(6) Heiligenbeil
- Six player map set in February 1945 around the Heiligenbeil pocket, Eastern Prussia. -
"I never understood war. I never knew what it was all about. Why men who could be brothers should let their lives to satisfy someone else's need for power. I never understood it, until that one day came. That day, in February 1945 when my unit was sent to Heiligenbeil. That day, when a Soviet plane attacked that refugee column of elders and children. That day changed it all. Now I understood. Now I knew, that all the killing had to stop. But first, we had to stop them from killing those unable to defend themselves. And maybe one day, everyone will understand - and men will, in fact - treat each other like brothers." Unknown German Volkssturm Soldier, 1945

Please make sure to check out my other maps and those of my friend MonolithicBacon in the Steam Workshop!
Have fun,
Max, EF Lead Level Designer