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CoH2 Community

21 Jan 2016, 00:09 AM
avatar of Pablonano

Posts: 297

In my experience, teamgame players use to be more toxic ("its not my fault, its yours" and stuff), but certainly in my newly experience on 1vs1, lower ranks accuse me of being a "lucky nice person" and sexual realations with death parents, while higher ranks take it with way more philosofy and even looking curious about getting beated by partisans. But compared to other games that i have played, the toxicity in coh is shamefull low
21 Jan 2016, 02:09 AM
avatar of hubewa

Posts: 928

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Jan 2016, 23:25 PMInverse
Have you ever played a competitive online game other than CoH2? In terms of community it's pretty damn tame by comparison. Some way to mute teammates would be good for team games, but aside from that there's really nothing to complain about. If you can't ignore your opponent's shit-talking, you probably shouldn't be automatching.

Just because its tame doesn't mean that it isn't a problem.

Like I said, I can put up with it, but I'm concerned that its getting a lot worse than it used to be.
21 Jan 2016, 04:47 AM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1679 | Subs: 5

I mean sure, problem is it's something that's literally never, ever, ever going to change. Threads like this are largely pointless because it always boils down to the same thing. Are there asshole? Of course. And no matter what you do, there's always going to be assholes. The answer is always going to be ignore them and go on with your life.

Better or worse is completely subjective. I've been playing a lot lately and I haven't once had someone flame or be rude, and in all the games I've played in the past, CoH1 and CoH2 combined, I can pick out maybe half a dozen instances of it happening to me. I find it funny when it happens, I laugh and that's that. Complaining about a "toxic" community is such a waste of time. When someone flames they're trying to piss you off, talking it to death and bitching about the community, which you happen to be a member of, is such a terrible way to handle the situation.
21 Jan 2016, 05:09 AM
avatar of Diogenes5

Posts: 269

Of course the community will be toxic. The game is simply bad and anyone with a brain will leave it. It is full of serious performance issues and poor design decisions: mainly being that so much is deterimined by RNG.

And there is also a common map hack out too that I'm pretty sure Relic does nothing about and its use is on the rise.
21 Jan 2016, 05:21 AM
avatar of VonIvan

Posts: 2487 | Subs: 21

4v4 Random In a Nutshell
21 Jan 2016, 05:48 AM
avatar of hubewa

Posts: 928

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Jan 2016, 04:47 AMInverse
I mean sure, problem is it's something that's literally never, ever, ever going to change. Threads like this are largely pointless because it always boils down to the same thing. Are there asshole? Of course. And no matter what you do, there's always going to be assholes. The answer is always going to be ignore them and go on with your life.

Better or worse is completely subjective. I've been playing a lot lately and I haven't once had someone flame or be rude, and in all the games I've played in the past, CoH1 and CoH2 combined, I can pick out maybe half a dozen instances of it happening to me. I find it funny when it happens, I laugh and that's that. Complaining about a "toxic" community is such a waste of time. When someone flames they're trying to piss you off, talking it to death and bitching about the community, which you happen to be a member of, is such a terrible way to handle the situation.

Half a dozen instances can be counted in a week or so in CoH2 in this day and age sadly.

They're always going to be assholes around, this is always going to be the case, and you always need to deal with them, this is true too. That doesn't mean that we can't do anything about it.

CS Go and LoL are well known for their toxic communities. Despite this (or rather also because of this, whoever knew which came first) there are mechanisms to deal with this such as muting people or reporting them. Why would both games implement this? Because this kind of stuff severely affects playability of a game.

Fact of the matter is: this issue is getting worse, it is far worse now than I ever have remembered and I've been playing VCoH/CoH2 for about 2-3 years now. As a community, we either have to up our game or the devs need to help increase playability by adding mutes/reporting system. Knowing relic's resources, the former is more likely to happen.

In any case my OP was - I've experienced this a lot, does anyone else experience this? I trust most people on the coh2.org website does not behaves in the despicable way my opponent in my sample game did and are could also have been experiencing the same level of sportmanship in their games. I do not see how this is harmful to anyone.

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Jan 2016, 05:21 AMVonIvan
4v4 Random In a Nutshell

WP man :P haha
21 Jan 2016, 06:13 AM
avatar of IIGuderian

Posts: 128

What an unrefreshing elitist way to see it. Good on ya.

So what's your fascinating point of view on this common sense , my dear little non-cynic friend ? Perhaps we should see the ladder upside down ,and deem whoever ranked 10000 as the best.Cos those 9-year-old's are undoubtedly rational and reasonable being who are capable of not raging every single game.
21 Jan 2016, 07:04 AM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2272 | Subs: 1

Of course the community will be toxic. The game is simply bad and anyone with a brain will leave it. It is full of serious performance issues and poor design decisions: mainly being that so much is deterimined by RNG.

And there is also a common map hack out too that I'm pretty sure Relic does nothing about and its use is on the rise.

why are you here then?
21 Jan 2016, 08:50 AM
avatar of hubewa

Posts: 928

why are you here then?

The map hack thing sounds like a CoH1 thing. He's running on very outdated infomration, I'm not aware of a maphack for coh2.
21 Jan 2016, 09:55 AM
avatar of Plaguer

Posts: 498

For my experience the enemies aren't too toxic but teammates are a lot worse, a few days back my mate made 4 mortars, 2 mgs and barely any inf, got ran over by 3 rifleman and blamed me for that, then he lost his whole army and went on this "gg fucking noob mate he should kill himself" and left the game, I don't really care about people saying shit like that since I've gotten used to it but the frustrating part is that he loses all of his units and then blames me for it
21 Jan 2016, 11:21 AM
avatar of The amazing Chandler

Posts: 1355

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Jan 2016, 21:36 PMhubewa

That said, there is a big problem with how money and greed tends to rule the world these days :(

Well said.
And this is because the media and the people who own them (and the world) wants us to get greedy and only caring about superficial stuff (money and useless stuff that you can buy with money) and "status" (to be good looking and popular).
The real values in life are disappearing more and more!
21 Jan 2016, 11:30 AM
avatar of Pedro_Jedi

Posts: 543

I have this experience from time to time, can't say it has become more frequent. People take the time to open steam and try to look more about me on my profile, then start calling names. If I'm facing an european, usually I'm a latino scum. If I'm facing an american, I get the negro stuff.

What botters me is how, on the information age, we seem to have worse and worse prejudice issues (we could open a whole new topic about this, but it would rather rapidly get very toxic/heavy/undesirably polarized; I'd be happy to talk about it on PM, though, so just do that if that's the case).

As Inverse said, there will be always assholes. I try to look the half-full glass and see the good folk that I met around, which is a surprisingly good number as well.

EDIT: typos, and some gramar issues
21 Jan 2016, 13:02 PM
avatar of Trubbbel

Posts: 721

So what's your fascinating point of view on this common sense

Your view is not common sense. I've played enough to have encountered both the immature people with average skill (and sometimes low skill) and immature people being highly skilled. As already mentioned there are skilled players that create smurf accounts and then trash-talk while outplaying you because that's what they like to do. Immature people with shit attitudes can be found anywhere along the ladder. Further, you classify anyone over rank 1000 a possible noob, a clearly false and condenscending remark, so guess what category of people such a remark would come from?

Since you know I'm right, you might instead feel like remarking about the high horse I'm sitting on? Have in mind that I see lots of terrible posts without starting a debate, but yours stuck out this time.

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Jan 2016, 04:47 AMInverse
I mean sure, problem is it's something that's literally never, ever, ever going to change. Threads like this are largely pointless because it always boils down to the same thing. Are there asshole? Of course. And no matter what you do, there's always going to be assholes. The answer is always going to be ignore them and go on with your life.

Complaining about a "toxic" community is such a waste of time. When someone flames they're trying to piss you off, talking it to death and bitching about the community, which you happen to be a member of, is such a terrible way to handle the situation.

Feel free to ignore all you want but don't tell others how stupid it is to react and don't belittle reactions by calling them "bitching". Or else we can stop caring about any wrongs in the world that we can't immediately fix by ourselves. That's an unhelpful attitude for sure.
21 Jan 2016, 13:23 PM
avatar of Night

Posts: 77


Your view is not common sense. I've played enough to have encountered both the immature people with average skill (and sometimes low skill) and immature people being highly skilled. As already mentioned there are skilled players that create smurf accounts and then trash-talk while outplaying you because that's what they like to do. Immature people with shit attitudes can be found anywhere along the ladder. Further, you classify anyone over rank 1000 a possible noob, a clearly false and condenscending remark, so guess what category of people such a remark would come from?

Since you know I'm right, you might instead feel like remarking about the high horse I'm sitting on? Have in mind that I see lots of terrible posts without starting a debate, but yours stuck out this time.

Feel free to ignore all you want but don't tell others how stupid it is to react and don't belittle reactions by calling them "bitching". Or else we can stop caring about any wrongs in the world that we can't immediately fix by ourselves. That's an unhelpful attitude for sure.

Wha I've seen from Inverse (posts + shoutbox) is that he thinks he knows best and tells other they are wrong.
Better to ignore the dude and move on hehe.
21 Jan 2016, 13:50 PM
avatar of hubewa

Posts: 928

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Jan 2016, 13:23 PMNight

Wha I've seen from Inverse (posts + shoutbox) is that he thinks he knows best and tells other they are wrong.
Better to ignore the dude and move on hehe.

TBH, I do respect Inverse because he is a very good CoH1 player from back then and wanted CoH2 to be great but never went that way. Usually, his opinions are very spot on.

This is probably one of the few times where I would disagree with him :P

In any case, I respect other people's point of view given that its backed up by solid evidence and arguments, even if I disagree with it.
21 Jan 2016, 13:57 PM
avatar of Night

Posts: 77

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Jan 2016, 13:50 PMhubewa

TBH, I do respect Inverse because he is a very good CoH1 player from back then and wanted CoH2 to be great but never went that way. Usually, his opinions are very spot on.

This is probably one of the few times where I would disagree with him :P

In any case, I respect other people's point of view given that its backed up by solid evidence and arguments, even if I disagree with it.

Opinions are still opinions. Let everyone have his opinion without telling they are wrong. That's why I mean.
But I'm on a gaming forum, what am I thinking ;)
21 Jan 2016, 14:37 PM
avatar of Inverse
Coder Red Badge

Posts: 1679 | Subs: 5

Call it complaining if you'd rather. Threads like this always devolve into "Don't you think this community is shit? Yeah man, this community is shit". There are rarely posts about constructive ways to address the problem, it's mostly just people venting about shitty experiences they've had.

I've played 30 or so CoH2 games in the past few weeks and not once have I experienced "toxic" behaviour, whatever that even is. Could Relic give people better tools to deal with rude individuals? Absolutely, and that's what the conversation should be about. Instead, it's always people stating the obvious: that there are shitty people in every community.

The thing is, you can look at a game like Dota 2 that has muting, reporting, communication bans, and separate queues for offensive players, and I still have experienced vastly more abusive behaviour in that game than I ever have in CoH or CoH2. You can add deterrents, but you're fighting against human psychology here. People are going to be assholes no matter what barriers you put in their ways, and the only reliable way to keep it from affecting you is to ignore it.

That's why I think it's a waste of time. Because on the one hand it's just people complaining about shitty experiences, while on the other hand there's nothing you can suggest that will reliably improve the situation. If the title of this thread was "Relic please let us mute players in-game" and the first post wasn't "12 year olds dude" it might serve some purpose. Instead it's just flamebait.
21 Jan 2016, 20:08 PM
avatar of hubewa

Posts: 928

Your point of view is very understandable.

But in order to work out whether its consistent throughout the community or its the same kind of thing, one has to ask the question first. It could be that I'm unlucky and you're lucky. It could be that what I experience in 10 you don't experience in 30. From what a lot of people are saying here though, it seems that my experience is potentially more common.

You're definitely right that most posts talking about a game being toxic can turn into a circlejerk and flamebait. However, this one for most intents and purposes didn't due to the maturity of most of the ppl on coh2.org.

Maybe what I could do is probably make an edit in the OP requesting changes that should be made to the game communitywise?

21 Jan 2016, 20:40 PM
avatar of 5trategos

Posts: 449

I remember Relic stating something back in December 2015 that "quality of life" changes were planned for the near future.

Other than that; what Inverse said. There are assholes in online gaming and it shouldn't surprise anyone. It's not getting worse, and it won't get better until we get proper tools to mitigate the problem. There's nothing you can do about it in the meantime except ignore them or get back at them through your own textual abuse and mind games.
21 Jan 2016, 21:36 PM
avatar of hubewa

Posts: 928

I remember Relic stating something back in December 2015 that "quality of life" changes were planned for the near future.

Other than that; what Inverse said. There are assholes in online gaming and it shouldn't surprise anyone. It's not getting worse, and it won't get better until we get proper tools to mitigate the problem. There's nothing you can do about it in the meantime except ignore them or get back at them through your own textual abuse and mind games.

I missed that, lets hope it includes community "quality of life" changes.

And yeah, I ignore it, but I'm concerned about current trends at the moment. Its far from the worst but I don't want to see it getting any worse.
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