Feature List
More realistic damage system.
New units and vehicles for all armies.
Giant commander trees. (16 upgrades)
32 different commander trees.
6 different battlefronts - Africa, Italy, Normandy, Holland, Scheldt, Germany.
Different commander trees and units for each battlefront.
Many new abilities
New skins for all units.
Extended range system. The stationary vehicles increases their range.
100% compatible with single player campaings.
New coop missions.
New game modes:
Annihilate with PoW
Annihilate with different population cap
Infantry combat
Infantry combat with victoy points
Infantry combat with PoW
Tank wars
Tankwars with victory points
Quick Start
Quick Start with Vic. Points
Annihilate with ATC
Removed transparency effects
Historical accuracy improved
New sounds and fx effects
Increased zoom out
New veterancy system for british troops
New vet symbols