today it's not about who is da real Slim Shady, so no need to stand up

What's your opinion, who is da real Jeanne d'Arc of .org and / or of the CoH2 streamers.
HelpingHans: Brave hero on the fields, gentleman in the sheets, never skips a fight, endless carrying but in the end

VonKluge: The name already sounds a bit french if pronounced correctly, he joins every battle (task) in order to improve the community and the game.
VonIvan: imperturbable believer in the

AmiPolizeiFunk: charismatic leader being able to gather the masses battle after battle (tournament) leading the crowd with his DINGDING

Cruzzi: guarding light of the community, leading the people through his infinite knowledge of each and every unit on the fields, knows every strenght and weakness of both his allies and the opponents
Jason Lee and Kyle: together as one they seem to be send from GOD, the eagerly awaited prophet to turn the tide, leading the people out of the

CaptainSPrice: creator of odd and exceptional tactics, hated by both, the surrendering enemy but also his own civilian component leading to accusations of sorcery
pussyking/mycalliope: unshakable fighter against OPness of any kind, agitator of his die hard beliefs
Feel free to suggest further mighty nominees and don't forget to state why their acting is in the spirit of Jeanne d'arc.