), now do so at reduced speed. This is to compensate for increased squad sizes and the influx of vehicle crews.
• Combat Wrench: Units repairing or building while under fire don’t have increased received accuracy, but instead perform said task slower.
• No Window Blinds: Snipers no longer gain an accuracy penalty when sniping targets in any type of cover, e.g. buildings, emplacement or regular cover.
• Steel Integrity: All neutral buildings now require all of their sections to be destroyed, before said building will collapse.
• FHQ FTW: Forward HQs from CoH1 are back for all factions, and besides reinforcing, they can produce the given faction’s standard infantry squad. They can be decapped in 30 sec, though there is no progress bar to display this, so it looks like the decapping squad is doing nothing.
• Very Friendly Fire: All units take 100% friendly fire now.
• Burn, Baby, Burn: All flame weapons burn longer and are more deadly now.
• No Counter-Bees: Counter-barrage functionality resulted in some boring automation that didn’t make the game more fun, and so I have removed it for all units of all factions.
• Boom Blaster: Panzerschrecks, Bazookas etc. are more effective against infantry, in style with CoH1 where rockets could actually kill soldiers they hit. This never happens in CoH2.
• Slow LMG: To underscore the LMG’s role as a stationary weapon, and to reduce its damage output, I have increased the aim time of all LMGs.
• Call Inn: Call-in units only cost manpower now. To compensate, buildable vehicles cost less manpower.
• Pricey Limits: Due to vehicle crews and editor limitations, limits on call-in vehicles are no more. Instead, certain vehicles become more expensive the more of them you have, and vice versa. The price only goes down if the vehicle is destroyed while it’s manned by your crew.
• Buff Halftracks: All halftracks have increased hitpoints, to reduce insta-wipes from facing a double-AT-gun tactic.
• Halftrack Multitasking: All halftracks with a weapon upgrade can still reinforce squads.
• No Tank Left Behind: Vehicles can no longer be abandoned as result of a critical hit.
• Double Pop: Population cap has been doubled, to compensate for increased squad sizes.
• High Stakes: Fuel- and Munitions points provide more of their dedicated resources. Regular points provide less of each.
• OP Everywhere: Observation Posts can be built on all types of resource points.
• No Snare Snipes: All AT snares except the panzerfaust, must be in range of their target to use the ability.
• Suppression Adjustment: Adjusted MG suppression values. Medium MGs inflict more suppression on nearby squads, but heavy MGs inflict more suppression on their target.
• Turbo Pivot: All HMGs that suppress now have a much faster turn rate, allowing for better results if microed correctly.
• Green Immunity: All units in green cover are much more resistant to suppression.