So as many of you probably feel, it was a huge relief when Relic finally nerfed the ISU-152 by giving its gun switchable ammunition like the Sherman. Previously you'd lose infantry and tanks alike in chasing it down, with no real input required by the player that owned it. This was especially the case when several were on the field.
The only thing that bugs me about the change is that it's deeply unsatisfying when the giant HE shells do absolutely nothing to enemy tanks. Obviously that was largely the point, but unlike the Sherman where the shell size is small enough that it makes sense for nothing to happen, the ISU-152 is such a powerful unit that you expect something to happen. I was personally thinking at least some minor damage, if not a very high rate of temporary crits like crew shock (and maybe a small number of special damage crits that require repair). The change of shell takes long enough that you'd still have a chance to escape most of the time.
Now that heavy call-ins have been restricted to one at a time, I feel like this unit has been further nerfed indirectly, and I'm curious as to how you would feel about buffing it somewhat again, either by the above suggestion, or simply restoring it to its historical role of one amazing HE/armour-piercing round, but perhaps with slower reload that actually reflects the weight of such a shell (something like a lighter but long-range version of the sturmtiger).
Edit: I've since had a match with one, and honestly its squad-wiping capability is striking me as well worth the investment alone