Tank You For Being A Fan

For the past year, I have proudly bled black and yellow as a dedicated Relican and representative of the Company of Heroes brand. I’ve had some amazing experiences, gained a new ‘family’ in the form of my wonderful co-workers, and never thought I’d be leaving so soon!
It’s difficult to say this, but I’m gonna have to rip the band aid off: July 14th will be my last day here at Relic.
I’m thankful to have worked with such amazing people, and with a community that has so much to give. During my time here at Relic, I’ve come to know you all on different levels. The casters that take their time to share our game with wider audiences, the hardcore players that stay up late every night to perfect their strategy, and the new players that come in eager to learn. I’d also never want to skip over our volunteer moderator team, who have fearlessly helped to keep our forums in check when we knew they were gonna require some extra attention.
It will be difficult to do so, but it’s time for me to let someone else take the reins of the Company of Heroes community. Stay tuned for more info on this! The COH2 team is hard at work for you, our players, and I will be cheering them on from the sidelines. It will be strange to watch all of the excitement with the new faction go down as an outsider. You can never truly leave Company of Heroes, and I may or may not try my hand at creating some decals and faceplates in the near future. When I’ll need help and guidance as a beginner mod, I know this community is gonna be exceptionally helpful.
I’ve had the opportunity to run around and amass some truly unique experiences that I feel lucky to have under my belt. It’s hard to decide on a favorite experience – shooting guns in London with Craig and Will for Make War Not Love, taking on the ice bucket challenge with Jefferey aka Noun, or working with amazing charity partners such as the AbleGamers Foundation and Operation Supply Drop. I’ll miss my team, the community, being a part of this wonderful #SegaFamily, and consuming delicious desert donuts every Friday.
Thank you to all of the Company of Heroes community members I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with. Keep calm, and COH2 on!
Be good to each other, folks

Cynthia Griffiths