I have had this map sitting around my HD for close to two years now but I finally decided to upload it. Hopefully you guys enjoy playing it, would love some feedback if you have time. It’s a 2v2 map but its quite small and should work well for 1v1 as well, I hope

Workshop: 2-4 Winter Tempest
By November 23, 1942 the Soviets had successfully encircled German forces inside of Stalingrad. An inner ring had to be formed to put pressure on the trapped enemy forces.\n\n
An outer ring was also needed to prevent any rescue attempt. Soviet infantry companies, supported by dug-in T-34 tanks lay in wait throughout the rugged countryside.
On December 12, Field Marshal Erich von Manstein sent Army Group Hoth's panzer divisions to smash through the Soviet defense and rescue the 250 000 German soldiers trapped inside of Stalingrad.