story time bitches.

once upon a time i was trolling round YouTube looking at music you know nothing much then. I stumbled upon a video of a song that I thought was pretty good so i went to his channel to see more(teknoaxe's) stuff channel and i was all...
a few songs later id read somthing about free and shortly there after i found a website in which I then proceeded to...
why you ask well... wait a minute why bother telling you when site's intro to site says it all.
Welcome! This site is a database of Royalty Free Music produced by TeknoAXE. Any individual or entity that wishes to use the music hosted on this site, commercial or non-commercial, may do so without fear of being DMCA'd or Content I.D. matched.
there is quite a bit of music all made by teknoaxe in a variety of genres. some even have some lyrics. best part is you don't even have to give the poor guy credit.
The End...
boy that was a mouthful, so much longer than my English Final exam i wrote up earlier.

ps: when i first wrote this i read it and i really sounded just like a bot way to much like a bot i fixed that i hoped.
pss: I couldn't figure out where to put this so against probably better judgement i put in coh2 since it was for making coh2 vids and for streams.