Seemingly endless warrens, fields and groves weave and envelop the farmsteads in this region. With every encounter, each battlefield seems to be completely different, making preparation increasingly difficult for the commanders who fight here. Use your wits and audacity to make this battlefied your own. Each battle will be spawned in a completely unique way, and no battlefield will ever be the same. Adapt to your surroundings, or face defeat.
Workshop Page
Backstory & The Concept
I've been playing around with this concept for a long time. I developed the first prototypes during COH1 and the approach pretty much stayed the same, until now. With the help of our very own Master Mapmaker MonolithicBacon, I've managed to take this concept to the next level & possibly create something unique and interesting.
Some time ago Asset packs were released as the continuing modding support for COH2. The interesting part about asset packs is that they can contain stamp files. Basically, stamp files are chunks of actual maps (like Angoville, Faymonville Approach, etc.). A good example of stamp usage is US and UK Forces bases. Every time a US/UK Forces base is spawned, a stamp is applied to the map.
The way the randomly generated map works:
- The map contains a predefined territory sector layout and a generic base texture
- Softborder area is randomly filled with pines, bushes, branches, and plants
- The remaining area of the map is populated with 16x16 "tiles", randomly
- At the moment, there are 4 kinds of tiles:
- Generic tiles
- Tiles with buildings
- Tiles designed for base sector (no objects obstructing building placement)
- Territory sector tiles (no cover-providing objects in the capturing circle)
- Generic tiles
- Most of the map is just randomly filled with generic and/or tiles with buildings. Each tile is also randomly rotated either 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
- Building tile spawning is not limited at the moment, which may result in unbalanced maps. This will be sorted out in the future.
- The map atmosphere setting is randomly chosen from the 6 (currently) available presets:
- Autumn
- Summer
- Morning
- Midday
- Night
- Rain
- Autumn
- Randomly generate a map to increase replay value
- Maintain both balance and variety at the same time
- Maintain high artistical/graphical quality
- Maintain compatability with other mods
- Possibly see a randomly generated map being used as a tournament map one day
Known Issues
- At the moment, several features are not carried over with stamps from WorldBuilder to in-game:
- Grass
- Water
- Terrain height
- Object Splines
- Grass
- I'm hoping to see these issues being fixed at some point in the future.
Example results
The map plays exactly like a regular map. Ambient buildings are marked on the minimap and even an AI Player knows what to do.
Example screenshots of randomly generated map:
Example screenshots of randomly selected atmosphere setting:
- Documentation
- How to create your own tiles
- How to create your own randomly generated maps
- How to create your own tiles
- Limited spawning of tiles with buildings to ensure balanced maps
- Winter tiles
- More tiles with hedgerows and dense groves
- More base sector tiles
- More territory sector tiles
- Possibly, once Relic has fixed the issues/implemented the missing support:
- Tiles with water
Workshop Page