I was wondering for long time about loging in to the forum and in the end this time has come. I live in northern Poland and my adventure with CoH began in 2007.
Currently, I play mostly US Forces, usually in 3v3 mode AT with mixed success around TOP 100.
In addition to playing as a hobby im also a historical reenactor. My association called "Die Freiwilligen" is engaged in reconstruction of the Waffen SS units from the period 1943-1945 with special emphasis on foreign volunteers. Our association has existed since 2010, but most of us deals with the historical reconstruction for 6-8 years now. We participate in events in Poland and abroad, every year we go in the winter in the Ardennes, we also took part in several events in Finland.
We also cooperate with collector of German ww2 military vehicles, its collection now includes 2 fully original and working Sdfkz. 251 halftracks, and in the workshop continually are working on the renovation of another vehicles,at this time StuG III G and Sdkfz. 7/2.

Hope to see you ingame