
russian armor

Some basic USF questions

16 Feb 2018, 08:25 AM
avatar of Highfiveeeee

Posts: 1740

Hey guys,

Yesterday I played the first games with USF in what felt like at least a year and although I had a losing streak of -7, I really clearly lost both games nevertheless.

I found it really hard to react to my OKW enemy cutting of my fuel points (e.g. when they are in houses). Also I honestly had no idea what to build, so I used the 'standard buildorder' I also used a year ago which was:

0: RE (from start)
1: Rifle
2: Rifle
3: Rifle
4: Mortar
5: Captain

And here the real problems start, because I have no idea what to do with the Captain. I was both times very short on fuel, maybe because my enemy harrassed me very well (but probably because I played USF way to defensive, as I am used to play Ost and Brits).

Nevertheless, I had a Captain, then in one game a Flak HT arrived against which I wasn't able to do anything. In the other game 5-10 mins later a Panzer 4 arrived and I had the same result.

I have problems against the inf, but if I go for the Sherman, the upcoming tank will tear me apart.

Are there some 'meta tipps' right now what to build or behave on the battlefield?

Thanks in advance!
16 Feb 2018, 11:39 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Hey guys,

Yesterday I played the first games with USF in what felt like at least a year and although I had a losing streak of -7, I really clearly lost both games nevertheless.

I found it really hard to react to my OKW enemy cutting of my fuel points (e.g. when they are in houses). Also I honestly had no idea what to build, so I used the 'standard buildorder' I also used a year ago which was:

0: RE (from start)
1: Rifle
2: Rifle
3: Rifle
4: Mortar
5: Captain

And here the real problems start, because I have no idea what to do with the Captain. I was both times very short on fuel, maybe because my enemy harrassed me very well (but probably because I played USF way to defensive, as I am used to play Ost and Brits).

Nevertheless, I had a Captain, then in one game a Flak HT arrived against which I wasn't able to do anything. In the other game 5-10 mins later a Panzer 4 arrived and I had the same result.

I have problems against the inf, but if I go for the Sherman, the upcoming tank will tear me apart.

Are there some 'meta tipps' right now what to build or behave on the battlefield?

Thanks in advance!

1- I'm not sure if Mortar should be on your build order, that something you build if there are HMGs. It shouldn't be replacing any riflemen on your build order.
2- 3 rifles + Captain is not enough, you want 4 rifles if you go Captain.
3- You usually want to go Lieutenant first in this patch, and then 3 RM + Lieutenant is ok. Then you want to build a HMG.50 and reserve some munition for Zook if a Luch is pointing out (which is unlikely on this patch). Dual HMG.50 would probably lead your opponent to go T1 for a ISG because he can't do much vs well microed HMG50
With sufficience pressure you can also force him to build a flaktrack, there it is to you to do a good flank to destroy it. But as you experienced it, a well microed flacktrack is difficult to take down, thanks to its smoke. But that's the game :)

If you go sherman, the upcoming tank isn't going to tear you apart if you don't do silly things with it such as diving or using it as a spearhead for your forces. OKW Pz4 have good armor but that's it, don't dive, don't engage them alone, make sure you can destroy engine it before going too close and make sure there isn't a sneaky raketen. Learn to use smoke canister as well, that's important.

Don't go sherman if there is a jpz4.

16 Feb 2018, 15:34 PM
avatar of EtherealDragon

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1

Yeah, +1 to the mortar being questionable vs. OKW. If OKW goes Volk spam early on then the Mortar build just means they are going to have more squads than you early on and can bully you off your cut-off or fuel. I've also had more success with LT - .50 Cal lets you control Volks easier and if you have a strong early game a fast M20 can let you put a lot of pressure on them if you get it out before they have fausts or enough munitions for a lot of fausts.

If you have problems with garrisons then consider using Rifle Company or Armor for flamers as your first munitions investment. Armor is also still pretty good if you get caught flat-footed by a PZ4 too as it has more than enough Penetration to handle it and is cheaper than a Sherman.
16 Feb 2018, 16:20 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

jump backJump back to quoted post16 Feb 2018, 11:39 AMEsxile

1- I'm not sure if Mortar should be on your build order, that something you build if there are HMGs. It shouldn't be replacing any riflemen on your build order.
2- 3 rifles + Captain is not enough, you want 4 rifles if you go Captain.
3- You usually want to go Lieutenant first in this patch, and then 3 RM + Lieutenant is ok. Then you want to build a HMG.50 and reserve some munition for Zook if a Luch is pointing out (which is unlikely on this patch). Dual HMG.50 would probably lead your opponent to go T1 for a ISG because he can't do much vs well microed HMG50
With sufficience pressure you can also force him to build a flaktrack, there it is to you to do a good flank to destroy it. But as you experienced it, a well microed flacktrack is difficult to take down, thanks to its smoke. But that's the game :)

If you go sherman, the upcoming tank isn't going to tear you apart if you don't do silly things with it such as diving or using it as a spearhead for your forces. OKW Pz4 have good armor but that's it, don't dive, don't engage them alone, make sure you can destroy engine it before going too close and make sure there isn't a sneaky raketen. Learn to use smoke canister as well, that's important.

Don't go sherman if there is a jpz4.


I'm really liking an lt build this patch, especially with recon support, since you can kind of just stall your way around early vehicles (especially with a .50) until 4cp, when you can call in a really good at force that supplements shermans really well IMO.

Also remember that .50 calls soft counter flaktracks XD
16 Feb 2018, 17:00 PM
avatar of CreativeName

Posts: 281

I dont think the mortar is a bad choice, actually you need it since volks can build sadbags everwhere and you cant. You need something to push him out of cover without losing all the trades or 2-1 advantage in the engagement. Remember you cant close in into volks as soon as they get their stgs, which are available earlier and cheaper than your bars.

Lieut is the way to go vs okw imo, 50cal is a perfect counter to volks spam and soft counter to light vehicles like the flak ht. Also i suggest the usf flak ht, a very potent unit if used well.

You can also drop at gun with airborne or recon support to hard counter any light vehicle that cause issues.
Sherman are very strong allrounder lategame, combine them with a jackson and you have a answer to almost everthing okw can throw at you lategame.

The real issue vs okw are well used early flame nades that cause you to lose important early game engagements. Survive the early game holding your fuel without too many cassualties and with the lieut/50cals you can push okw back very hard. I also suggest early bars, best timing for weapon raks is after your light vehicle imo.
16 Feb 2018, 17:04 PM
avatar of CreativeName

Posts: 281

Edit: The mortar has a lot more utility most of the time than a 4th rifle imo. Push the enemy out of cover/buildings and counter mgs later on and as soon as the flak HQ is build you can start to siege it. A 4th rifle forces you to do more micro while the mortar forces your enemy to micro, a very underestimated advantage.
16 Feb 2018, 21:58 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Edit: The mortar has a lot more utility most of the time than a 4th rifle imo. Push the enemy out of cover/buildings and counter mgs later on and as soon as the flak HQ is build you can start to siege it. A 4th rifle forces you to do more micro while the mortar forces your enemy to micro, a very underestimated advantage.

Mortar is indeed useful as well vs a player that stay behind cover, but the point is: do not replace a RM squad by a mortar. Build 4 RM + 1 mortar (in case of captain),
18 Feb 2018, 22:23 PM
avatar of Outsider_Sidaroth

Posts: 1323 | Subs: 1

Solid tips by Creative Name here, I'd like to point out that as Airborne you can give Paratroopers Bazookas at CP3 without waiting CP4 for the M1, 200 damage with high accuracy will usually force the Luchs or a Puma to disengage instantly or get two shot'd by the Paratroopers! Specially if you went 3 Rifles, LT and 1-2 .50s, you'll have more than enough AI power once they vet up.
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