
russian armor


20 Aug 2015, 17:49 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

Im playing all factions and im mediocre player (look at my playercard) but i cant get familiar with ostheer.
They look so diferent over all factions. Can somebody give me some advices how to play ostheer ?

21 Aug 2015, 12:24 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Im playing all factions and im mediocre player (look at my playercard) but i cant get familiar with ostheer.
They look so diferent over all factions. Can somebody give me some advices how to play ostheer ?

Ostheer looks different because it's the only faction which is designed normally :foreveralone:

Most important part of Ostheer is that, you cannot be too aggressive in early game.
You have best long-range infantry, best HMG, best AT gun and best mortar for a reason.
And the reason is to hold the line until you get something what can break enemy's line like Ostwind, Pz4, Stug E etc.

During first 10-15mins it's rather defensive battle for Ostheer without huge pushes here and there but once early game turns into mid, it's getting better for Ostheer.

As for the strats, there are plenty.
You can try Osttruppen with HMG, HMG+Grens, heavy Grens, AssaultGrens+HMG, Sniper+HMG etc... Whatever suits you most. Consider also map you are playing at cause some strats powerful on Minsk, can be very shitty on Trois-Ponts.

But overall, just wait until mid game and then push enemy back.

21 Aug 2015, 12:44 PM
avatar of Corsin

Posts: 600

To add to that ^

Dont forget to rush a Pak and maybe place a Tellermine in a sweet spot before the m5 comes and rapes you.
21 Aug 2015, 13:08 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 830

Ostheer looks different because it's the only faction which is designed normally :foreveralone:

Most important part of Ostheer is that, you cannot be too aggressive in early game.
You have best long-range infantry, best HMG, best AT gun and best mortar for a reason.
And the reason is to hold the line until you get something what can break enemy's line like Ostwind, Pz4, Stug E etc.

During first 10-15mins it's rather defensive battle for Ostheer without huge pushes here and there but once early game turns into mid, it's getting better for Ostheer.

As for the strats, there are plenty.
You can try Osttruppen with HMG, HMG+Grens, heavy Grens, AssaultGrens+HMG, Sniper+HMG etc... Whatever suits you most. Consider also map you are playing at cause some strats powerful on Minsk, can be very shitty on Trois-Ponts.

But overall, just wait until mid game and then push enemy back.

Best mortar?

"Dina's lips frooze to the tube!"
21 Aug 2015, 14:17 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Best mortar?

"Dina's lips frooze to the tube!"

Yup, best mortar. Any reason you think different? I'd gladly listen.
21 Aug 2015, 16:26 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

And what is better to make with hmg ? have it behind you tropps and make it to work with infantry or use it to lock down some part of map and make infantry to work for mg ?

Also what are best ostheer doctrines except mobile defence (whtich really suits me - ostruppen good gun maners and fast reinforcemnt , puma rape vehicles and command panzer infantry)

And how to counter agressive maxim play with fast m5 rush folloved by suchkas and is2 ?
And last think. i know its really bad to hear , but how to micro at gun ?

THx for all tips. Your all great guys
21 Aug 2015, 16:42 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 830

Yup, best mortar. Any reason you think different? I'd gladly listen.

Uhm it has 4 men vs the 6 men squad of the Soviets, the soviet one has way better survivability. Further more, I find the Soviet mortars to hit their targets with more lethal purpose than the German one. Soviet mortars seem to kill a model quicker than a German mortar does.

I agree with the HMG and the Infantry, although Grens are very fragile, but best mortar, nah not by a long shot.
21 Aug 2015, 16:49 PM
avatar of Ramps

Posts: 99

Hey OP, as for the microing at gun you a-move (attack move) from point a to point b, point b should be behind your main infantry, unless you are pushing, that being said, your at will stand idle until a vehicle comes in its line of sight (remember to toggle vehicles only), and you would like to lay a teller protecting your flank. I recommend a mid distance behind you grens, bunkers, mg42. I dunno if that helps with your question about micro.

21 Aug 2015, 16:56 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 830

And what is better to make with hmg ? have it behind you tropps and make it to work with infantry or use it to lock down some part of map and make infantry to work for mg ?

If you use it to lock down a certain part of the map, it will become very obvious for your enemy to just barrage it with a mortar or an su76 or a field gun and USF will always smoke it. It is better to have your mg support your infantry, so move it along with your lines. It doesn't hurt to defend a certain point with an mg, just make sure you move it from time to time so it's position doesn't become to obvious.

Also what are best ostheer doctrines except mobile defence (whtich really suits me - ostruppen good gun maners and fast reinforcemnt , puma rape vehicles and command panzer infantry)

Mobile defense is a nice doctrine, but to be honest, I only choose it for the faster puma. Other than that, Ostheer has anything you want. You have a good MG, good base line infantry, good infantry that can get a shreck, good at gun, a now good tankdestroyer (stug 3), a great medium tanks (p4) and your tier 4 Panther. You don't need much else than that.

Focus more on your Ostheer play itself and less on the doctrines. Doctrines usually tie people down into thinking only with their doctrinal units, this is in my opinion wrong because Ostheer is the only faction that has a good design and can utilize so many units that are effective (apart from light vehicles, that is just a joke).

And how to counter agressive maxim play with fast m5 rush folloved by suchkas and is2 ?

This is tricky, mobile defense can be a solution. But more than not, you just need to get a quick pak40. Maxim spam can be a nuisance, but it can be countered by mortars and snipers, both of which you can get early in the game. By the time the M5 quad comes around, you should have had enough munitions to get at least 2 to 3 tellers, put them at some good choke points (vehicles usually choose a road due to their ai). If it doesn't hit the teller, you can have your pak or paks ( usually it is better to have two if you want to kill a damned m5) cover a specific area in which you have your hardpoint, or most of your units, it will most likely pop up there again.
You can also harass his fuel and have your paks move up with you, just wait for it to pop up and kill it.Have your paks cover each other, so one a bit more back. Work the paks in teams, usually works best.

And last think. i know its really bad to hear , but how to micro at gun ?

Not bad at all, tricky again. I always get two of them, and thus: Have your paks cover each other, so one a bit more back. Work the paks in teams, usually works best.
Always have the pak a bit to the back and make sure that it isn't hampered by any blockers, so it can escape when the situation needs it. Always try to reverse it, it will get away quicker and might make it in a dire situation.

Toggle the prioritize vehicles, so it won't shoot infantry. Don't forget to use target weak point at vet 1. If you use this ability, you need to retoggle the prioritize vehicle button, since a bug disables it after using the target weak point ability.
21 Aug 2015, 16:56 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

Uhm it has 4 men vs the 6 men squad of the Soviets, the soviet one has way better survivability. Further more, I find the Soviet mortars to hit their targets with more lethal purpose than the German one. Soviet mortars seem to kill a model quicker than a German mortar does.

I agree with the HMG and the Infantry, although Grens are very fragile, but best mortar, nah not by a long shot.

Explain me, how SU mortarts kill models quicker if they are shooting 3x slower?
And 4/6men crew means nothing in fact cause mortar should be kept behind your forces.

GrW is best mortar in game currently and no one can deny it.
21 Aug 2015, 16:56 PM
avatar of Don'tKnow

Posts: 225 | Subs: 1

At-gun placement: predict where the enemy will send his light vehicles ,mostly to a capping squad,squads further away from your main force
Ost-mortar best mortar why ? - has 3! times the Rof but a bit less accurate
HMGs depending on circumstances use it defensively, can also be used for assaults but also then rather defensively.

21 Aug 2015, 17:03 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 830

Explain me, how SU mortarts kill models quicker if they are shooting 3x slower?
And 4/6men crew means nothing in fact cause mortar should be kept behind your forces.

GrW is best mortar in game currently and no one can deny it.

If they hit more often, they kill models quicker. Yes yes, but if your lines get overrun, or you use your mortar more aggressively, 4 men will die quicker than 6 men. Your argument of 'oh it should be behind your lines anyway' doesn't justify that 4 men will die quicker than 6 men if equal fire power is peppering them.

How can no one deny that GrW is not the best mortar? I haven't seen you post one fact about it, so why should I agree with you right away?

Again, like I said, I never get the lucky squad wipes with the GrW like I get them with a Soviet mortar. Wait, maybe it has to do with the fact that the Soviet mortar fires at 4 men ostheer squads? Oh wait, that doesn't matter, 4 men are equal to 6 men right :foreveralone:
21 Aug 2015, 17:30 PM
avatar of CptEend
Patrion 14

Posts: 369

Oh god, the 4 models vs 6 models discussion again. An Ostheer squad generally does 1.5 times the DPS of its Soviet counterpart because of the difference in squad sizes. 4 men Ost squads don't die faster than 6 men Soviet squads.

You'd only have a point with AoE damage, if it weren't for the fact that models in Soviet squads seem to be so busy hugging eachother that even a rifle nade can be enough to wipe those squads :foreveralone:

(Correct me if I'm wrong, I just started playing again after a break of 6 months, but I'm pretty sure that everything I said was right at that time, and I doubt Relic changed that)
21 Aug 2015, 17:30 PM
avatar of Don'tKnow

Posts: 225 | Subs: 1

If they hit more often, they kill models quicker. Yes yes, but if your lines get overrun, or you use your mortar more aggressively, 4 men will die quicker than 6 men. Your argument of 'oh it should be behind your lines anyway' doesn't justify that 4 men will die quicker than 6 men if equal fire power is peppering them.

How can no one deny that GrW is not the best mortar? I haven't seen you post one fact about it, so why should I agree with you right away?

Again, like I said, I never get the lucky squad wipes with the GrW like I get them with a Soviet mortar. Wait, maybe it has to do with the fact that the Soviet mortar fires at 4 men ostheer squads? Oh wait, that doesn't matter, 4 men are equal to 6 men right :foreveralone:

Totally wrong,more scatter and faster rate of fire is essential when attacking mobile armies.

When standing still,which is usually the case as axis you will get more squad wipes.A smart axis player will just always move a bit and he wont get a single squad wipe.

Squads wipes are not particular more often than with the SOV-mortar but it will pay off a lot faster in terms of mp.
21 Aug 2015, 17:39 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

If they hit more often, they kill models quicker. Yes yes, but if your lines get overrun, or you use your mortar more aggressively, 4 men will die quicker than 6 men. Your argument of 'oh it should be behind your lines anyway' doesn't justify that 4 men will die quicker than 6 men if equal fire power is peppering them.

How can no one deny that GrW is not the best mortar? I haven't seen you post one fact about it, so why should I agree with you right away?

Again, like I said, I never get the lucky squad wipes with the GrW like I get them with a Soviet mortar. Wait, maybe it has to do with the fact that the Soviet mortar fires at 4 men ostheer squads? Oh wait, that doesn't matter, 4 men are equal to 6 men right :foreveralone:

I understand you have troubles with getting things straight but let me help you.

80 damage, 25 damage at radius 2, 12.9 seconds per shot, 10 angle 10 max 0.1 distance scatter
80 damage, 28 damage at radius 2, 6.9 seconds per shot, 10 angle 8 max 0.08 distance scatter

Tell me, which one is mighty 120mm and which one is GrW?

PS I did not know that crew number means something in terms efficiency :luvDerp:
PS 2 Simply retreat your mortar
21 Aug 2015, 17:55 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

Please guys dont discuss about mortar this is not discusion made for mortars but for ostheer overall (and i dont see ostheer gets onl granatenwerfer)
21 Aug 2015, 18:01 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

This is my latest ostheer game and i was content with myself.

That chat at begining was made becuase of first game whitch we played at this map and at same locations (note it is automach , just pure luck and lack of playerbbase)

I made mobile defence because i needed puma.

There were some squadwipes even sniper die whitch are mine biggest mistakes.

Also i didnt placed teller becuase of minesweeper and lmg upgrades.

Can you please look at this replay and review it and give me some response and overall what i did wrong and good + some hints when you can see my play.

Again guys thx for hints , im getting more and more into ostheer . But what i find is big mp dependence i literaly never had mp for what i needed.

21 Aug 2015, 18:53 PM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

This is my latest ostheer game and i was content with myself.

That chat at begining was made becuase of first game whitch we played at this map and at same locations (note it is automach , just pure luck and lack of playerbbase)

I made mobile defence because i needed puma.

There were some squadwipes even sniper die whitch are mine biggest mistakes.

Also i didnt placed teller becuase of minesweeper and lmg upgrades.

Can you please look at this replay and review it and give me some response and overall what i did wrong and good + some hints when you can see my play.

Again guys thx for hints , im getting more and more into ostheer . But what i find is big mp dependence i literaly never had mp for what i needed.

I'm not 1v1 player (2v2) so I don't think I should help you with this.
You must wait for some 1v1 guy :)
21 Aug 2015, 19:06 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 830

I understand you have troubles with getting things straight but let me help you.

80 damage, 25 damage at radius 2, 12.9 seconds per shot, 10 angle 10 max 0.1 distance scatter
80 damage, 28 damage at radius 2, 6.9 seconds per shot, 10 angle 8 max 0.08 distance scatter

Tell me, which one is mighty 120mm and which one is GrW?

PS I did not know that crew number means something in terms efficiency :luvDerp:
PS 2 Simply retreat your mortar

Thank you! Great reply. Still I find Soviet mortars to wipe more consistently.

to your PS2, retreating your mortar still won't make 4 men turn into 6 men :luvDerp:
22 Aug 2015, 13:22 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

Will somebody please review my game ?
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