I'm looking for some advise on streaming with obs, it so appears I found a way to do it from China (which seemed impossible before), and I streamed a couple of days ago. I have a couple of questions for any streaming or pc software gurus out there that might help me:
1) Whilst streaming, the ui interface of coh1 kept blinking at times. I was told in stream chat that there was no lag or anything, but the ui (minimap, unit icons on the right etc.) was blinking through out. Is it a problem with the capture? Should I tweak source settings or something?
2) And a question unrelated to coh - at the end of that stream when I ve had my share of coh1 for the day, I went to play a few rounds of Heroes of the Storm. Left the stream on just for the fun of it - maybe someone would get a laugh of chinese voicework ^^ Thing is, after exiting coh and launching hots, the stream turned black for everyone. Anyone have any idea why it would work fine with coh and then not capture hots?
Well thx in advance