This topic is about drawing attention from Relic (as it seems they are somewhat active on this forum) why this is not implemented and whether this might be implemented in the future. Relic has been open to us about some things, so maybe we get lucky and get an answer like "we're busy looking at it" or "this won't be implemented".
This topic is not about the fact that you can put custom keybindings with 3rd party plugins like Autohotkey / other programs, but about the fact that this game hasn't got the option to put custom keys. On top of that, the hotkeys are incredibly far from eachother (0 for tactical map, r for reinforce, etc.). Just to be clear, this is not about ways of solving this problem yourself.
Maybe a fool's hope, but nothing is going to be achieved if we don't raise awareness.
So a couple of +1's would be nice!