(6 - 8) City X7 Winter
Steam (6 - 8) City X7 Winter
-Relocated bunkers in base for give more space and better movement.
-Cut trenches in bases for give more space and better movement.
-Added a broken wall in the middle VP. Since the player had advantage in this regard.
-Remove atmosphere sga, which in low/middle graphics cards they noticed a high chargue graphic.
-Removed impass in the south-east where it should not have.
-Removed deep snow.
-Cut trench between base and base that prevented pass.
-Removed sanation posts.
-Removed observation posts and replaced by capture points.
-Rework trench of north observation posts (replaced by capture points).
-Added roads to middle and west.
-Add two points captured in the east. This will prevent both players arrive soon to the area of dispute.
-Rework trench of west VP and relocate post and circle capture.
-Relocate 4 normal points of west like his brother summer map, because they were too close causing players entered to fight very soon.
-Relocate post and rework impass in the middle FU which is under roof
-Removed something iron hedgehod
-Removed block in the middle buried near of the capture point
-Rework in the middle where there are electrical objects and replaced by destructible objects, this will give a great improvement pathing in the area.
-Removed in the middle where there are water tower and rework trenchs give a great improvement pathing in the area and enable 1 building to be balanced with the others house.
-Add 1 entry/exit each of the big trenches of east.
-Relocate something posts which producing bad pathing.
-Made these changes to be reflected on the minimap.
Original map highlighted by the very narrow with deep snow and bad pathing and sites for which produce that pivot tanks very frequently. Some points were very close among themselves what produce premature fights between the north players and south players.
All these improvements produce more strategies to vehicles and more agility in infantry.